Yes. But I don’t really know what person means. If He is a person( 3) and Spirit both at once, I’m finding it hard to grasp that.
Flesh and blood person and Spirit at the same time and 3 of them.
It’s boggling my mind lol
We are body, mind, and soul - housed within one body. But each element of what makes us (body, mind, and soul) has its own state of existence. We do, however, become limited or finite when housed in this way, by space and time. We can only ever be where we are right now, in this one space, and within this one time due to the confines of our housing.
Now examine H20 for instance, it takes on a liquid form we call water and, when influenced by external forces, it can also become steam, or ice.
God is unchanging,(the Immutability of God) the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow unlike water, and is also unlimited by space and time, (omnipresent) unlike we are.
Those two things require (unchanging and unlimited), by necessity, a different state of existence than the frame we exist within.
I see the Triune God in this manner - for the ease of my own mind - I see God the Father as mind (the unseen), God the Son as body (Jesus on earth, the seen, both in physical and later also in Glorified form - knowable), and the Holy Spirit as Spirit, housed (not that God can be contained) in such a way that is never in conflict with God's eternal nature, which He has clearly communicated to us.
That's the easiest way for me to see God's Triune nature, as it gives me relatable reference for my decidedly finite mind. However eternally, the 3 are truly and without question 1.
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