September 2015

Brother, I suggest that what we are doing is watching. We are observing past examples and patterns that are not just happenstance. Signs are to be taken literally. No one is dating anything, but God is. His examples for the shmita is the last day of the Jewish calendar. I know you don't believe in any of this and that is your choice. We are hoping the rapture happens in Sep only because all the signs and appointed times coincide in Sept. We all know the end chapter, we're just excited that we are witnessing it unfold. I'm not saying believe anything, I say do your own homework and you will see it for yourself. We've made it easier. Don't let the devil put the thought in your head that we are date setting. The appointed times are God's not ours. The devil has obscured the times because we don't use God's biblical calendar to put the pieces together. Don't be a naysayer until you've done your own homework and shown us what's missing. These are the facts from HIStory and the word of God. We are only asking: what do all these signs and appointed times mean? I don't know, but we will see. That's how God works. Don't choke on one verse, put it into the whole context.

If this is what you believe then so be it. God Bless you. Facts, History and anything else means nothing. God said NO amd that means no.

Lets view these threads - oh God is at least going to judge the USA in september - Oh He is coming back in sept. I am done with this thread and any like it but you are wasting your time.
God Bless
Let's hope it's this Sept but if not, the work continues. :)
Hope for this sept ? Selfish is this not ? I mean oh who cares that there are those who dont get it or have truly heard the Gospel preached or taught - lets just get out of here because it is a little harder these days. Brother I am not attacking you or any one but come on now....
I wont reply any further.........Enjoy and God bless
Well said. The September warnings are based on the shemitah/shmita (sabbath) year and the fall feasts. The blood moons falling on these feast days (2014-2015) is rare. God put the signs in the sky as flagposts. The convergence of so many secular events scheduled to occur in Sept. seem to align with God's calendar. These feasts were ordained by God and Yeshua has fulfilled the 1st 4 in His first Coming. The next feast is the feast of trumpets celebrated over 2 days signalling the shofar to sound 99 times. The 100th sound is known as the "final trump."

I am so excited! This member of the Bride is ready and waiting for her Bridegroom!


Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

When the bridegroom's father deemed the wedding chamber ready, the father would tell the bridegroom that all was ready and to get His bride. The bridegroom would abduct his bride secretly, like a thief at night and take her to the wedding chamber. As the bridegroom approached the bride's home, he would shout and blow the shofar (ram's horn trumpet) so that she had some warning to gather her belongings to take into the wedding chamber. The bridegroom and his friends would come into the bride's house and get the bride and her bridesmaids.

Jesus' Fulfillment: Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

Just as the bridegroom would come for the bride in the middle of the night, with a shout and the sound of a shofar, so the Lord will come for us. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words. Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Hope for this sept ? Selfish is this not ? I mean oh who cares that there are those who dont get it or have truly heard the Gospel preached or taught - lets just get out of here because it is a little harder these days. Brother I am not attacking you or any one but come on now....
I wont reply any further.........Enjoy and God bless
Jim, I just feel I need to isn't selfish at all to want Jesus to come back this September or even today. Aren't you anxious to be with Him, because what could be better? He isn't going to delay His second coming forever, it has to happen some time. There will always be people who don't quite get it or haven't truly heard the gospel preached or taught this won't change even if Jesus doesn't come back for 5 thousand more years.
Hope for this sept ? Selfish is this not ? I mean oh who cares that there are those who dont get it or have truly heard the Gospel preached or taught - lets just get out of here because it is a little harder these days. Brother I am not attacking you or any one but come on now....
I wont reply any further.........Enjoy and God bless

I don't think it's selfish. In fact, it's quite opposite. The world is so demented and dangerous right now, there's no way humanity can survive for much longer. The sooner Jesus returns, the better.

And there will still be hope for those that are left behind, right? I recently saw a YouTube video in which a preacher said that many Christians will be deliberately left behind so that they can save many souls.

I don't know any exact dates, I never had dreams or revelations on this but I do believe that time is fast running out. A few more thoughts on this:

- I know many people that never had any interest in religion or spirituality but suddenly turned to Christ in the last year or so.

- This is totally un-biblical and doesn't prove much but I have this feeling that I was saved in the very last minute - I turned to Christ only a year ago, following a terrible event in my family life (shock therapy by God?)

