September 2015

Um ok. People continuing to talk bout usa here.
When jesus returns and all believers start rising from their graves, i suppose everyone will see it.
I thought only the Father knew the exact day or hour. We not meant to set dates. Even Jesus doesnt know. But, if you going to die, well at least be prepared i suppose.,
Um ok. People continuing to talk bout usa here.
When jesus returns and all believers start rising from their graves, i suppose everyone will see it.

All the world will notice is that all the Christians have disappeared, and perhaps that millions and millions of graves will be disturbed.
[...] But I was disturbed by the first speaker who said flatly (my understanding) that those who have heard and hold to wrong doctrine will be refused eternal life. If you aren't raptured and have heard the truth, there will be "no second chance". [...]

This is true and yes, extremely disturbing. 'My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge' (Hosea 4:6)

Pray to Jesus Christ everyday of your life and may God forgive us all.
But I was disturbed by the first speaker who said flatly (my understanding) that those who have heard and hold to wrong doctrine will be refused eternal life. If you aren't raptured and have heard the truth, there will be "no second chance".
I believe the first rapture is only for the faithful, but those not taken are not necessarily non-Christians. I believe the first rapture is a gift, not a right. The Bride will be made up of only the faithful and only God can judge who that is. This is why I heed Jesus' warning and pray:

Luke 21:36 (KJV)
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.​

It's just what I think. Not all those left behind are going to hell, they're just not part of the bride. I don't know. It's the only explanation I have for the meaning of this verse. There's a lot of verses that don't fit the end-time scenario, like John the Baptist saying he's not of the bride but a friend of the bridegroom... that implies a ton of stuff that cannot be verified elsewhere in the scriptures - I believe.
Short list of indicators:

French Foreign Minister states we will have 'Climate Chaos' in September
Tetrad year, Year of Jubilee SEE: "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn
Worldwide economic bubble; silver and gold way down-cash hyper inflated
CERN Activation in September
Scheduled EMS / FEMA drills worldwide
Worldwide military 'training' / movement
Asteroid/ comet NASA denial
News hype 'mega quakes', extreme weather, etc
Media propaganda: apocalyptic / alien movies, etc
Catholic Church statement about Extra Terrestrial life
Power gird, infrastructure and Wall Street network 'glitches'
Foreign countries requesting gold reserves from US-US starting wars to cover its butt
Goods and services slowly creeping up in price
Middle East tension, US declaring war on Syria-sort off; ISIS / Al-CIAia funded by US
Military and government building underground surpluses of ammo and supplies
Pope and US President New World Order meeting scheduled


Secret technology waiting to be unleashed like was used on the Twin Towers: SEE: "Where did the Towers Go?" by Judy Wood

This is just the short list

Sounds a lot like Matthew 24 to me.
I believe the first rapture is only for the faithful, but those not taken are not necessarily non-Christians. I believe the first rapture is a gift, not a right. The Bride will be made up of only the faithful and only God can judge who that is. This is why I heed Jesus' warning and pray:

Luke 21:36 (KJV)
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.​

It's just what I think. Not all those left behind are going to hell, they're just not part of the bride. I don't know. It's the only explanation I have for the meaning of this verse. There's a lot of verses that don't fit the end-time scenario, like John the Baptist saying he's not of the bride but a friend of the bridegroom... that implies a ton of stuff that cannot be verified elsewhere in the scriptures - I believe.

As for Luke 21:36, I have no clue. I do know that it is frequently interpreted to mean that we should be closely watching current events so we know how close we are to Christ's return. I have done that myself.

It seems to me that a lot of effort is put into commenting/studying on world events and tying them into biblical prophecy. The underlying assumption is that God wants us to have our finger on the pulse of the news, and this knowledge—along with prayer, will make us worthy to escape all those prophesied things.

However, just a quick study of the Greek word translated "watch" tells me that it has nothing to do with looking at events or keeping world news under close observation.

Contextually then,
We cannot understand verse 36 until we know what preceded it. Verses 34-35 provide the context for Jesus' command to "watch":
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth."

To me, and I may be completely off base here, it seems that Jesus' message is not an admonition to watch world events so that we will know when He will return, but instead, His instruction is to watch ourselves, which is what "take heed to yourselves" suggests. He is talking about being vigilant about our own spiritual state, as well as being circumspect and spiritually awake as we go through life.

Speaking only for myself, a subtle danger exists in being too caught up in current events. They can and have caused ME to wind up on some tangent theology. That can distract us from the more vital and important spiritual preparation that we all need to be under. The bottom line is that the Day will come, you can count on that and we do not know when and will never know when.

Watching events unfold is not what makes us "worthy to escape," but our cooperation with God as He forms His character image in us does. Thus, in addition to prayer, we have to be vigilant in our covenant with Him. We have to "take heed" to ourselves constantly, examining our walk and how we are seeking and imitating God.

Just my thoughts.
Sounds a lot like Matthew 24 to me.

As in the days of Noah: eating & drinking, given in marriage. Worshiping the creation rather than the creator. Mankind believing in their own knowledge rather than the wisdom of the LORD. Given over to their on lusts and desires. Putting more stock in fables and legends and endless genealogies. Following man's religion with vain imaginations rather than seeking the face of a God. Good is called evil and evil is called good....
Nuclear bomb. I dont know if hiroshima had any warning the US was going to bomb them at the time. But we know what they are capable of, and then have the gall to say other countries have wmds. They didnt exactly dismantle their own.
Nuclear bomb. I dont know if hiroshima had any warning the US was going to bomb them at the time. But we know what they are capable of, and then have the gall to say other countries have wmds. They didnt exactly dismantle their own.

We know they can turn concrete and steel to powder using multiple aimed radio frequencies; presumably from 'space based' weapons started during the Reagan administration for the "Star Wars" program. It has also been suggested that they are capable of creating weather patterns, causing earthquakes, directing storms and possibly creating holograms so lifelike that they seem like solid objects.

But I am sure it is all "conspiracy theory"; just like we are still reliant on 1940's and 50's rocket technology to reach space.....right? (Project Blue Beam?)

People underestimate the capabilities that the world powers have using technology-it has all been kept secret under the National Security blanket for decades. People will be wooed with this technology when it is brought out under the guise of the 'alien agenda'.

My guess is the 'alien savior' or 'alien threat' will be used to try and cover the disappearance of folks from the rapture....

Revelation 12:
15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
(Is this a physical flood? Or symbolic? Tech created 'flood'/ tsunami? The Devil trying to negate God's promise in Genesis 9 [9:13])

16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
(God spares the Church/ Israeli remnant? God's earthquake?)

We are completely ignorant of the true capabilities of existing technology- and it is that way on purpose...
I thought that flood was referring to noahs flood, but I could be wrong.
I think the end would be by fire, as Jesus warned it would be.

Calling fired down from heaven? But actually theres a ring of fire round the pacific, which I think will be the final lake of fire. Humans now capable from firing directly above down to people. This had never happned before only in the last century we have aviation.

Also, now with television and cinema technology, holograms are easy to project on to buildings, the sky etc.

When I was reading new age books from the library I found this one book apparently written by an angel or some spirit or claiming to be. Anyway. It said the end of the world and of the new age agenda to align or change the poles, like the earth was going to reverse polarity or something. They also had things called 'ley lines'. The world wide web or what is now known as internet would be the means to trap people and funnelling money...e commerce etc.

According to new agers, the jewish people have the worst karma. Although this angel, called 'kyron' said he believed in Jesus. Although...Im not sure if this was Our Jesus the Jesus of the bible, or one they made up because they always going on about 'christ consciousness' so I expect they looking for another who is like him or a reincarnation of him. New agers believe in reincarnation.
I believe the first rapture is only for the faithful, but those not taken are not necessarily non-Christians. I believe the first rapture is a gift, not a right. The Bride will be made up of only the faithful and only God can judge who that is. This is why I heed Jesus' warning and pray:

Luke 21:36 (KJV)
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.​

It's just what I think. Not all those left behind are going to hell, they're just not part of the bride. I don't know. It's the only explanation I have for the meaning of this verse. There's a lot of verses that don't fit the end-time scenario, like John the Baptist saying he's not of the bride but a friend of the bridegroom... that implies a ton of stuff that cannot be verified elsewhere in the scriptures - I believe.

What is the SECOND rapture? And who will be in it? Are there more raptures after the second?

Aren't there some Christians left behind to be purged by the Tribulation?
The guy who disturbed me was Gary Frazier. He said the pretrib rapture is the only possible time (no mid or post) according to scripture. He said scripture only supports pretrib. He said Luke 24 is almost entirely about the trib. Matthew 24:37-51 is about the rapture and has a warning to those looking for other than Christ. Look carefully at this passage:
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Judgement is coming and only Noah and his family know. They enter the ark and God closes the door. 7 DAYS pass before the flood starts. Frazier makes the case that Mat 7:21-24 is said to religious people who claimed they knew His truth but did not and this is said at the Great White Throne Judgement. These are people who did not rightly divide scripture and are lost for all time. They were left behind at the rapture because they had opportunity to know the truth but did not. Too much "I" in their scripture.

As for Luke 21:36, I have no clue. I do know that it is frequently interpreted to mean that we should be closely watching current events so we know how close we are to Christ's return. I have done that myself.

It seems to me that a lot of effort is put into commenting/studying on world events and tying them into biblical prophecy. The underlying assumption is that God wants us to have our finger on the pulse of the news, and this knowledge—along with prayer, will make us worthy to escape all those prophesied things.

However, just a quick study of the Greek word translated "watch" tells me that it has nothing to do with looking at events or keeping world news under close observation.

Contextually then,
We cannot understand verse 36 until we know what preceded it. Verses 34-35 provide the context for Jesus' command to "watch":
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth."

To me, and I may be completely off base here, it seems that Jesus' message is not an admonition to watch world events so that we will know when He will return, but instead, His instruction is to watch ourselves, which is what "take heed to yourselves" suggests. He is talking about being vigilant about our own spiritual state, as well as being circumspect and spiritually awake as we go through life.

Speaking only for myself, a subtle danger exists in being too caught up in current events. They can and have caused ME to wind up on some tangent theology. That can distract us from the more vital and important spiritual preparation that we all need to be under. The bottom line is that the Day will come, you can count on that and we do not know when and will never know when.

Watching events unfold is not what makes us "worthy to escape," but our cooperation with God as He forms His character image in us does. Thus, in addition to prayer, we have to be vigilant in our covenant with Him. We have to "take heed" to ourselves constantly, examining our walk and how we are seeking and imitating God.

Just my thoughts.
I agree with you but you misunderstood my statement. I wasn't talking about the "watch" part, but the worthy to escape part. Even still, I don't understand how you got current events and the news from my comments... I was talking about the rapture and it's not a right, but a gift for those found faithful and are worthy.