Relax......Its just God doing it again.

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I don't know....let's take a look at the new testament example; how did Jesus and the apostles live? What was their lifestyle like when it came to material things? We cannot see any of them living the luxurious extravagant lifestyle that you see some of these big TV preachers living.
Now, I realize that God blessed many of his greatest servants and Israel as whole with much material wealth in the Old Testament, and this is often used as "proof" that God wants to shower this type of material blessings on all of us today. That it is good and proper to live luxuriously because it is God's sign of "favour" and that it shows appreciation for what God has blessed us with. BUT, this was the old testament way, it is clearly stated and promised throughout the old testament that God would bless His people with abundant material possessions in if they were obedient and faithful to Him. This is not stated or promised to us in this lifetime in the new testament. I know some people like to use some verses in the new testament to support the idea of promised material wealth but the verses that are often quoted are either misunderstood or taken out of context. We need to understand the bible as a whole and see that some of the ways that God deals with His people have changed.

There is nothing wrong with money, or having it.
But the purpose of money in a Christians life, is as you are suggesting..
We are to be a "flow through", and not a "stockpile".
And regarding Mega Churches, or huge TV ministries...... Im all for large crowds and huge industrial complexes and private jets, as long at the pastor is preaching the Gospel and not some watered down messages that only tickles the flesh with ideas of prosperity and self love.
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