Sometimes I can’t help but think that advertising competition is a form of propaganda

Well I dont hate ads as much as I hate the interruption of my favourite shows.
some ads are funny enough to consider buying a product just to see f they live up to their name. I would never buy something expensive doing it this way though haha.

I remember a lot of chocolate and toy ads were always being playing between children's TV shows and none of the toys influenced me to buy them that I can recall. But I suppose I could have been too young to notice But the choccies did...

I used to go to the shop and eye up the goodies. I cant say for sure the ads ever worked to be honest, because I was also influenced by other things in the shops too, like friends and shopkeepers and the other colourful goodies on parade.

But ads do work to a certain extent if not just so you remember their name.
LOL For me those ads did no good since it was my parent's check book that determined what I got for Christmas! With my allowance money, I always went for what was cheapest, not what was in some ad that I muted. 🤣
LOL For me those ads did no good since it was my parent's check book that determined what I got for Christmas! With my allowance money, I always went for what was cheapest, not what was in some ad that I muted. 🤣
Ah, so you didn’t have a shopkeeper like I had then.
She us to tell me if I didn’t have enough money I could come back tomorrow and pay what’s owed. Of course, the shop in question was round the corner from me and we was in there every day after school.


Those where the days😌
I remember going to my grandparent house when I was a child, and there was nothing to do there, no games or toys or anything (except a pack of cards) and nothing to read except newspapers and junk mail. I remember reading the junk mail, as the newspapers tended to be boring, except for the comics. The junk mail would come inside the newspapers and have colourful inserts advertising this that and the other than no child could afford obviously, But it was interesting reading what kinds of junk was on offer lol.

The newspapers and junk mail were tossed out every week in the paper recycling.