- Jews for Jesus! It seems that many Jews have accepted Jesus in recent times, I wonder if that is related to the events we're discussing here...
Gonna try one last time: When we use phrases like "Gimme five" "That's what I'm talking about" or "He sleeps with the fishes" we are using cultural idioms and unless you "live under a rock" you understand the meaning. We didn't just invent idioms. Between the time of the betrothal and taking your bride home, anyone who asked the bridegroom when the day was that he would bring his bride home - his always response was "only my father knows.." It was asked to tease him. On top of that "only my father knows..." was a standard response for only God knew when the start of Tishri was because the 1st of Tishri could not be declared before 48 hrs. So when Christ is asked when, He responds by saying Feast of Trumpets. As the bridegroom coming for His Bride. While His audience would have understood this immediately - we do not. Because we don't know Jewish wedding custom (then) nor about the feasts. Before I understood this - I. too, echoed, "no man knows the day and hour". That's what I was taught. What we all were taught. The Song of Solomon is a foreshadow of Christ coming back for His Bride. Who knew? There is bunches that is or should be clear now to us that wasn't clear even 20 years ago.
Gonna try one last time: When we use phrases like "Gimme five" "That's what I'm talking about" or "He sleeps with the fishes" we are using cultural idioms and unless you "live under a rock" you understand the meaning. We didn't just invent idioms. Between the time of the betrothal and taking your bride home, anyone who asked the bridegroom when the day was that he would bring his bride home - his always response was "only my father knows.." It was asked to tease him. On top of that "only my father knows..." was a standard response for only God knew when the start of Tishri was because the 1st of Tishri could not be declared before 48 hrs. So when Christ is asked when, He responds by saying Feast of Trumpets. As the bridegroom coming for His Bride. While His audience would have understood this immediately - we do not. Because we don't know Jewish wedding custom (then) nor about the feasts. Before I understood this - I. too, echoed, "no man knows the day and hour". That's what I was taught. What we all were taught. The Song of Solomon is a foreshadow of Christ coming back for His Bride. Who knew? There is bunches that is or should be clear now to us that wasn't clear even 20 years ago.

Jim, I just feel I need to isn't selfish at all to want Jesus to come back this September or even today. Aren't you anxious to be with Him, because what could be better? He isn't going to delay His second coming forever, it has to happen some time. There will always be people who don't quite get it or haven't truly heard the gospel preached or taught this won't change even if Jesus doesn't come back for 5 thousand more years.
Mykuhl I guess I just need to say this to you as well ;)
It's not about what we want or how wonderful it will be when we are home with the Father -
It's about Him - it's about loving others as He loves them. Just as Paul figured out it was better for him to stay and teach the people about Gods love over going home.

This life is not about us. It is about GOD and His love for His creation wwhich He desires to be with Him. When you love as this - praying he comes back soon is just not something you would do., Oh and are we the judge when it is over or when we should gtive up on His creation ? Your last line comes close to saying this.
God Bless
We all want everyone to be saved. We, with God, will mourn those who reject God and are lost. At this point, we have to trust in God's Will and pray for those who don't see/hear what we have been blessed with. Only He knows the time when all are aboard who are coming aboard. There is still hope for those left. Maybe even what we type here.
I am so excited! This member of the Bride is ready and waiting for her Bridegroom!


Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

When the bridegroom's father deemed the wedding chamber ready, the father would tell the bridegroom that all was ready and to get His bride. The bridegroom would abduct his bride secretly, like a thief at night and take her to the wedding chamber. As the bridegroom approached the bride's home, he would shout and blow the shofar (ram's horn trumpet) so that she had some warning to gather her belongings to take into the wedding chamber. The bridegroom and his friends would come into the bride's house and get the bride and her bridesmaids.

Jesus' Fulfillment: Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

Just as the bridegroom would come for the bride in the middle of the night, with a shout and the sound of a shofar, so the Lord will come for us. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words. Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Funny thing about all this bride stuff. There are just as many articles and teachings that claim the following as what you are believing and just as much research and so forth.
Wife and bride are titles that belong to Israel not the Church. Our title is “the body of Christ.” As the body, we are of the bridegroom, not the bride.