What I would have said in an extended version was that the principles of tithing should be taught as well as giving as on just can't drop money if they don't understand really why. Money without Faith tied to it, does no good.
A Church should be a tithing church and a giving church. Our Church tithes over 10% to shop with a cop, food pantery, other churches, and we have building project we show on screen for other churches and you would designate your money to go to that if you wanted.
We also have a Word supply which we ship CD's DVD's over 50,000 a week or more free, shipping paid all over the Word you can sow into if you like.
So we have lots of projects we bring on a big screen for other churches you can sow into with Word supply you can designate. It's up to the Lord or the person to know what to sow if anything.
We paid for a 3 million dollar boat to witness to the south pacific. Spent 100,000's on some big earth moving equip for a group to help clean up that Tornado that hit OK last year. things like that. No pulling for money, ever.