Mykuhl I guess I just need to say this to you as well
It's not about what we want or how wonderful it will be when we are home with the Father -
It's about Him - it's about loving others as He loves them. Just as Paul figured out it was better for him to stay and teach the people about Gods love over going home.
This life is not about us. It is about GOD and His love for His creation wwhich He desires to be with Him. When you love as this - praying he comes back soon is just not something you would do., Oh and are we the judge when it is over or when we should gtive up on His creation ? Your last line comes close to saying this.
God Bless
When the movers were here we spoke about Jesus and they wanted nothing to do with it, but we still talked as they packed. Nothing we said made any difference to them until I said, "do you want proof of God?" They said sure and I said the Jews. Huh? They said, and I told them the Jews are proof of God because they've been conquered myriad of times taken captive to Iraq, Jerusalem was destroyed multiple times, scattered to the four winds, their country renamed, their capital renamed, and yet two thousand years later they are back with their own language reborn, they've won all the wars they've fought since their rebirth against regular armies vastly superior to theirs, and despite the world's attention to do them harm, they still exists. Why? Because God made a covenant with their forefather Abraham. That got their attention. They said they never thought about any of this. This perverse generation needs signs and Israel's birth is the biggest. They know of Jesus as a history book figure, but not as a living God involved in our affairs. While none were willing to commit, one said he was intrigued. All my literature is written in French and they were from the Flemish side so they left with just a prayer and a seed planted.
This is why I do these studies to have correct information from God's map to point people to Jesus our hope. The world has heard about the signs in the heavens...even the disinterested movers...and I had an answer for them of why. I am hopeful the rapture happens on 1 Tishri, but I know from my studies that the day of His return after the tribulation is 1 Tishri, 100%. How? The scriptures. The two witnesses come and start their preaching and they preach for 1260 days. The antichrist comes during this time and eventually kills them halfway through the tribulation and they're dead for 3 1/2 days. On this day, the date of their death, the Jesus says that Israel is to flee to the wilderness to a places prepared for her for 1260 days. Then the Lord comes. If you add up 1260 days you get 42 months, you get three and a half years times two, and you get a week (seven years) covenant . This is scripture. We know the day that Jesus comes back to rule on the planet for the millennial reign is on one Tishri. His appointed time. These are facts. But we hope the rapture is on this day too. That is what is not written, but is implied. Don't believe these signs are for the church, then why did the Holy Spirit come on the very same day the law was given on 6 Sivan, aka the day of Pentecost. The Jews celebrated Pentecost for 1500 years before the church did...Oh wait, they were all Jews! Hmm.... Today God doesn't see us as non Jews, but as one new man in Christ. No difference between Jews or and Gentiles in Christ. God does not change and He set up these appointed times at creation. Time to learn about what God has set up.