
I'm sure God can see every molecule and atom and knows that within those atoms that unseen faith is holding it all together.

I kind of think gravity is something that you cannot see but know is there. Now God can easily turn the gravity on or off. That's how I think the dead will rise...cos with the holy spirit in our bones...we will naturally be attracted or repelled from the earth.

I have spent some time pondering the science of it all. Not the science falsely called but the evidence all around. It's pretty cool to think about stuff like this.

Also..healing leaves from trees. I'm pretty sure he was talking bout tea. Tea is incredibly healing and soothing. Tea from tea trees cures all ills. Esp good if it's green tea.
yea I don't get why some christians seems so opposed to science. Just cos some scientists have weird beliefs doesn't mean we can't learn more about God's creation.

For example, I posted in another forum about healing trees, cos in the Bible God said there were trees for healing. I wanted to investigate this.
Then another guy tried to shut down discussion on this thread cos he thought I was being pagan. Apparently he was a druid or something. But really, why does his former nature worship beliefs interfere with my wanting to know about God's creation and trees in the Bible?

Anyway. I hope he's ok but christians shouldn't be opposed to learning how God created things or appreciating what he created. As long as we give thanks to our creator.
OK Lanolin let's not tell lies on this forum. I'm the guy you are talking about and I never tried to shut your thread down. You asked why no one posted on that thread and I told you why I wasn't due to my past. It is that simple.
"Miracles" are simply the manifested power of faith by which Peter did it too, until he doubted and sank. Faith is the "goo" that makes the unseen visible.

A pastor once told me that if you can see the hand of God ( meaning that you can grasp how something is done ), you rejoice in God's providence. If you can't you rejoice in the miracle. From God's point of view, there is no difference. The only real difference is how much you comprehend.
A pastor once told me that if you can see the hand of God ( meaning that you can grasp how something is done ), you rejoice in God's providence. If you can't you rejoice in the miracle. From God's point of view, there is no difference. The only real difference is how much you comprehend.
It's all the same :)
I like the explanation of the parting of the red sea.
That is so cool, that God can do that. (Blowing on the sea to create a pathway...on the hidden land ridge)

With Jesus walking on water, I kind of think he just knew where to walk, there was probably a ridge just where he was underneath the sea. Peter could do it too when he saw Jesus and went out to meet him, but problem was he looked down. He saw he was on the water and all the waves around him and forgot to trust and walk straight.

Water into wine Im not sure..but Im sure Jesus had a process that winemakers use today but speeded up the process. Multiplying loaves and fishes? Jesus could do maths. Maybe one day we can learn that too, but women have been making meals from practically nothing for a long time. Jesus just did that on a bigger scale.

Healing miracles?,Jesus had all the power in his hands to make those moleculesand those cells he said, faith of mustard seed. That same faith can move mountains if you can combine it.

Nowadays we can speak and tell google what to look for. When we speak out in faith things surely do happen, as God made things with innate intelligence in them, so they will do what he commands.
You just have to be careful.. Extremely careful! You are trying to fit the miracles into laws of nature.. God is not limited to laws of nature.. He is above that.. That is what separates out the miracles we see in Bible.. 10 plagues in Egypt.. If it was confined to laws of nature, how come Israel was not affected by the plagues?

Trying to fit miracles into laws of nature is dangerous.. Atheists do the same thing.. As you keep on going, you would end up with creation.. Instead of thinking that everything came into existence by a spoken Word, we come up with theories like big bang.. And ultimately, we don't need God to explain anything.. God defined laws of nature and He is above the laws of nature.. We cannot say God would always operate within the laws of nature..
yea I don't get why some christians seems so opposed to science. Just cos some scientists have weird beliefs doesn't mean we can't learn more about God's creation.

For example, I posted in another forum about healing trees, cos in the Bible God said there were trees for healing. I wanted to investigate this.
Then another guy tried to shut down discussion on this thread cos he thought I was being pagan. Apparently he was a druid or something. But really, why does his former nature worship beliefs interfere with my wanting to know about God's creation and trees in the Bible?

