Six Californias? Residents Poised To Vote On Splitting Up State

It isn't a Christian nation because it wasn't founded as a Theocracy. But it was founded on Christian principles. Not atheist, not deist, and certainly not masonic.
It was a nation started by mostly Christian people (some deists/masons) but it was never a "Christian Nation" was and was meant to be a pluralist nation

Not if you ask some 'merikuns. They will claim from sunrise to sunset it is Christian, merely because it has Christians in it.

Not that it follows Christ, only it has Christians in it.
It isn't a Christian nation because it wasn't founded as a Theocracy. But it was founded on Christian principles. Not atheist, not deist, and certainly not masonic.
It was founded on Jewish and Ancient Greek principles.

Not ones of The King.

Not once does it state in ANY law to Love your neighbour as yourself.

Second Great Command.

And if you do not follow the second, you automatically fail the first.

They cannot be separated.

The United States of America is a secular, plutocratic oligarchy.

It may have Christians in it, but it has NOTHING to do with The King. In fact it is dead set against The King.

An enemy of The Kingdom.

But it is in good company, as all other nations are the same.