September 2015

Just an update on the Prophecy in the News Summit I live streamed Aug. 6-8. I have previously live streamed 2 other summits and I was enlightened. This one was a mess and the opposite - I learned nothing new. Cornuke gave his temple information off live stream. He was switched to the livestream and gave a messy talk on the crucifixion site. Rumor has it that no one was allowed to say September. Only one speaker said in a rush, "my money is on the fall" as to rapture (Dan Goodwin). I got an email yesterday from PITN mocking date setting giving a long list of previous errors. The end encouraged you to buy more of their merchandise. As the OP says - look on youtube for all the September warnings - there are some high profile pastors giving the warning but most are people who have been ordinary people warning from dreams/visions/bible code/scripture from all walks of life. Ignore all that if you like.....Just be ready and pray.
Just an update on the Prophecy in the News Summit I live streamed Aug. 6-8. I have previously live streamed 2 other summits and I was enlightened. This one was a mess and the opposite - I learned nothing new. Cornuke gave his temple information off live stream. He was switched to the livestream and gave a messy talk on the crucifixion site. Rumor has it that no one was allowed to say September. Only one speaker said in a rush, "my money is on the fall" as to rapture (Dan Goodwin). I got an email yesterday from PITN mocking date setting giving a long list of previous errors. The end encouraged you to buy more of their merchandise. As the OP says - look on youtube for all the September warnings - there are some high profile pastors giving the warning but most are people who have been ordinary people warning from dreams/visions/bible code/scripture from all walks of life. Ignore all that if you like.....Just be ready and pray.
Thanks for the links. Yea, I'm very upset by all these guys all selling their products. I know that a hireling is worth their wages, but if I bought all the stuff I listen to, it's where all my salary would go to. I don't know if you noticed but Perry Stone is dumping a lot of his stuff for free on his YouTube channel...I wonder why. It used to be a video a week, now it's like a dozen every couple of days. If I had a ministry I'd leave it in His hands...After all isn't it HIStory? :D
According to Jonathan Cahn, the Tribulation is a Shemitah cycle (7 years):

I didn't quite understand the connection but I believe he mentioned Daniel and 490 years (?) of Israel history.

Cahn didn't mention the pre/post-trib question, but if the post-trib interpretation is correct, like Pat Robertson said, doesn't that mean that nothing will happen soon?

I mean, the first three and a half years of the tribulation are supposed to be peaceful, chaos only come later. And the saved ones would only be raptured in 2020.

Very clear and concise explanation by John MacArthur:

Like the majority of scholars and preachers, MacArthur advocates the pre-trib interpretation.
Netflix now has the For Blood Moons, the movie, available. Just finished it. Excellently made and does say anything will happen in Sep only that the last three times it did, something happened involving the Jews.

With ISIL only kilometers from Assad, maybe Isaiah 17 will be fulfilled. Maybe Elam will be destroyed by Israel. Now that the whole world is talking about it, maybe nothing will happen to give people just that much more time to repent. Whatever happens the fact is, this is the first time the tetrad has book-ended a shmita. Since America has only gotten worse since the beginning of the shmita, I do believe we will be judged in Sept.
Actually He did. But like the gospel, it requires the Holy Spirit to be able to perceive it, which is the very word in the Greek for "no man knoweth", and as we get closer to the event, more will be revealed.

Dan 12:4 KJV* But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Knowledge would be increased - Yes I agree - KInowledge and understanding of Hos word and ways - I have yet found any proof God meant or included the date of His coming.
There is a huge difference.

If it only took a human being to draw close to God to find these things out - why would He see fit to keep it from the angels and Jesus ? God does and will increase knowledge in anyone who is seeking Him and walking in His ways. This is true from day one.

The examples given in these threads are a stretch or an educated guess at best ( my take )
Any way , what is it exactly that I and many others across the land are not seeing here ?
God Bless
Knowledge would be increased - Yes I agree - KInowledge and understanding of Hos word and ways - I have yet found any proof God meant or included the date of His coming.
There is a huge difference.

If it only took a human being to draw close to God to find these things out - why would He see fit to keep it from the angels and Jesus ? God does and will increase knowledge in anyone who is seeking Him and walking in His ways. This is true from day one.

