Struggling with homosexuality.

Having desires towards ones own gender in and of itself is not a sin, it is the acting out of the desires that is sin.
Andy Warhol is a good example of a homosexual who walked the straight and narrow as far as his sexual behaviors.

I agree with you Glomung but we must be careful not to remove the teaching of Jesus where He said that we did not have to do the sin to be guility of the sin. We only had to have the desire for that sin to be guilty of it.

Matthew 5:27–28.........
“You heard it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman in order to covet her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

The ordinary interpretation of this passage is that lust is equivalent to adultery; that is, if a man sexually desires a woman, he has already committed adultery with her in God’s eyes. It seems to me that that say thought would be applied to the sin of homosexuality as well as adultery.
I don't have any answers only to say I love the people I knew who were gay. If some are "born" with that proclivity, it makes a difference IMO. Sexual drives are innate. At one time I believed some are born that way. Now...not so much. If it is a "habit" there should be some way to break it. And that way requires you change your thinking.
Ever since I could remember I've never been sexually attracted to girls, the only attraction of that type I have is toward guys. This pains me to no end because it's very clean in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin and a very serious one at that. I hate being like this, I feel like I'm some sort of animal or a freak, I don't wanna be like this it's just how I've always been. It's really hard for me because I wanna talk to one of my friends about it so I can get some help but I'm so scared of being judged, I'm scared they'll look at me as a completely different person as soon as I tell them. Most everyone I'm around (friends, family, etc) are all very homophobic. They look at homosexuals as these people who are blatantly going against God's natural way of life but it's not like that, I've been praying for a long time that God would change me and make me normal like everyone else, but it hasn't happened! I'm so lost and confused and I frankly have no idea what I should do about this. Someday I wanna get married and have kids and raise a family, but I don't know how I'm gonna do that if I'm gay.

I really need help, does anybody have any suggestions on what I could do?

Check out this sermon. I pray that it will help you on your journey. God Bless.

He made everything.

King James Bible
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Does Isaiah 45:7 agree with the view that God did not create evil? NO!

There are two key facts that need to be considered.

The word translated “evil” is from a Hebrew word that means “adversity, affliction, calamity, distress, misery.” Notice how the other major English Bible translations render the word: “disaster” (NIV, HCSB), “calamity” (NKJV, NAS, ESV), and “woe” (NRSV).

The Hebrew word can refer to moral evil, and often does have this meaning in the Hebrew Scriptures. However, due to the diversity of possible definitions, it is unwise to assume that “I create evil” in Isaiah 45:7 refers to God bringing moral evil into existence.
Well friend: I don't have an issue with homosexuality, so I don't know how good anything I could tell you would do. I do however have experience struggling with other 'sexual sin' as we ALL do. Being celibate for nearly 4 years now has been tough-but it is MY choice; it is my effort to show my God that I care more about His Word more than my physical / carnal desire.

See-we can choose; that is the freedom God gives us. We get to choose our sin-or not to sin. And God will bless those who covet His Word, His Way, His Truth, His Life.

The struggle is hard, emotional, mentally (possibly physically?); but meditating on God's Word and the benefits thereof will help cleanse your mind. The battle will continue until our first (and only if you are a Christian) death.

We have lost the ability to 'be compassionate' towards each-other without it turning into something wicked and usually sexual. God made us to love one another-but we get to choose; His terms of love, or our own jaded concept.

Praying for you....
Ever since I could remember I've never been sexually attracted to girls, the only attraction of that type I have is toward guys. This pains me to no end because it's very clean in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin and a very serious one at that. I hate being like this, I feel like I'm some sort of animal or a freak, I don't wanna be like this it's just how I've always been. It's really hard for me because I wanna talk to one of my friends about it so I can get some help but I'm so scared of being judged, I'm scared they'll look at me as a completely different person as soon as I tell them. Most everyone I'm around (friends, family, etc) are all very homophobic. They look at homosexuals as these people who are blatantly going against God's natural way of life but it's not like that, I've been praying for a long time that God would change me and make me normal like everyone else, but it hasn't happened! I'm so lost and confused and I frankly have no idea what I should do about this. Someday I wanna get married and have kids and raise a family, but I don't know how I'm gonna do that if I'm gay.

