September 2015

Here's another prophecy that is raising a lot of discussion: September 2015.

It is going to be an important date for both Christians and Jews (e.g. year of atonement, another blood moon) but what do you think is going to happen exactly?

I have no theories on this one!

In addition, the Pope speaks to congress on 9/24 for the first time in US history. His encyclical on climate change talks about Jubilee and new beginnings and has an interesting religious solution to the alleged climate change problem. I wonder if that religious solution to climate change will come out in his speech. Four days after his speech is the last blood moon on 9/28 which also is to signify new beginnings according to blood moon prophecy enthusiast. I do not think the blood moon is divinely inspired, but I do think the enemy is going to try to make use of it to push his agenda. Stay tuned.

Rev 13:3: "...and all the world wondered after the beast."

I do not think the blood moon is divinely inspired
It's the first thing God said about the Sun Moon and stars:

Genesis 1:14 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:​

The word translated "seasons" is the word moed in Hebrew which literally means: appointed place, appointed time, meeting. There were no seasons (summer, spring, fall, or winter) then, they were naked! I studied and found every instance of a blood moon falling on Passover and Tabernacles at least two years in a row, and the events that occurred since they began. Check it out:

Now tell me if these "signs" are not divinely inspired...
It's the first thing God said about the Sun Moon and stars:

Genesis 1:14 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:​

The word translated "seasons" is the word moed in Hebrew which literally means: appointed place, appointed time, meeting. There were no seasons (summer, spring, fall, or winter) then, they were naked! I studied and found every instance of a blood moon falling on Passover and Tabernacles at least two years in a row, and the events that occurred since they began. Check it out:

Now tell me if these "signs" are not divinely inspired...

"Christian Astrologist" assign the same meaning to the text. True that there are signs in the sky that the Lord gives us, but it must be in the total context of scripture, and a meaning should not be assigned in isolation. For example, just because there is a phenomenon in the sky does not make it a prophetic sign, it must be in context of other things the savior and scripture has told us about.

In regards to Gen 1:14, this text mostly has agricultural significance. Matthew Henry's commentary on Gen 1:14:

"They must be for the direction of actions. They are for signs of the change of weather, that the husbandman (or farmer) may order his affairs with discretion, foreseeing, by the face of the sky, when second causes have begun to work, whether it will be fair or foul,Matt. 16:2, 3. They do also give light upon the earth, that we maywalk (John 11:9), and work (John 9:4). according as the duty of every day requires."

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There are some who say that the original 12 signs were created by God to tell a story: the Mazzeroth - that was corrupted by the fallen angels at Nimrod's time.

Job 38:31-33 KJV
31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

The "Mazzaroth" is the twelve constellations within the sun's apparent path through the heavens, commonly referred to as the "Zodiac."[1] These are in the form of pictures constructed from the stars within that constellation, a woman (Virgo), scales (Libra), a Scorpion (Scorpio), an archer (Saggitarius), a goat-fish (Capricorn), a man with a water pot (Aquarius), two fishes (Pisces), a Lamb (Aries), an Ox (Taurus), twins (Gemini), a crab (Cancer), and a lion (Leo). In God's response to Job, He indicated that He alone brings forth the twelve signs each year in their proper months. Psalm 19, and Paul's quote of it in Romans 10:16-18, proves that the Zodiac (Mazzaroth) was designed by God as a means of communicating a prophetic message in pictures to all languages of the earth.

Several authors have interpreted the zodiac from a Christian perspective, repeating the original work of Frances Rolleston in the mid nineteenth century without adding anything new or substantial. The premise of Rolleston's work was flawed, making many of her conculsions doubtful.

The Zodiac is a twelve-step prophecy, a clock counting down the end of this age and the establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom on earth. The zodiac lays out the same story as the Bible, in the same historical sequence, using the same pictorial language as the Hebrew prophets.

All previous interpretations of the zodiac, whether pagan, Jewish, or Christian, have failed to account for the meaning of the sun's sequential path through the twelve zodiacal signs. Since the creation, the sun's path each year through the 12 zodiac signs has fortold the whole story of God's plan to redeem the creation through the nation of Israel. In doing so, it demonstrates that the God of Abraham is the source of the zodiac.

[1] Jammeson Faucett Brown Commentary: "Canst thou bring forth from their places or houses (Mazzaloth, 2 Kings 23:5, Margin; to which Mazzaroth here is equivalent) into the sky the signs of the Zodiac at their respective seasons - the twelve "lodgings" in which the sun successively stays, or appears, in the sky."