The examples given in these threads are a stretch or an educated guess at best ( my take )
Any way , what is it exactly that I and many others across the land are not seeing here ?
God Bless
Brother, I suggest that what we are doing is watching. We are observing past examples and patterns that are not just happenstance. Signs are to be taken literally. No one is dating anything, but God is. His examples for the shmita is the last day of the Jewish calendar. I know you don't believe in any of this and that is your choice. We are hoping the rapture happens in Sep only because all the signs and appointed times coincide in Sept. We all know the end chapter, we're just excited that we are witnessing it unfold. I'm not saying believe anything, I say do your own homework and you will see it for yourself. We've made it easier. Don't let the devil put the thought in your head that we are date setting. The appointed times are God's not ours. The devil has obscured the times because we don't use God's biblical calendar to put the pieces together. Don't be a naysayer until you've done your own homework and shown us what's missing. These are the facts from HIStory and the word of God. We are only asking: what do all these signs and appointed times mean? I don't know, but we will see. That's how God works. Don't choke on one verse, put it into the whole context.
In post #118, I posted an interview with Perry Stone. This video (below posted 6/7/15) is saying that NYC was the unnamed city of Stone's dream. I should point out that the Shorey video indicates the trib will start in Sept., we are not raptured prior to mid trib which I totally disagree with.

I remember Perry Stone teaching somewhere else in video that he had been given foreknowledge of an American eastern seaboard city that would experience a traumatic event like a tsunami in its effect, whether or not it would be a literal tsunami or not, and that must have been the Twin Towers attack he was talking about.
Netflix now has the For Blood Moons, the movie, available. Just finished it. Excellently made and does say anything will happen in Sep only that the last three times it did, something happened involving the Jews.

With ISIL only kilometers from Assad, maybe Isaiah 17 will be fulfilled. Maybe Elam will be destroyed by Israel. Now that the whole world is talking about it, maybe nothing will happen to give people just that much more time to repent. Whatever happens the fact is, this is the first time the tetrad has book-ended a shmita. Since America has only gotten worse since the beginning of the shmita, I do believe we will be judged in Sept.

Yes, Damascus, something I have been looking out for for some time. Thanks for the info about the Netflix video...will watch this tonight.
I remember Perry Stone teaching somewhere else in video that he had been given foreknowledge of an American eastern seaboard city that would experience a traumatic event like a tsunami in its effect, whether or not it would be a literal tsunami or not, and that must have been the Twin Towers attack he was talking about.

Yes, Damascus, something I have been looking out for for some time. Thanks for the info about the Netflix video...will watch this tonight.

Wow, caught my oops post. I posted an audio video on Sid Roth/Perry Stone interview in post #118 where Stone said he had a dream of a tsuanami hitting an unnamed east coast city in 2015. While at youtube I saw a different video (tv clip) that was titled NY was the city. I thought he had now named the city but it was the same interview only better because you could see Stone and Roth talking. I have seen 4 Blood Moons - well worth the watch.
Brother, I suggest that what we are doing is watching. We are observing past examples and patterns that are not just happenstance. Signs are to be taken literally. No one is dating anything, but God is. His examples for the shmita is the last day of the Jewish calendar. I know you don't believe in any of this and that is your choice. We are hoping the rapture happens in Sep only because all the signs and appointed times coincide in Sept. We all know the end chapter, we're just excited that we are witnessing it unfold. I'm not saying believe anything, I say do your own homework and you will see it for yourself. We've made it easier. Don't let the devil put the thought in your head that we are date setting. The appointed times are God's not ours. The devil has obscured the times because we don't use God's biblical calendar to put the pieces together. Don't be a naysayer until you've done your own homework and shown us what's missing. These are the facts from HIStory and the word of God. We are only asking: what do all these signs and appointed times mean? I don't know, but we will see. That's how God works. Don't choke on one verse, put it into the whole context.

Well said. The September warnings are based on the shemitah/shmita (sabbath) year and the fall feasts. The blood moons falling on these feast days (2014-2015) is rare. God put the signs in the sky as flagposts. The convergence of so many secular events scheduled to occur in Sept. seem to align with God's calendar. These feasts were ordained by God and Yeshua has fulfilled the 1st 4 in His first Coming. The next feast is the feast of trumpets celebrated over 2 days signalling the shofar to sound 99 times. The 100th sound is known as the "final trump."
Well said. The September warnings are based on the shemitah/shmita (sabbath) year and the fall feasts. The blood moons falling on these feast days (2014-2015) is rare. God put the signs in the sky as flagposts. The convergence of so many secular events scheduled to occur in Sept. seem to align with God's calendar. These feasts were ordained by God and Yeshua has fulfilled the 1st 4 in His first Coming. The next feast is the feast of trumpets celebrated over 2 days signalling the shofar to sound 99 times. The 100th sound is known as the "final trump."
Let's hope it's this Sept but if not, the work continues. :)