Anyway. I hope he's ok but christians shouldn't be opposed to learning how God created things or appreciating what he created. As long as we give thanks to our creator.
I don't think believers and science are at odds for the silly things.. It all boils down to this.. Does God exist or not? There are scientists who are believers as well.. Those are exceptions.. The point is, science and Christian faith would always be at odds when it comes to existence of God..
The point is (was) that an infinite God can do marvelous things without violating His laws of nature. It also doesn’t reduce His miracles to magic tricks, or Moses’ staff to a magic wand.
I think the whole point of miracles was to show to the world that God is above laws of nature..
Um no.
God made everything according to his Word and theres no such thing as laws of nature as if it were something He did not create. So you got a red herring there.

You know all that space dust? Thats the stuff God used to create us. We can certainly study it and attribute everything in creation ultimately to God. We just need to be aware that stuff happened like the fall and thats why everything is not perfect and as should be right now.
The flood had such a big impact on our planet and you can see the evidence of floodwater...the seas...and how earth tipped on its axis.
A lot of evolutionary theory is just pure pseudoscience. Nothing to do with real science. The origins are clearly written down in his book.
We just need to study it with his Word, not without. The original scientists did this. All those botanists. And exploreres were christian men who wanted to find out about creation.
Big bang is just a theory. Us christians know what really happened, so when agnostics try and describe the point of creation they come up with silly ideas like that.
10 plagues are easily explained using Gods word. They really happened, so theres no point debating it as if it didnt.
Also theres evidence of the parting of the red sea, and even anchor stones of Pauls boat found right where the bible said they got shipwrecked.

Noahs ark and ark of covenant been found. And mt sinai is not where the tourist people claim it is, its in arabia, where the bible says it is.
Big bang is just a theory. Us christians know what really happened, so when agnostics try and describe the point of creation they come up with silly ideas like that.
Aren't we really falling into the trap trying to explain miracles? Us Christians should very well know Jesus walked on water.. And nothing else!
To say there are no laws of nature would be the same to say there are no laws of physics.. which there are

There are physical parameters that God set that allow things to happen, based on things of this world (or universe) such as the conservation of mass, energy, gravity etc.. If there were no laws of nature/physics then every miracle could be ignored and put away as a random coincidence because there are no limitations to begin with.

As far as science goes, I like how Ken Ham puts it. There is observable science that we can test, and see results here and now, and there is historical science. To deny observable science would be foolish. But to declare historical science as fact with no solid proof would be just as foolish.
The Bible was written down, that's history. there's no such thing as historical science, because we cannot time travel and go back to the beginning. But there's plenty of historical evidence for all what happened in the Bible.
so..not sure what everyone's problem is.
A baby is a miracle.
Yet we also can figure out how a baby is born and how it is made. We could try making one ourselves.
The problem with science these days is it leaves God out of the equation. God is Love.
We can figure out how to have s-e-x, but nobody really knows where LOVE comes from.
I think it can only come from God above. Some things best left mysterious. lol.

When you look at the creation all around you, and thank God, you can find miracles in the smallest things. I know God did it, and that's the miracle. It couldn't happen by the hand of man.
The Bible was written down, that's history. there's no such thing as historical science, because we cannot time travel and go back to the beginning. But there's plenty of historical evidence for all what happened in the Bible.
so..not sure what everyone's problem is.
A baby is a miracle.
Yet we also can figure out how a baby is born and how it is made. We could try making one ourselves.
The problem with science these days is it leaves God out of the equation. God is Love.
We can figure out how to have s-e-x, but nobody really knows where LOVE comes from.
I think it can only come from God above. Some things best left mysterious. lol.

When you look at the creation all around you, and thank God, you can find miracles in the smallest things. I know God did it, and that's the miracle. It couldn't happen by the hand of man.
But you were saying Jesus didn't walk on water that he knew where to walk like on some shallow area of the body of water. This goes against scripture.