Let's consider though...was this the manner that God's people were taught in the bible though? Did they do something similar in order to facilitate learning, or are we bringing in secular/natural methods into the church because it "makes sense" to do it that way?
I don't quite get your first question (I'm apparently missing something obvious), but...
If the bible is complete as so many profess to, then it just makes sense to go with the examples that scripture shows us as opposed to something markedly different.
I don't see any problem with there being minor differences in how things are organized based on the requirements of a particular group (internet forums, prison groups, multi-lingual, etc...), but the preponderance show a tendency to place responsibility on a very few. For the most part there is little difference in how average catholic church runs things and how the average catholic church runs things, especially in the larger denominations.
Mostly I think it began with someone doing what worked with their body/assembly and then others copied it or just kept doing it because thats what was always done.