They are never wrong....Or women, right?

They are never wrong....Or women, right?
That's rude and presumptuous mitspa. The point is that it takes more than scholasticism to decide to exclude books from the canon of scripture. People argue that the descrepencies in the geonology of Jesus between Mathew and Luke prove one is wrong.I would suggest that anyone who has questions about these other books, do some real study of these issue and don't just come onto a forum and speak about things you don't really understand. Its clear to me that some of you have no understanding of these books or how or why or when they was accepted and the intention that some had in including them along with the other established letters and books of the bible.
No its not rude to suggest that some real study is needed to understand this issue, and its clear that some have not studied this issue to a point where they can speak about it in a productive and reasonable way.That's rude and presumptuous mitspa. The point is that it takes more than scholasticism to decide to exclude books from the canon of scripture. People argue that the descrepencies in the geonology of Jesus between Mathew and Luke prove one is wrong.
And there is no conflict between Matthew and Luke...only people who don't understand the reasons for the these books and what they are trying to reveal about Christ. Some are so ignorant of the scriptures and their purpose, but are so full of pride that they cannot be taught.No its not rude to suggest that some real study is needed to understand this issue, and its clear that some have not studied this issue to a point where they can speak about it in a productive and reasonable way.
The genologies aren't coherent mitspa. I could just as easily say that you are ignorant of the apocryphal and its purpose. Its rude to say what you say and is condescending. Would you like it if I brought in some seminary professor who told you to shut up because you can't fluently speak Hebrew or Coptic and thus have no right to declare what is scripturally true?And there is no conflict between Matthew and Luke...only people who don't understand the reasons for the these books and what they are trying to reveal about Christ. Some are so ignorant of the scriptures and their purpose, but are so full of pride that they cannot be taught.
They are completely coherent for their intended don't understand the purpose of the different it IMPOSSIBLE for you to understand these things and because of your pride its impossible for me to teach you!The genologies aren't coherent mitspa. I could just as easily say that you are ignorant of the apocryphal and its purpose. Its rude to say what you say and is condescending. Would you like it if I brought in some seminary professor who told you to shut up because you can't fluently speak Hebrew or Coptic and thus have no right to declare what is scripturally true?
I have only one teacher mitspa, and while I'm sure your convinced you are Him your not.They are completely coherent for their intended don't understand the purpose of the different it IMPOSSIBLE for you to understand these things and because of your pride its impossible for me to teach you!
I'll resign from this thread. I don't think its a discussion important enough for tempers to flare.MMurphy & Mitspa: opposite corners and take a breather... but DON'T come out fighting.
I can see where reading this would raise concern. The dates and people are right, but the lack of context does make it sound very conspiratorial. In fact the language even seems a bit like that's what they were going for- "...many have been removed and there is evidence that many more fell under the same fate." sounds a bit more sensational than scholarly and the dismissal of context -"Regardless of his reasons, he was the first to do this."- is a bit of a red flag too.from an online article
In the Catholic Church, the Bible is the Douay Bible consisting of 73 books.
In the Protestant church only the 66 books that were approved by the Synod of Dordrecht in 1618 are in what is known as the Authorized King James Bible.
Though there is no specific list or accounting of all the books that made up the complete Bible in scripture, there are over 20 books mentioned in the Bible, but not found there. This is proof that many have been removed and there is evidence that many more fell under the same fate.
In 1534 Martin Luther published his first Bible. In that Bible he separated the Scriptures of the Apocrypha from the Old Testament and placed them in a section that he titled "Apocrypha". Regardless of his reasons, he was the first to do this.
The first group to produce a Bible *without* the Scriptures of the Apocrypha (as far as anyone knows) were the Puritans in the 1590s. (Source: HarperCollins Bible Dictionary). The Puritans, unlike other Protestant sects of the day, believed that those Scriptures **should not** be included in The Bible.
Well that's not an error of the bible, that's an error in men who try to understand the bible.
Well I agree that these errors are found in the KJV and in other "translations"...but the Greek text has been preserved by Gods divine hand and we need not depend upon Rome or a text and translation that was put together by this king. We have overwhelming witnesses to the true Greek and to my knowledge there is no errors but an amazing accuracy that goes far beyond mans ability to understand.Oh it is an error in the Bible when Lucifer was purposely inserted into the Vulgate with the expressed intent to cull heretics in Jerome's time. THEN it gets pushed right into the KJV, because the boys working on that had no CLUE that it was politically placed into the text by a pope, that the protestants claim not to recognise.
Oh and there's a unicorn in the KJV as well.
Not to mention so many copy errors throughout the middle ages. So you could have many version of the same bible.
Hence why we have to go back to the source and use context. Or else we'll believe that a whale is a fish, unicorns are made of God and that the political machinations of a bishop are correct for scriptural reference.
Major, which books are you talking about? Maccabees? Esdras?
We are not talking about the books of Enoch or Hermas, which were never part of the official Apocrypha.
How do you feel about the woman caught in adultery?
I understand your point with this Major, but you have to decide whether or not scholasticism should be applied to the canon at all, even the dueterocanon or if we should accept its inerrancy on faith. Say what you will but there are serious problems with Jesus' geneology as described in Mathew and in Luke. The common answer is that Luke describes Mary, and I accept that although its not apparent in the wording. Someone could argue though that one is wrong, and applying scholasticism too liberally could mutilate the whole canon.
I would suggest that anyone who has questions about these other books, do some real study of these issue and don't just come onto a forum and speak about things you don't really understand. Its clear to me that some of you have no understanding of these books or how or why or when they was accepted and the intention that some had in including them along with the other established letters and books of the bible.
The point was not to lean on scholasticism when it comes to scripture. We accept it on faith. Because someone can mutilate scripture if they were searching for errors. Likewise completely severing the apocryphal in the name of scholasticism is not wise.
I'm so fortunate to have such as you to tell me how to run my life.
I agree that the Greek is the way to go as we literally have source material still there.Well I agree that these errors are found in the KJV and in other "translations"...but the Greek text has been preserved by Gods divine hand and we need not depend upon Rome or a text and translation that was put together by this king. We have overwhelming witnesses to the true Greek and to my knowledge there is no errors but an amazing accuracy that goes far beyond mans ability to understand.
Well let every man be diligent and study to show themselves approved before God, a workman who is without shame who rightly divides the Word... I don't see a great issue in your point? If Christ struck others or not with this whip..the intention is to warn all that He rules the Fathers house and all who would corrupt the House of God should fear at the judgment that is coming to them. Be sure that fear is very much apart of the truth, because often fear is needed against the pride of man to bring them to the true grace of God.I agree that the Greek is the way to go as we literally have source material still there.
But we have to be careful that when we read the Greek we don't assume too much. Just like the issue I am having with the people on here about Jesus dealing with the moneychangers and the use of ekballo and biazo in Greek. If they do not pay attention to the actual words they think in error that Jesus was hitting people with the scourge. Which is not the same as a whip as poor translations gives.
Well let every man be diligent and study to show themselves approved before God, a workman who is without shame who rightly divides the Word... I don't see a great issue in your point? If Christ struck others or not with this whip..the intention is to warn all that He rules the Fathers house and all who would corrupt the House of God should fear at the judgment that is coming to them. Be sure that fear is very much apart of the truth, because often fear is needed against the pride of man to bring them to the true grace of God.