September 2015

Mine's a shortish shofar. The ones I really liked were long and squiggly but were like 3 times the price. I figured I'd be the first on the block to celebrate feast of trumpets.
We all want everyone to be saved. We, with God, will mourn those who reject God and are lost. At this point, we have to trust in God's Will and pray for those who don't see/hear what we have been blessed with. Only He knows the time when all are aboard who are coming aboard. There is still hope for those left. Maybe even what we type here.

You know it would be nice if we could stand at the gates of hell and sell fire insurance to those occupants before it is cast into the lake of fire - BUT - we know that is not how it works SO we need to focus on getting the true gospel preached and get out there sell that fire insurance which is and always will be the BLOOD OF CHRIST.

Nothing else can keep you from this ending. Nothing but the blood of Christ.
Every one keeps running around like chicken little crying out oh how do i get ready for His coming next month. If you are a born again Christian - then you should have been ready all along. There is no feast or ceremony or ritual that needs to be done. It is the blood of Christ which makes us the rightiousness of God in Christ Jesus or another words In Right Standing.

So why are so many Christians who are trapped in this belief that it is over, doing nothing and have attitudes like there will always be those who rejected God or who did not get on board in time. That attitude is exactly why NO man will ever pin point His return. ;)

God Bless
Nothing else can keep you from this ending. Nothing but the blood of Christ.
Every one keeps running around like chicken little crying out oh how do i get ready for His coming next month. If you are a born again Christian - then you should have been ready all along. There is no feast or ceremony or ritual that needs to be done. It is the blood of Christ which makes us the rightiousness of God in Christ Jesus or another words In Right Standing.

I don't disagree that we should be doing our best to get God's Word out and that we are solely made worthy by the blood of Yeshua. I was born again 5 years ago (and all my life) but in my judgement (now) and apparently God's as He was the one who warned me I was not ready, I was not ready. I had the basics but no true understanding of scripture. You can help others see while you check your own status. The best I can think to put it...I had to get the "I" out of my theology. You don't get extra points for passing the wrong word out. 5 years ago - I would have been trying to save people - Now I pray and let God do His work. I get what you are saying and how you feel deeply for those who are lost and I would say I feel as deeply about it. I do think come September - the world is going to change and it is because of all those I see who are not ready that I want it not to be so. My faith has to be that God knows what He is doing and it will end up as it should.
You know it would be nice if we could stand at the gates of hell and sell fire insurance to those occupants before it is cast into the lake of fire - BUT - we know that is not how it works SO we need to focus on getting the true gospel preached and get out there sell that fire insurance which is and always will be the BLOOD OF CHRIST.

Nothing else can keep you from this ending. Nothing but the blood of Christ.
Every one keeps running around like chicken little crying out oh how do i get ready for His coming next month. If you are a born again Christian - then you should have been ready all along. There is no feast or ceremony or ritual that needs to be done. It is the blood of Christ which makes us the rightiousness of God in Christ Jesus or another words In Right Standing.

So why are so many Christians who are trapped in this belief that it is over, doing nothing and have attitudes like there will always be those who rejected God or who did not get on board in time. That attitude is exactly why NO man will ever pin point His return. ;)

God Bless

For many, this sense of excitement that Jesus very well could call for us literally within weeks should motivate us to make sure we are not acting as if we are a people who have fire insurance, resting on our laurels---complacent...but rather, we, and I think most of us who love Jesus and are seeing the signs of the Bridegroom coming, His feet standing over the edge of Heaven, ready to take that step over the threshold between the Kingdom and this Earth, are more than eager to make sure that we are operating in faith, strong faith, living faith, and being obedient to our Saviour in offering the way of salvation to all who would listen!
You know it would be nice if we could stand at the gates of hell and sell fire insurance to those occupants before it is cast into the lake of fire - BUT - we know that is not how it works SO we need to focus on getting the true gospel preached and get out there sell that fire insurance which is and always will be the BLOOD OF CHRIST.

Nothing else can keep you from this ending. Nothing but the blood of Christ.
Every one keeps running around like chicken little crying out oh how do i get ready for His coming next month. If you are a born again Christian - then you should have been ready all along. There is no feast or ceremony or ritual that needs to be done. It is the blood of Christ which makes us the rightiousness of God in Christ Jesus or another words In Right Standing.

So why are so many Christians who are trapped in this belief that it is over, doing nothing and have attitudes like there will always be those who rejected God or who did not get on board in time. That attitude is exactly why NO man will ever pin point His return. ;)

God Bless
That uncalled for Jim, really.
See I don't believe that way. Many of my relatives who are Baptist or other Christian religions, think that they will be taken in the "rapture" before the tribulation. Why would they spared the tribulation and why do they all think that? I am a Mormon, but the bible says we will be spared Gods wrath, nothing more . So wake up to good for the tribulation Christians, your gunna ride it out with the rest of us, and ALL of Gods children will be taken before the wrath of God is poured on the earth.

That's God's promise that the true church is not meant for God's wrath.
See I don't believe that way. Many of my relatives who are Baptist or other Christian religions, think that they will be taken in the "rapture" before the tribulation. Why would they spared the tribulation and why do they all think that? I am a Mormon, but the bible says we will be spared Gods wrath, nothing more . So wake up to good for the tribulation Christians, your gunna ride it out with the rest of us, and ALL of Gods children will be taken before the wrath of God is poured on the earth.

We will be removed in the Rapture as a Bride SUDDENLY taken by her Bridegroom, according to the model of the ancient Hebrew Wedding. We are spared the Tribulation years because that era is meant for God to focus on Israel. The Church dispensation cannot co-exist with another dispensation...none of them overlap.

The Tribulation is a time of God's wrath and judgment on the unbelieving, blaspheming world. If you've read Revelation, you will recall how after the many inflictions God pours out on the earth's inhabitants (notice also, no mention of the Church), that it is said that NONE repent! So, if we were here, we would experience that wrath.

We aren't "too good for the Tribulation Christians"! We are the righteous, redeemed and perfect, spotless Bride, and will not suffer under God's wrath, nor be molested by the evil one whose focus is to eradicate Israel. It's all about Israel. There is nothing for us to ride out, but we will ride with our Bridegroom Jesus one fine Day and help Him set up His Kingdom on Earth, and rule and reign with Him.
I see ok. Well I hope so. I just have only seen in revelations to say only before the last battle. I guess it doesn't really matter I am ready when he is!

The book you are referring to is Revelation.

A lot has to take place before the final battle, and one of those things is the catching away of the saints, the translation of the living saints and the raising of dead saints...all receiving glorified bodies.
We still need to prepare in case were wrong or he is delayed.

You have me trying to get the right words out when so many here are better at it. We should always prepare, I agree but the most important preparation is getting and rightly dividing scripture. We already know who wins.
So what about the rebuilding of the temple? Where will we go while the earth goes on through tribulation ??

We will enjoy the wedding of the Lamb! We will feast our eyes on the glorious heavenly realm, and greet our loved ones, and be enthralled with our Bridegroom and with the enormity of who God is! Then, we will attend the Bema Seat Judgment of Christ, where we will receive our rewards and crowns...and possibly our positions and job descriptions for the coming Kingdom on Earth when we return to Jerusalem with Jesus at His great Second Coming!

The rebuilding of the temple is all set, and it will take place without us.
My first advice is to read this thread from page 1, stem to stern. There is a lot of information to absorb. Adding you to my household prayer list.