Strong's "Reverse" Concordance

Yeah, I can see in a lot of cases, there is no direct translation. I do see the gender of the Hebrew words in the Blue Letter Bible when you click on the word. I just thought there would be a version somewhere that would show the plurality also.

I just don't trust the various translations out there because of all of this. But yea, God speaks the Spirit behind the words for sure. With me anyway, sometimes it comes when I'm pressing in to know what God is saying and that can happen when looking up definitions, etc
I agree that it has to go beyond the Greek and the Hebrew definitions, etc. The best dictionary seems to be the Strong's but it is based on the King James translation. So it's limited also. I've even noticed some strong "opinions" in the STrong's which really surprised me. So I use it as a guide to broaden what the scriptures are saying.
I find the context gives most of the definition and dont need to look up new words in the dictionary so much anymore.

But then I come across some humdingers like 'propitiation'.

KJV is a pretty good translation I dont really have any problems with it. I find the newer ones actually can be more confusing than the KJV. For me I find it best to stick with one translation, at least that way you get consistency across the Bible.

If you trying to use strongs with a translation other than kjv, well thats not going to work. You need to fit the concordance with the bible version it was meant for.
Yeah, ultimately God has to speak behind the Words as the Word is Spirit.

It seems every translation is translated with a certain amount of "influence" from the mind of hte translators (which is expected). So I like to get the most literal in some cases and then go from there. Here's an example of Isaiah 53: 9

KJV: "And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death;"

Concordant Literal (original literal version): “And he is giving with wicked ones tomb of him and with rich one in deaths”

Anyway, it's interesting and just gives me more to meditate on....