G'day Mistmann, I figured you were busy elsewhere.
I sincerely wish the admin here would enable 'nested quotes' as it makes life very difficult without them.
Sorry for the delay in getting back Calvin. Been doing some promo stuff for MissionaryFromHome.com
I note a couple of times now you have commented about "Kai" (Which is basically "and" in Greek. I note the Interlinear correctly renders it as "and" also) being omitted from the KJV. But as I pointed out in my last post the KJV doesn't omit "kai". It is the "and" in "and (kai) which (hostis) had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,"
Misty, that is because it is important to our understanding. I also commented on the fact that KAI could be either a '
connective' or an '
additive' conjunction. This is determined by what follows: ie hOSTIS. ‘hOSTIS' is a
relative pronoun. It is therefore 'antecedent' to the clause that introduces the
subset of souls who did not worship the beast etc., not those who were beheaded for their testimony etc. Check this out: "The relative pronouns in English are
which, that, who, whom, and
Who and
whom refer only to people.
Which refers to things, qualities, and ideas--
never to people.
That and
whose refer to people, things, qualities, and ideas." (quoted material)
So from a grammatical consideration, the KJV is wrong. I can here a few calling for a posse to get me for this. But wrong is wrong. When translating from one language to another, due care with grammar must be taken, otherwise it is no longer a translation, but a transliteration.
Again, a relative pronoun remember, is antecedent to the relative clause that follows.
Since KAI hOSTIS, refers to what is to follow; it forces KAI into being an additive conjunction.
BTW, look up G5100 TIS, it forms the last part of hOS
TIS. I think I mentioned before that hOSTIS is a complex or compound word, that is, not a single word but a compound of a few. hOS is nominative, masculine. If you go to the corrected link I posted, you will see the grammar elements for it listed there. All of which proves nothing much I suppose.
I note you have "THOSE who had been beheaded" and "And I saw THOSE who were such that they did not worship". Apart from this not being the KJV it also is not a proper translation of the Greek. The second "THOSE" (as in "saw THOSE who were") is not part of the Greek passage as the interlinear also demonstrates. The Greek words are "kai hostis" (meaning "and who" or as some translate it "and whosoever". To insert "THOSE" at this point is to insert a word that does not appear in the original Greek .
Misti, 'I' did not have "Those..." as being a part of an alleged quote from the original Greek; please. I was merely using it in free speech as a differentiator between 'these here' and 'those there' sort of thing. Here is what I said :” EG. " Those who were beheaded...; those who did not worship....." then inserted, as it is in the original Greek, " Those who were beheaded, ((
and (KAI)) those who did not worship" The presence of KAI determines if there is one group or two groups. It also influences the rendering of hostis; 'who' or 'whoever' or 'those who' and similar.”
Sorry, since the object of the discussion here is ‘KAI’, I would have thought that it was obvious that I was only referring to KAI as being inserted or omitted from the Greek, and or the translation of the Greek. Let’s not go down that road.
The (possibly uncomfortable) truth is that the Greek text does require the inclusion of all the souls saved and redeemed by Christ, and hence the first resurrection includes all the saints of God.
There is only one ‘first resurrection’. The Bible does not speak of a second first resurrection or subsequent multiple first resurrections at all. John 5:28,29.
Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29
and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.
Jesus said it, I believe it. There is no mention of those beheaded. Notice that it is ‘
all who are in the graves’, not just some, not just those beheaded. Note also Jesus’ words, He mentions only two resurrections. The resurrection of life and the resurrection of condemnation.
I believe we read further on these two resurrections in Rev chapter 20. In verse 4, we see those who were resurrected to life along with those who are changed it the ‘twinkling of an eye’.
1Cor 15:51,52, Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—52in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Also, 1Thes 4:16,17,18, For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive
and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words.
The Lord can be in more than one place at a time, but if we are to take comfort from these words, I don’t see a hierarchy even hinted at here, or elsewhere. All saints are included in these verses.
Then in Rev20 verse 5 we read that the ‘rest of the dead’ , that means every other soul of mankind will not live again till the 1000 years are ended. The plain sense of this is that John/Jesus is now talking about the resurrection of condemnation. There is now no further talk of any extras that are saved.
After the 1000 years when Satan is loosed from his confinement, he goes out to gather the nations for battle. The reference to Gog and Magog recalls the prophesies of Eze 38 and 39.
Those not changed in the ‘twinkling of an eye’ at Christ’s return will be those that are not caught up to be with the Lord. They will be the ones gathered together by Satan against Christ and the saints along with those resurrected for condemnation.
But did you understand the explanation I gave in my other post of why, regardless of whether you choose "who" or "whosoever" there is no way this first resurrection can be the "rapture" at the return of Christ? That argument is quite conclusive as nobody who has died in Christ for the last 1,000 at least, meet the strict requirements for inclusion in the first resurrection. They would not be included in it because they have never been given the opportunity to REFUSE to worship either the beast or his image or to REFUSE to accept his mark.
According to Eusebius, Paul was beheaded by order of Nero. Later, Ignatius was fed to the lions, During the sixth persecution about AD 235 there is record of 44 beheadings During the seventh persecution, only 3 beheadings are recorded. 1 beheading recorded from the period of the 9th persecution AD 270, no beheadings recorded during the 10th persecution which pretty well brings us up to the time of Constanine.
Not so long ago it was reported that three teenage girls were beheaded for being Christian by a group of muslamic extremists. That would certainly have been within the last 1000 years. In fact it was in Indonesia 2005.
Misti, I know that you have put a lot of commendable effort into studying the Byzantine Empire (enjoyed the vid's by the way) However that is your belief and as you indicated, others are free to draw their own conclusions. While I accept in good faith the material you complied I do not agree that period of Byzantine Empire was the literal fulfillment of Rev 20's 1000 years.
For one thing, during the recognized period of that Byzantine Empire it suffered territorial loss. Does the Bible tell us that this will be the plight of the 1000 year reign of the saints with Christ? Will Christ lose ground to Satan?