I really need help, does anybody have any suggestions on what I could do?
Everyone has something they have to surrender to God in order for Him to show His power. Some have problems with drugs, or alcohol, or food (both too much and not enough). Some have issues with pride and willful ignorance. Some have issues with sex (both with the same and the opposite sex). The point is, what you're going through isn't unusual or evil, but normal, normal sin. I'm going to give you the truth, it's up to you to believe it and then act on it.

1 Peter 4:12-13 (KJV)
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

The fact is, if you didn't have something to surrender to God then you're living a lie. Turn to God, trust Him to help you get through this. Everyone MUST overcome their thinking.

Romans 12:2 (KJV)
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

See you, like everyone else, MUST renew your mind with the truth of God's word. How? Control your thoughts:

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (KJV)
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; ) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

You see? Our weapons against evil are not physical, nor spiritual, but mental. The strongholds are the patterns of thought that rule our lives, thoughts turn us away from God and push us towards sin. Everyone MUST do this if they're ever going to get close to God. There's no formula, no place to go, just a Person to have a relationship with and that is Jesus. He knows exactly what it is you're going through. That's it.

People always ask "What can I do?!" But information isn't the problem, it's acting on that information. So. What are you going to do with this information? What are you going to do with your weakness, your sin?
I pray for you Patrick Jesus came to this earth as a sacrifice for your sins, my sins ,all sin there is no sin bigger or smaller sin is sin. your aware of what God says the word is infallible because Jesus was perfect and with out sin he was the perfect sacrifice. for us who where once in sin it is true once we have been enlighten to Gods word and know what Gods expects we will be judged by his word' if we love God we will keep his commandments and his commandments or what he tells us is not grievous because we love him. if we continue to do the things we know is wrong because our focus and our hearts should be on Jesus "thy word have I hid in my heart" that I might not sin against you or anyone . but if we continue to sin we are not walking in his light what fellow ship does light have with darkness sin and Christian does not mix either you are Christ like walking as he walked or your not its your choice. there is one way to heaven there is one door Jesus is that way . Does that mean God does not love you NO he is not willing any to perish but all come to repentance but if we continue to follow our flesh our desires which is sin we will not enter in to Heaven because his word say no sin will inter in. It is simply do you believe? There is nothing impossible to those who believe you can be delivered if you really are honest with your self God already knows he cant do anything in us unless we let him have 100% of us just like he gave 100%of himself for us... I love you in Christ Jesus.. I say all this because just like the woman at Jesus feet pouring all she had out to Jesus I love him so much because he had done so much for me..

Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. Luke 7:47
Thanks for the replies guys, they were quite encouraging.

Just FYI: I am a born again Christian, I gave my life to Christ, he's my Lord and Savior.

I'm beginning to think I've been looking at this all wrong; I've always prayed that God would make me "straight", and take away these desires and lusts I was dealing with. I've since decided it would be better to just give the whole situation to God and let him do with it as he pleases, if God can somehow use my struggles for his glory; then so be it. Lusts towards other men are wrong, but so are lusts toward women. I would say they're both equally wrong, so even if God made me straight I would still have to deal with the same type of sin (towards women) and overcome it. Everyone has to overcome sins and I can't expect God to take away the thing that's causing those temptations I can only ask him to help me overcome them with his strength. God doesn't always answer your prayers the way you expect him to and I just gotta accept that. So from now on, I'm just gonna accept whatever God want's, if he want's me straight; he'll make me straight. If he wants me the way I am; he'll keep me that way. I'm done demanding that he make me a certain way, I'm just gonna keep trusting in him and just work through my temptations and struggles with is strength. I'm never going to "live the homosexual lifestyle", I know that's wrong. If I have to live the rest of my life with this struggle I'll just have to deal with that, although; I sincerely hope I don't. We'll see though.... I'm just gonna accept whatever God's will is.
I don't have any answers only to say I love the people I knew who were gay. If some are "born" with that proclivity, it makes a difference IMO. Sexual drives are innate. At one time I believed some are born that way. Now...not so much. If it is a "habit" there should be some way to break it. And that way requires you change your thinking.
Silk, a baby has absolutely no interest in sex. Paedohiles claim they were born that way too. Why is their argument weaker? Desire = desire. Heck I could claim I was born for beastiality or as a polygamist. Paedophilia is terrible but that's not the point. A feminine man claiming to be born gay is 100% on par with an aggressive man claiming to be born a bully.

