Questions for Americans - From Africa with love

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Thank you silk, yes She's a melting pot which by itself is significant. The world should look to Her for what's about to come - I couldn't exactly say America will go down. - probably just punished sorry.

And you know what Silk, I kinda think the bible scholars, the prophetic ones tend to agree on a events as they are currently unfolding.

I go by their agreement, as crude as that may be -as a basis for my inference. They have probably read the bible in its entirety 100 times or it least many times. So they become an authority cause now they know what they are talking about.

I think of how they say the EU or European Union is referred to in revelations, not sure as one of the horns on the beast or something. You know how all is leading to that 666 mark that u need to transact.

Then when u add the advent of the micro chip technology and how eerily those bar codes have 666 binary numbers or whatever imbedded in them - then u begin to ask and think hmm something's up.

With America I am not there yet where I can categorically and biblically prove her status prophetically - hence I concede being wrong. One thing I think though, She is important biblically, just can't articulate it
This is dated information now and probably slightly off topic but when I was in UK, they were advocating for kids to be fitted with microchips cause they can be tracked if u can't find them

Then you hear of how the plan is to put all possible information on this minute microchip so that in a flash, your medical history, debt history, marital status, bank details and your account balances and possibly whatever is loaded on this chip which is justifiably cheap enough cause it costs less tha 1 US Dollar as at plus minus 10 years ago - in a flash they could access everything about you.

I can kind of see why all governments would think this is a great idea.
It will be probaly something like thos new apple wristwatches...since everything on your smartphone now. Thats on the hand.

Then for the eyes you know how google glasses were invented. It will be something like that.

Anyway. Im not taking any mark...No way! Id rather die and be with Jesus than take it, live, and go directly marked for hell.
I thought america was involved with mystery babylon. Thats my take. She feeds off all the oil and riches..a wealthy kingdom. Even though she doesnt claim to be a kingdom...but a queendom i suppose. The harlot riding the beast. Not just america but all whomare made wealthy by her almighty dollar, mammon. Merchants, oil barons, world trade.
I thought america was involved with mystery babylon. Thats my take. She feeds off all the oil and riches..a wealthy kingdom. Even though she doesnt claim to be a kingdom...but a queendom i suppose. The harlot riding the beast. Not just america but all whomare made wealthy by her almighty dollar, mammon. Merchants, oil barons, world trade.

I can see the hate that you have for America in each of your posts regarding my country.
Intersesting you call america a melting pot. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
The only real melting pot is hell. Those who believe are saved alive, eternally, those who dont, will perish. Its like the fiery furnace.
America, esp california, is perched right on the edge of the pacific rim. Theres no further place west you can go there except alaska and hawaii.

If i recall, the center of all that is lies and deceit is a place called hollywood. But there are other hotbeds of occult activity in cities. I know cos they infiltrate govts. That is mystery babylon.
The pacific rim is the edge of what is known as the ring of volcanoes and earthquakes. I wouldnt be surprised if california fell into the sea. Theres a fault line running straight through.
There is a nickname for californians. Californication.
Las vegas is known as sin city.
Sedona is the center of new age cults.
Seattle, the home of 'grunge' music and alternative greenie subcultures.
Hollywood, of course, movie 'stars' and liars (actors and actresses)
Amongst other things.
New Orleans, already seems to have had its judgment day. Center of voodoo.
Ok you got me on this scary line of thought. Remember the cold war US had with Russia? Everyone was worried the world was gonna blow up cos of the nuclear bomb. Well they have been testing these things in the Pacific ocean...esp around French Polynesia.
They do also tests somewhere in america around roswell or texas or some dry arid place nobody goes to. It's all about keeping ppl in line, if nobody bows down to america, they can threaten to blow everything up.
sorry, what is CERN?

CERN is the European particle accelerator. It's Large Hadron Collider is supposed to rip a hole in Space-Time, allowing aliens (demons) to pass through to our side. The purpose is to gain as much technical knowledge the demons can provide: about how to build even more destructive devices. The demons have access to all human knowledge from the beginning. But they will exact a high price for that knowledge. It says in Daniel, there will be a time when knowledge is abundant: we are living in that time right now.
Intersesting you call america a melting pot. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
The only real melting pot is hell. Those who believe are saved alive, eternally, those who dont, will perish. Its like the fiery furnace.

For me it's a good. My country is also pretty diverse and it makes for a pretty landscape racially. I like it for that.

Only thing that guts me are the Chinese who I feel are vying for our diamonds and precious resources. I don't mind people coming over but when you see bus after bus load of them and how they start buying up houses in exclusive neighborhoods and employing my people at tacky wage rates then I am miffed.

I know the fault is with our own selves - we let this happen, our government did. But who knows why I am in my country at such a time as this? Needed to vent.
No idea.
Your diamonds?
Your people?

If you not a citizen of heaven i dont know why you judging people based on race, ethnicity or nationality. There is no greek nor jew, but we believers are all one in christ.

Politics as such is completely irrelevant to the kingdom of heaven.
Leave such posturings and concerns to casear, the world etc.

Christians ought to see beyond those things.
No idea.
Your diamonds?
Your people?

If you not a citizen of heaven i dont know why you judging people based on race, ethnicity or nationality. There is no greek nor jew, but we believers are all one in christ.

Politics as such is completely irrelevant to the kingdom of heaven.
Leave such posturings and concerns to casear, the world etc.

Christians ought to see beyond those things.

If you are so heavenly minded that you can't live in the now and tackle problems in the now then I don't know Lanolin.

Now me, I know I am not in heaven yet. So until such time I will continue to work, do business and do what it takes to my my country free from abusers. Especially financially.

This has NOTHING to do with race.
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