Struggling with a question

I'm gathering it's more of a personal decision (or conviction) when it comes to alcohol.

We are told to be sober minded. This means at all times....Try a little test.....Take what ever you drink. Take a swollow and sit for a moment, then take another swallow and sit a minute. I did this one day with a beer. Now before I was saved I drank real heavy. So I figured a beer or two could not hurt. This was many years later.

Any way I noticed a change in the way I felt each swallow I took. If your honest with your self you can tell. By the time I was half way done with the beer I realised....I was NO LONGER SOBER MINDED. I was not drunk or buzzed but I knew there was a change and I decided right then and there..........NO MORE !!

You have been given some really good advice but all in all the best advice you are ever going to get is on you Knee's before our Lord God !!
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Any way I noticed a change in the way I felt each swallow I took. If your honest with your self you can tell. By the time I was half way done with the beer I realised....I was NO LONGER SOBER MINDED. I was not drunk or buzzed but I knew there was a change and I decided right then and there..........NO MORE !!
Letting your beer go flat will do it every time.:D

Just kidding.
great advice Jim(y)
Letting your beer go flat will do it every time.:D

Just kidding.
great advice Jim(y)
We are told to be sober minded. This means at all times....Try a little test.....Take what ever you drink. Take a swollow and sit for a moment, then take another swallow and sit a minute. I did this one day with a beer. Now before I was saved I drank real heavy. So I figured a beer or two could not hurt. This was many years later.

Any way I noticed a change in the way I felt each swallow I took. If your honest with your self you can tell. By the time I was half way done with the beer I realised....I was NO LONGER SOBER MINDED. I was not drunk or buzzed but I knew there was a change and I decided right then and there..........NO MORE !!

You have been given some really good advice but all in all the best advice you are ever going to get is on you Knee's before our Lord God !!

Different perspective to make you think! Thank you for sharing that experience. God is good and has provided my direction in the matter :)
For some time now I have been struggling with a question. Is it wrong to drink alcoholic beverages? I know drunkenness is a sin but what if you have 1 here and there or a few everyday but do not get drunk? I have asked other fellow Christians that are in my life and some agree it's ok and others don't. Some have even told me Christ turned water into wine so of course it's ok to drink....

How do I find the answer to this question in the bible?
Nope, it's not a sin at all. If someone has a personal conviction to abstain from alcohol that's their preference, but it's not a sin to consume alcohol. For some, it's an art form. Learning the intricacies of wine or scotch or beer. They're enjoyable and they're interesting. No more sinful than eating, if you eat to excess you're a glutton but the food and the generic consumption of it isn't the culprit. It's the attitude and the motivation behind it.