Previously we have been shown Christ executing the judgments upon the rebellious – the 7 trumpet judgments. Next we see Christ Mediating between God & man in full authority.
Christ the Messenger of the Covenant.
`I saw still another mighty angel (messenger) coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, & his feet were pillars of fire. (Rev. 10: 1)
God gives us great detail & picturesque language so we can understand spiritual things. The `rainbow on his head,` clearly shows that this is Christ, the one on the throne with the rainbow overhead. This represents the covenant that God promised to Israel that He would provide for them a way back to Himself.
His `face, like the sun,` shows that Christ reflects the glory of God in doing this wonderful work of Mediation. Then His feet were ` as pillars of fire,` representing the refining & judging work Christ is about to do in relation to the Covenant.
`He had a little book in His hand.`(Rev. 10: 2)
This `little book,` refers to those people in Israel who turn to the Lord in the tribulation. The prophet Daniel was given details of this by the angel Michael.
`there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found in the book.` (Dan. 12: 1 & 2)
This tells us which people, - Israel, & which particular time it will happen, - in the tribulation. The prophet Malachi also tells of this book with the names of those who turn again to God in the time of `the day of His coming.` (Mal. 3: 2)
` So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord & meditate on His name.` (Mal. 3: 16)
Christ the Messenger of the Covenant.
`I saw still another mighty angel (messenger) coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, & his feet were pillars of fire. (Rev. 10: 1)
God gives us great detail & picturesque language so we can understand spiritual things. The `rainbow on his head,` clearly shows that this is Christ, the one on the throne with the rainbow overhead. This represents the covenant that God promised to Israel that He would provide for them a way back to Himself.
His `face, like the sun,` shows that Christ reflects the glory of God in doing this wonderful work of Mediation. Then His feet were ` as pillars of fire,` representing the refining & judging work Christ is about to do in relation to the Covenant.
`He had a little book in His hand.`(Rev. 10: 2)
This `little book,` refers to those people in Israel who turn to the Lord in the tribulation. The prophet Daniel was given details of this by the angel Michael.
`there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found in the book.` (Dan. 12: 1 & 2)
This tells us which people, - Israel, & which particular time it will happen, - in the tribulation. The prophet Malachi also tells of this book with the names of those who turn again to God in the time of `the day of His coming.` (Mal. 3: 2)
` So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord & meditate on His name.` (Mal. 3: 16)