ROFLMAO...I'm 63. I never said I was spiritually fast on the uptake. I had to learn that scripture is the literal truth. I didn't have the tools I needed to get the truth. I relied on my own intelligence and will. I don't remember a time I didn't believe in Yeshua and Yehovah (I called them God and Jesus) and I really knew squat about the Holy Spirit. I didn't know you had to ask the Holy Spirit when you read scripture and then you had to listen (the "good you" that always tells you the right thing and never contradicts scripture). If you don't read with the Holy Spirit, you will see contradictions. When you accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior in your heart - you are saved. You are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Then you start reading. If something troubles you - investigate. Somewhere, someone has a true explanation. All your scriptures should agree. The more you learn - the hungrier you get. Don't buy what all someone else tells you when it goes against your understanding of scripture. Seek truth...the real truth. The bible defines what sin is, how we fell, what God's true nature is and the pains He has taken to redeem you. Out of a love that is beyond our understanding. He loved you Pancakes before the world began. You specifically. He doesn't love me any more than He loves you. We can't earn His love AND we can't lose it. No matter what. Hanging out in the forum, you can learn a lot or nothing. Your choice. It is always your choice.