My understanding of the tetrad (NASA term) bloodmoons, all occurring in the Sabbath (Shemitah) year (2014-2015) all fall on Jewish feasts days (2-Passover and 2-Tabernacles/Rosh Hashana). These are total lunar eclipses turning the moon red. The last bloodmoon (Sept.2015) is called a "supermoon" because the perigee is closest to earth and the moon will look big and red. The 1948 tetrad gave Israel back their homeland. The 1967 tetrad gave Israel back Jerusalem. This 3rd tetrad speculates they will get back their temple. The next such tetrad won't be for another 500+ years (per Abdicate). If this was the only thing purported to be happening in September, it would be a sign that the trib is near. Youtube has excellent video on the bloodmoons. If it's not a sign, what a coincidence, huh?
"Christian Astrologist" assign the same meaning to the text. True that there are signs in the sky that the Lord gives us, but it must be in the total context of scripture, and a meaning should not be assigned in isolation. For example, just because there is a phenomenon in the sky does not make it a prophetic sign, it must be in context of other things the savior and scripture has told us about.

In regards to Gen 1:14, this text mostly has agricultural significance. Matthew Henry's commentary on Gen 1:14:

"They must be for the direction of actions. They are for signs of the change of weather, that the husbandman (or farmer) may order his affairs with discretion, foreseeing, by the face of the sky, when second causes have begun to work, whether it will be fair or foul,Matt. 16:2, 3. They do also give light upon the earth, that we maywalk (John 11:9), and work (John 9:4). according as the duty of every day requires."

[...] I do not think the blood moon is divinely inspired, but I do think the enemy is going to try to make use of it to push his agenda. [...]

Yes, it's possible.

I wonder if all this controversy is not inspired by the enemy. If nothing happens in september, militant skeptics will be pleased...

I actually believe that the Rapture will be a purely spiritual event and life on earth will go on as usual - no asteroids, no natural catastrophes.
Yes, it's possible.

I wonder if all this controversy is not inspired by the enemy. If nothing happens in september, militant skeptics will be pleased...

I actually believe that the Rapture will be a purely spiritual event and life on earth will go on as usual - no asteroids, no natural catastrophes.

What do you mean by, "purely spiritual event"?
Joel 2:31
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
That is a fairly obvious reference to an solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
As has been said, if it's not a sign, it fakes it very well.
Check NASA, this does not happen very often.
What do you mean by, "purely spiritual event"?

God works in mysterious ways.

The Father is extremely subtle and always surprising, so I don't think we'll be seeing global catastrophes anytime soon.

But again, I may be wrong. Only God knows!
This chap is from New Zealand and does his best to show that Jehovah created the story of Yeshua in the stars for all to see, whatever language, whatever place:

God works in mysterious ways.

The Father is extremely subtle and always surprising, so I don't think we'll be seeing global catastrophes anytime soon.

But again, I may be wrong. Only God knows!

The Rapture will NOT be a spiritual event, only. Millions of graves will be giving up their contents, and living Christians will suddenly vacate. That, sir, is extremely physical. It marks the END of the age of God's grace on the world. All catastrophes and judgments scheduled will at that time be given the go-ahead.
This chap is from New Zealand and does his best to show that Jehovah created the story of Yeshua in the stars for all to see, whatever language, whatever place:

It's sad, but talets don't show the videos and the forum doesn't show links... Could you paste the link and remove the http:// part and the link will remain. Thanks, I wanna watch it. :)
Thanks...What do you mean? I ment to say tablets, but the AutoCorrect on the tablet is frustratingly ignorant of my awesome typing :D
Thanks...What do you mean? I ment to say tablets, but the AutoCorrect on the tablet is frustratingly ignorant of my awesome typing :D

I didn't know about the Mazzeroth having only just heard about it recently (rereading Job). I studied astrology in my wayward youth. A lot of what he is saying makes sense. His calculation of feast days has clarified for me why no man can know the day or hour until you are right up on it...but you can know the "appointed time".
I didn't know about the Mazzeroth having only just heard about it recently (rereading Job). I studied astrology in my wayward youth. A lot of what he is saying makes sense. His calculation of feast days has clarified for me why no man can know the day or hour until you are right up on it...but you can know the "appointed time".
I've not yet finished the video, but 30 mins in, so far so good. About 27 years ago a friend of mine gave me her father's doctorate paper. It was about the story of Jesus in the stars. All the names of the stars in Arabic, Chaldean, Hebrew and Aramaic all say the same thing. The division of the constellations tell the story of Jesus. I will continue the video tomorrow after the movers leave. Thanks for the link. I knew it would keep me busy verifying it or refuting it. (y)
Well he does have differences from you chronology wise. I'm watching his 3d computer model and he has some differences there as well. I think? he links up to Sept. 2015 but not sure he is including any rapture.