September 2015

I'm sorry I didn't know it was you !! Thought it was someone else I was listening to and she totally lost my respect by calling my religion of the devil to my face. Thank you i will read up on it more maybe I have missed something !

That's all anyone wants (including Euphemia) that you make your choices on God's Word with full information. I didn't buy the Rapture until less than a year ago (?).....So I know how you feel. We have to dig down, and sometimes let dearly loved notions go when we seek the Truth. We all just want to help each other get there. If I need correction - I want it now....not 10 minutes too late. God Bless
Really ? I should watch how I talk to you? Haha you funny. I didn't do nothin to you lady! You are the one that popped your big mouth off talking smack about someone's church, oh wait my church. Who besides me thinks it's wrong to have to defend your church on a Christian site.??!

I understand your passion...

However, you need to understand other peoples perspective as well. I am not saying either one of you is right or wrong. I am just saying take a minute and readjust your focus-Let's be more like Christ.
That's why I think God sent me to this particular forum - to learn and understand. AND I have!!!! Not the way you would expect, though. I learned to look at all sides of an issue and really scourge scripture to test and check what was there. Sometimes it was a word or pronoun explained from Hebrew - and ALOT of videos. And google is your friend. All the posters here, I have found, have their heart in the right place. We don't all agree all the time. Except one thing.....everyone know's I'm God's favorite...(cough). :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::cry::rolleyes::rolleyes::LOL:
That's why I think God sent me to this particular forum - to learn and understand. AND I have!!!! Not the way you would expect, though. I learned to look at all sides of an issue and really scourge scripture to test and check what was there. Sometimes it was a word or pronoun explained from Hebrew - and ALOT of videos. And google is your friend. All the posters here, I have found, have their heart in the right place. We don't all agree all the time. Except one thing.....everyone know's I'm God's favorite...(cough). :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::cry::rolleyes::rolleyes::LOL:

You so funny.

I do not qualify as a Pharisee. I am simply pointing out the truth about the Book of Mormon.

Miss a couple of days and miss a lot!!!!!

From what I have read it seems to me that "80schild" has been communicated with as all of her posts are gone.

It is also apperent that she is a memeber of the Mormon religion. Everyone who reads my comments are well away that I call it what it is based on the Scriptures and not the thoughts of men. Having said that allow me to say that Euphemia is absolutly correct in here comments concerning the Book of Morman and the Mormans faith. I wish that I would have been able to contibute to her comments about Mormonisn as she was making them.

S0 then, Lets be totally clear here. Mormonism is NOT a Christian denomination.

THEY want us to believe that it is and they go out of there way to prove that they are but alas they are NOT. They are a CULT. How can I say that????

This turned out to be longer than I like my commnets to be but maybe it will answer the questions that some may have. I encourage anyone who disagrees with these comments to do the WORK and STUDY and do not take my word for any of this. PROVE IT!!!

Mormonism teaches that the canon of Scripture was not closed when the Bible was completed. They have three sources in addition to the Bible, all of which they believe contain God's revelations.....................
a. the Book of Mormon (changed in more than 4,000 places since 1830)
b. Doctrine and Covenants
c. Pearl of Great Price.
The problem is that Mormons follow the teachings of these three books even when they contradict the Bible. For example, Mormonism teaches that the Bible is the Word of God "as far as it is translated correctly by the Book of Mormon."

Mormonism teaches polytheism(versus monotheism taught in the Bible), believing that the universe is inhabited by many gods who produce spirit children. Joseph Smith declared, "I will preach on the plurality of Gods. I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 370).

In Mormon theology, the god of our planet is believed to have once been a man on another planet, who through self-effort and the help of his own father-god, was appointed by a counsel of gods in the heavens to his high position as the god of planet Earth, and now has a physical, resurrected, glorified body.

Mormonism teaches that Jesus, Lucifer, and all the demons, as well as all mankind, are actually all spirit brothers and sisters, born in the spirit world as spirit babies to our man-god Heavenly Father and his goddess wives. Mormon leaders have consistently taught that God the Father ("Adam-god") had sexual relations on earth with Mary (his own spirit daughter), to produce the physical body of Jesus.

The sixth LDS prophet, Joseph F. Smith, explains that the Holy Spirit is not a person but rather an impersonal force: "You may call it the Spirit of God, you may call it the influence of God's intelligence, you may call it the substance of his power; no matter what it is called, it is the spirit of intelligence that permeates the universe" (Mormon Doctrine, McConkie, pp. 752-753).
Their motto is: our Jesus is better than your Jesus. :D
That is absolulty true. It is really a tragedy that so many people can be so mislead.

However it proves the warning Jeus gave in Matthew 24:4-5......
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ, and shall deceive many".
That's why I think God sent me to this particular forum - to learn and understand. AND I have!!!! Not the way you would expect, though. I learned to look at all sides of an issue and really scourge scripture to test and check what was there. Sometimes it was a word or pronoun explained from Hebrew - and ALOT of videos. And google is your friend. All the posters here, I have found, have their heart in the right place. We don't all agree all the time. Except one thing.....everyone know's I'm God's favorite...(cough). :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::cry::rolleyes::rolleyes::LOL:

And I have seen just that in your comments. It has been a real blessing to me personally!!!!
That's all anyone wants (including Euphemia) that you make your choices on God's Word with full information. I didn't buy the Rapture until less than a year ago (?).....So I know how you feel. We have to dig down, and sometimes let dearly loved notions go when we seek the Truth. We all just want to help each other get there. If I need correction - I want it now....not 10 minutes too late. God Bless

Well said!
I've gone through a lot of videos concerning end time. A lot of people having different opinions and predictions. It almost mislead me. It makes me so confused. As I prayed, holy spirit guide me to the Bible. Instead of Google for information . I finally chosed to seek the answer through prayer and through His word.
@Major, 80sChild has been disciplined for rule violations; I am a sticker with the rules and boy, yesterday was a field day. :D