Where are you going with this KingJ...?Sorry about your grandmother. But I think it is a good example to compare to the baby deaths. Was your grandmother saved? If so where was God when she died 'brutally'?
Where are you going with this KingJ...?Sorry about your grandmother. But I think it is a good example to compare to the baby deaths. Was your grandmother saved? If so where was God when she died 'brutally'?
Sometimes I heard that the Bible is mistranslated too...
Also, how did the writers of the Bible even knew always that it's God? Satan or a devil or demon can impersonate God and tell things, and a Christian is actually not always sure if God is saying something or not...
Great point. Maybe certain pars of the Bible were influenced and infiltrated by Satan himself!
I want Mike to deal with reality. Any death, even brutal does not mean God is not with us.Where are you going with this KingJ...?
Oh okI want Mike to deal with reality. Any death, even brutal does not mean God is not with us.
How rude!
I am not lost, or your friend and neither am I bitter. I see a kind of bitterness or obnoxiousness in your persistence in your stream of thought. I think you do need some help in dealing with this question that is perplexing you. It isn't rude----it is what a helpful person would perceive and say. One who is asking for the help would be glad and humble to receive it.
So...you are either truly perplexed and want an answer, or you are determined to castigate God for what you cannot comprehend. Which is it?
As for Judgment Day...I won't be there, as the righteous will not be judged, for their sins have all been washed away by the blood of the Lamb, never to be remembered.
Euphemia, there are people here who have genuine questions about how to reconcile a disparity they see between God in the Old Testament and God in the New Testament and all you can do is talk about how they're wrong and how you are so perfect that you get to avoid judgment day. Really?
Very true.I want Mike to deal with reality. Any death, even brutal does not mean God is not with us.
They are not. It was the posters request. They are free to post if they want.I'm still wondering why Catholics are banned from this thread.
I want Mike to deal with reality. Any death, even brutal does not mean God is not with us.
Euphemia, there are people here who have genuine questions about how to reconcile a disparity they see between God in the Old Testament and God in the New Testament and all you can do is talk about how they're wrong and how you are so perfect that you get to avoid judgment day. Really?
Mike, I read some of your posts and I want to hopefully bring some understanding to your concerns. And I apologize for Euphemia's rudeness to your concerns.
First, let me begin by saying that your speculations that the God of the Old Testament is different from the New Testament are echoes of an old unorthodox group of Christian called Gnostics, who, like you, though Jesus was greater than the Jewish Creator God. This came in light of a widespread misunderstanding of Jesus' divinity which was resolved in the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. There, they stated unequivocally that Jesus, the Son of God, was co-equal, co-substantial, and co-eternal with God the Father. So first accept as truth that the Son and the Father are of one substance and one will.
Now, understand that God gives life, and God can take life away.
God, however, does not take away life arbitrarily. Nor will He interfere with the free will of another human being, this is perhaps the most coveted rule God holds.
God sent several plagues warning Pharaoh of the imminent disaster should he continue in his ways, and yet he still did. So...
God did what was necessary to bring His people out of Egypt. As He is all-knowing, the death of the first borns of Egypt was the only way to accomplish this. But remember this:
If God had not rescued His people, we would have no Messiah to save us from death ourselves.
Sorry about your grandmother. But I think it is a good example to compare to the baby deaths. Was your grandmother saved? If so where was God when she died 'brutally'?
Well after reading through your nasty judgmental comments I want to correct in you saying that I never said God wasn't with us when someone dies especially in the case where he murders innocent children, he was right there doing it himself.
Discussion would be easier if you just discussed and canned the 'judgmental remarks'.Well after reading through your nasty judgmental comments I want to correct in you saying that I never said God wasn't with us when someone dies especially in the case where he murders innocent children, he was right there doing it himself.
God has never committed murder. Assigning sin to God is an evil thing in itself.
Thank you murphy, I appreciate your kind words. I understand perfectly what you are saying expect that Jesus is God, there is no difference. Secondly I can't help but wonder if there was a better way to free the enslaved jews from Egypt, being that God is omnipotent there are an endless amount of ways that he could have freed the jews instead of having innocent children slaughtered. Peace and love unto you friend.
To that I would implore you to embrace the mystery of our Lord God. If you come across a scripture you don't understand avoid the temptation of assuming it is wrong but rather decide to leave it unknown until you gain more wisdom about it.
It is ALL in HIS plan. Then Jesus came to save ALL of us who let HIM.Euphemia, please check out this verse; Genesis 7:23 which states that God destroyed every living thing that walked the Earth. You couldn't be more wrong. Remember in the new covenant God tells us not to kill and to not repay evil with evil! Bless you Euphemia and I hope you are feeling better today!
It would be errenous to think God did evil. As I said you need not understand why things happened at the particular time. Let it resonate with you, seek out spiritual counsellors if necessary but don't surrender your heart or assume it is untrue. Wait for God to reconcile reality with your heart.Well I haven't assumed anything about this verse, thats the problem. The text is in plain English and it is very disturbing!
Euphemia, please check out this verse; Genesis 7:23 which states that God destroyed every living thing that walked the Earth. You couldn't be more wrong. Remember in the new covenant God tells us not to kill and to not repay evil with evil! Bless you Euphemia and I hope you are feeling better today!
It is ALL in HIS plan. Then Jesus came to save ALL of us who let HIM.