Of course we must love gay people. Paul says there go I but by the grace of God. He was the chiefest of sinners. Note the ''but'' and ''was''. Christians have no excuse. Hence 1 Cor 5.

Cor 5:12-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you." Since those outside are already mentioned, the wicked = Christians continuing in sexual immorality.
Thanks for the replies guys, they were quite encouraging.

Just FYI: I am a born again Christian, I gave my life to Christ, he's my Lord and Savior.

I'm beginning to think I've been looking at this all wrong; I've always prayed that God would make me "straight", and take away these desires and lusts I was dealing with. I've since decided it would be better to just give the whole situation to God and let him do with it as he pleases, if God can somehow use my struggles for his glory; then so be it. Lusts towards other men are wrong, but so are lusts toward women. I would say they're both equally wrong, so even if God made me straight I would still have to deal with the same type of sin (towards women) and overcome it. Everyone has to overcome sins and I can't expect God to take away the thing that's causing those temptations I can only ask him to help me overcome them with his strength. God doesn't always answer your prayers the way you expect him to and I just gotta accept that. So from now on, I'm just gonna accept whatever God want's, if he want's me straight; he'll make me straight. If he wants me the way I am; he'll keep me that way. I'm done demanding that he make me a certain way, I'm just gonna keep trusting in him and just work through my temptations and struggles with is strength. I'm never going to "live the homosexual lifestyle", I know that's wrong. If I have to live the rest of my life with this struggle I'll just have to deal with that, although; I sincerely hope I don't. We'll see though.... I'm just gonna accept whatever God's will is.
Jesus is not a fairy with a magic wand. You need to draw closer to Him James 4:8. You need to respect scripture. You need to want to do what pleases Him. We are in a relationship with Him. He is not a puppet master.
Men can be attracted to other men without being gay; this is natural. If it turns out that you are gay, you are and God will still love you, he won't desert you becuase you are gay.
If your friends won't understand, God will. (y)
Men can be attracted to other men without being gay; this is natural. If it turns out that you are gay, you are and God will still love you, he won't desert you becuase you are gay.
If your friends won't understand, God will. (y)

Rom 1:32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Lev 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Mark 9:42 If anyone (Christians INCL) causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Prov 27:6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.
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Homosexuality is not a sickness nor are people born as such. It is a sin to be repented of .
But sexual sins are the most deep rooted and as such are often the hardest to repent of .
Nevertheless ,God is greater than our own hearts and there is more life in God than there is death in sin.
There are any number of reasons WHY a person has fallen into this particular dark ,deep and damp pit . Some were pushed, others fell , some deceived .But whatever the reason there is no pit that is too deep that God cannot deliver you from.
For now not even death or hell can the devil call his own.
A sincere and real desire to be free from it and to please God rather than yourself is the place to start . and then to look up and cry for help . For mercy and deliverance .
Be assured God hears the heart far better than any man can utter a word. and he will can and often does save all who cry unto the Lord.
Being in a battle does not mean you have sinned . Submit yourself to God there fore and resist the world the flesh and the devil and you will anc can overcome . Put your life and hands in God and commit yourself to God and he will sustain you in the battle as well as give you the victory.
Do not think for a moment either you are too unworthy .You are but it does not rest on your worthiness .But on Gods Mercy and goodness .
Do not think to justify nor make excuses for yourself as if you are not responsible for your own sins and your own thinking . You are .
The tabernacle was there for the sinner .
Jesus did not come for the righteous but for sinners .Even as a doctor does not go to the well .But the sick.
and while we do not deserve the least of Gods mercy and truths . But rather the greatest condemnation and judgement . Expect mercy and forgiveness if you have truly repented and seek to receive or have ; Christ as your Lord and saviour.

in Christ
Men can be attracted to other men without being gay; this is natural. If it turns out that you are gay, you are and God will still love you, he won't desert you becuase you are gay.
If your friends won't understand, God will. (y)
This is terrible advise. God will not bless him and his relationship with the Lord will be hindered if he followed your advise. Yes God will still love him but why would he defy Gods word. Patrick knows homosexuality is wrong and is on the right path. You my friend need to read the Word of God before making claims like you just did.
Thanks for the replies guys, they were quite encouraging.

Just FYI: I am a born again Christian, I gave my life to Christ, he's my Lord and Savior.

