I go for truth, every time...because my faith is based on it. Whether I like the answers or not. I have learned, the hard way, that scripture is the truth. Do I think good people are getting the truth out? Of course I do. But I filter all words, now, to test all messages, thru scripture. And all my scriptures agree or I cast it out as wrong. You have not shown my words wrong or false. If I am wrong....unlike others I have seen, I want to know. I take no pride in being right or shame in being wrong. Because I don't know everything. Every once in awhile, I catch a microscopic thread, of a part of God's great design and I am over the moon with awe. It is a tapestry so complex and intertwined that no human can comprehend it. I don't remember a time when I didn't believe in God/Christ. My faith has literally saved me in hundreds of bad choices. I establish my truths for myself - doing the homework needed to find answers. And I find them in surprising places with the filter of the Holy Spirit. It's all grace in the end, and not "my" works. I follow Christ, not people who want something only for themselves while posturing that they are at God's side. There's a huge part of me that hopes and prays that all will be saved, that the gate is not narrow. That's not what scripture says, tho. Ultimately, we have to decide individually what the truth of scripture is.