Love always comes first. Sometimes love is unconditional acceptance. Sometimes love is discipline but always done in love- love comes first.
Well, it is sad that this teenager looks at the bad of Christianity and not God in it~
Ya know what??
You got to pull a chain gently if you want to get it moved properly
You can pull or carry it. But a chain doesn't push.
Try it some time.
It's the same way with people
You push them and they go every direction but the one you push them in.
You carry them and when you put them down they are a tangled mess that doesn't go any farther.
You jerk it or snap it hard and it will break at it's weakest link.
But pull it steadily in the direction it needs to go and you will get it there
So it is with people.
The young man at the begining of this thread was never guided but constantly pushed. Unforunately, all too often in the churches today that is what is being done.
People are either being pushed or carried and in either case they rarely get to where they need to be because of it.
"Raised in the church" has become a worse issue for many that never having known the Lord at all.
Why ???
Because all too many push their children rather than lead them or teach them in the way they should go.
Because they use them to display their self rightousness before the church.
If I offend then I offend but parents that force their children into early commitment and baptism and only concern themselves with appearances more than the welfare of the children are sacrificing their own flesh and blood to look good.
No child should be baptized before the age of 12. There is no biblical present for it. Nothing is gained until the child is old enough and mature enough to truely understand and commit themselves to the LORD. David was a teen and Jesus himself was 12 years old before becoming involved in his father's business.
Jesus said "do not hinder the children from coming to me" He didn't say," tie them to the cross before they know that it is" .Where does anyone get the idea that adolecent baptism and forced participation does anything but impress the foolish and foster rebelion on the captive child???
Infant baptism is ignorance. Infant detication is only as good as the parents conviction and determination to follow through with it's promice.
You want to raise a protical ???? Bind them to the church separate them and hold them there until you can't hold them any longer and they will get as far from you and the church as they can just as soon as they are are able.
But remember this one thing
Not all make it back!!!