That my friend is exactly the conclusion of Dr. Charles Hinson in his Commentary on the Bible states. I can not argue with it nor would I do so. I was blessed to sit under him at Liberty and he is a wonderful Bible scolar, and he may be correct.
I just as everyone else have my own thoughts and when I consider Matt.24:5..............."Many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and shall deceive many".........
It says to me that the A/C and False Prophet will come upon this distrought world with their humanistic tricks and deceive the world.
Here I think we need to note something that may go to answer Mistmanns's comments that the 4 riders are the Four Spirit's of God. We should carefully note that the Lamb must open the seals and it is his servants, the four living creatures from God's throne, who beckon the riders and their horses to, "Come!" IF they were the riders...would they "beckon the riders to "COME".???? (6:1, 3, 5, 7).
Now IMO that pretty much rules them out as the actual riders themselves, but that is just me. This implies that it is God who is Lord of history and man's activities.
The fact one knows when it comes to eschotology and all we can do is put together the best information we can get from the total of the Word.
In case anybody is wondering where Major is MISREPRESENTING my views from it is from a post I recently made on the Rev 17 thread. If anybody wants to know what I REALLY said I suggest they read my actual post on the Rev 17 thread. I might mention also that the matter of who beckoned the riders has only just been raised by Major on the Rev 17 thread at the same time he is over here misrepresenting my views. I plan to address the issue shortly on THAT thread and suggest anybody who wants to check it out are free to follow the Rev 17 thread. But for now I have to go and do a couple of things in the real world.
Regards Misty.