Socializing with the unsaved

How are we to be a light to those unsaved if we do not socialize with those unsaved? Even Jesus hung out with the unsaved.
Jesus socialized sometimes, but He spent more time with the Father than He spent with anyone.

It's important for us to be totally immersed as much as possible in The Word of God, and His teaching/preaching by anointed men of God. Then as we are led by the spirit, we can minister to those whom He puts in our path/impresses upon us to minister to.

Hanging out a lot with unsaved people only puts ungodly behavior in our eyes and ears, and if we spend more time with them than in the Word... one ends up adopting their behavior and ways instead of us encouraging them by our actions, attitudes and behaviors.

It's why God has said not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

It's better to be praying for them, and thanking God for their salvation
How better to be ambassadors for our faith than to lead by our words, actions, and examples? If we aren't physically present to those who are unbelievers, where will they witness's this behaviour? Isn't it by being among unbelievers that they have the opportunity to learn? Then, as they observe our sincerity in our faith, they will come with questions and be open to the Word. Even Jesus ate with tax collectors because he wanted the Word to reach everyone. If we hide ourselves from those who need us to show the way, how will unbelievers ever find their way? This does not imply doing what they are doing - it is quite the opposite. It is setting an example without being judgmental, and in my own personal experience it is the most powerful form of evangelism - an evangelism that leads by example.
How better to be ambassadors for our faith than to lead by our words, actions, and examples? If we aren't physically present to those who are unbelievers, where will they witness's this behaviour? Isn't it by being among unbelievers that they have the opportunity to learn? Then, as they observe our sincerity in our faith, they will come with questions and be open to the Word. Even Jesus ate with tax collectors because he wanted the Word to reach everyone. If we hide ourselves from those who need us to show the way, how will unbelievers ever find their way? This does not imply doing what they are doing - it is quite the opposite. It is setting an example without being judgmental, and in my own personal experience it is the most powerful form of evangelism - an evangelism that leads by example.
Egraine Greetings,
The sad part was the op was leaning more towards scripture saying we should go drink in bars so we can witness.
Do we even have a choice but to hang out with our unsaved family members most of the time?

Thats a great question, tjon. Inquiring Mind makes a wise point about discerning careful choices. Your post makes me think about who the Lord sends to cross our paths, or when we cross theirs, (or if God has already assigned another.) Either way we are still a light for Jesus while He continues to teach us the Way. God bless you!
Hello Major,

I quoted it in regard to the points being made about witnessing to the unbelieving, sometimes we should wait to be asked concerning the hope that is within us, instead of speaking indiscriminately.

If we are asked, then the enquirer is ready to listen.

In Christ Jesus

Always wonderful to communicate with you. You are a real blessing.

By the way, I agree!