I'm beginning to think I've been looking at this all wrong; I've always prayed that God would make me "straight", and take away these desires and lusts I was dealing with. I've since decided it would be better to just give the whole situation to God and let him do with it as he pleases, if God can somehow use my struggles for his glory; then so be it. Lusts towards other men are wrong, but so are lusts toward women. I would say they're both equally wrong, so even if God made me straight I would still have to deal with the same type of sin (towards women) and overcome it. Everyone has to overcome sins and I can't expect God to take away the thing that's causing those temptations I can only ask him to help me overcome them with his strength. God doesn't always answer your prayers the way you expect him to and I just gotta accept that. So from now on, I'm just gonna accept whatever God want's, if he want's me straight; he'll make me straight. If he wants me the way I am; he'll keep me that way. I'm done demanding that he make me a certain way, I'm just gonna keep trusting in him and just work through my temptations and struggles with is strength. I'm never going to "live the homosexual lifestyle", I know that's wrong. If I have to live the rest of my life with this struggle I'll just have to deal with that, although; I sincerely hope I don't. We'll see though.... I'm just gonna accept whatever God's will is.

Temptation is not sin. James 1:14-15

14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. -- this is temptation

15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. - this is sin

This starts in the mind. When you have made up in your mind that you are going to do the thing you are tempted on and the only thing stopping you from acting on it is circumstances, this is when "lust hath conceived" and becomes sin.

Hence the Lord's prayer to "lead us not into temptation." Matt 6:13

Therefore, be at peace my friend. If you have sinned, then "if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you for your sin, and cleanse you from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Do you believe the Lord? I do.

God Bless,
He made everything.

King James Bible
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

That evil is from mans perspective .
God is light in him there is no darkness nor can a sweet spring cannot bring forth bitter waters .

in Christ
Thanks for the replies guys, they were quite encouraging.

Just FYI: I am a born again Christian, I gave my life to Christ, he's my Lord and Savior.

I'm beginning to think I've been looking at this all wrong; I've always prayed that God would make me "straight", and take away these desires and lusts I was dealing with. I've since decided it would be better to just give the whole situation to God and let him do with it as he pleases, if God can somehow use my struggles for his glory; then so be it. Lusts towards other men are wrong, but so are lusts toward women. I would say they're both equally wrong, so even if God made me straight I would still have to deal with the same type of sin (towards women) and overcome it. Everyone has to overcome sins and I can't expect God to take away the thing that's causing those temptations I can only ask him to help me overcome them with his strength. God doesn't always answer your prayers the way you expect him to and I just gotta accept that. So from now on, I'm just gonna accept whatever God want's, if he want's me straight; he'll make me straight. If he wants me the way I am; he'll keep me that way. I'm done demanding that he make me a certain way, I'm just gonna keep trusting in him and just work through my temptations and struggles with is strength. I'm never going to "live the homosexual lifestyle", I know that's wrong. If I have to live the rest of my life with this struggle I'll just have to deal with that, although; I sincerely hope I don't. We'll see though.... I'm just gonna accept whatever God's will is.

" If any man be in Christ he is a new creature .Old things have passed away and behold all things have become new"
I would suggest that if you are a christian you are standing in the wrong place as it were as if you were NOT crucified with Christ .

But Paul said we should "count ourselves dead to sin ......"
God is not glorified by our struggles but by the victory he gives us in Christ Jesus (see Paul in Romans )

in Christ
CBZone: I appreciated your previous post, it was encouraging but what do you mean by "I would suggest that if you are a christian you are standing in the wrong place as it were as if you were NOT crucified with Christ .", I'm slightly confused.

KingJ: That's very true what you said about James 4:8, I don't think I explained my last post right at all. I'm definitely going to continue drawing near to God and working on my relationship with Him.

I don't consider myself a gay person, I basically just struggle with same-sex attraction, and that kills me inside.

As for those that are saying homosexuality isn't a sin, there's plenty of verses in the bible that clearly say it is. I was reading 1 Corinthians the other day and I saw these verses:

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
As for those that are saying homosexuality isn't a sin, there's plenty of verses in the bible that clearly say it is. I was reading 1 Corinthians the other day and I saw these verses:

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

You are missing the point.
Being "straight" doesn't automatically make you a fornicator any more than being same sex attracted means that you have an active gay sex life.
The verses you refer to are concerned with gay sex, you have to act on an urge for it to become sin.