Here's another prophecy that is raising a lot of discussion: September 2015.
It is going to be an important date for both Christians and Jews (e.g. year of atonement, another blood moon) but what do you think is going to happen exactly?
I have no theories on this one!
In addition, the Pope speaks to congress on 9/24 for the first time in US history. His encyclical on climate change talks about Jubilee and new beginnings and has an interesting religious solution to the alleged climate change problem. I wonder if that religious solution to climate change will come out in his speech. Four days after his speech is the last blood moon on 9/28 which also is to signify new beginnings according to blood moon prophecy enthusiast. I do not think the blood moon is divinely inspired, but I do think the enemy is going to try to make use of it to push his agenda. Stay tuned.
Rev 13:3: "...and all the world wondered after the beast."