What is the SECOND rapture? And who will be in it? Are there more raptures after the second?
Aren't there some Christians left behind to be purged by the Tribulation?
Yes, I believe a lot of self-proclaimed "christians" will be left behind because they're really not Christians at all. They prayed the "1,2,3, pray after me" prayer and think their Christians and are not. The word of God plainly states:
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (ESV2011)
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Christians who practices these things have to ask themselves if they're really Christians and they don't feel bad about committing any of the things. When they don't want to pray or read the word of God or meditate and cease from sin, then they're not real Christians. They're the stoney ground Christians who are only trying on Christianity to see if it fit, but when the persecutions start or they're called out for remaining in their sins and run away from Jesus, they're the ones Jesus says, "I never knew you." Show me in the word of God where is says and Christian gets by with sinning? A real Christian falls into sin, but will not remain there. HUGH difference than someone who doesn't want to be bothered with about purity and believes they bought fire insurance from the used car preacher who just wants to rack up the numbers in his "church".
There are actually several raptures in the word of God. The next ones are: pre-trib, two at the post-trib and one in the middle - that one is for the Two Witnesses. Now you know why there's such a debate on this to the point that some have chosen to not believe in any rapture although there have been many, including, but not limited to, Enoch, Elijah and Jesus. Philip has a teleportation rapture. Get back into the word of God and out of the end-time books and theories. We have a whole rapture thread here: