Another possibility would be that neither the rider on the white horse nor the many that followed would fit through a door. But the Bible does not say it either way so let's keep the assumptions in the cupboard.
Does that apply to everybody else's assumptions also even if they don't aknowledge them as assumptions?
The Bible does not say that there was no horse. The Bible does not say that Jesus' feet were on the ground when the angels spoke to those disciples standing gazing up into heaven. Here is what was said, as recorded in Acts 1:9,10,11.
I never said that ACTS spoke about the feet of Jesus standing on the mount of Olives. I pointed out the ZECHARIAH's prophecy of the second coming of Jesus declares His FEET shall stand on the Mount of Olives. It was pretty clear so I am not sure how you came to misunderstand it, but hopefully it is clarified now.
My point about Acts was that the Angels declared we would see Jesus return in the same manner the Apostles saw Him leave. I am sure that if He left riding a white horse the Apostles would have mentioned it. After all they DO mention WATCHING Him going up UNTIL they lost sight of Him in a cloud. I am sure they would have noticed a white horse and mentioned it if they did.
No, it does not, however Rev 3:14 links the one named as faithful and true with Jesus. ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God" Nkjv I don't see Constantine qualifying for this title, and Misti remember these two important points. The Book of Revelation has been erroneously labeled as The revelation of St John the Divine. It is not; it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is about Him not Constantine, nor calvin nor is a revealing of Jesus and His control of the Church age. Note well Isa 42:8. "I am the LORD, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images." Nkjv
The other point to remember is that Jesus has many names throughout scripture... probably as many as He has crowns.
Jesus is indeed the True and Faithful Witness, BUT Rev19 does not say that the rider of the white horse is THE true and faithful witness. It merely says the rider is CALLED (named) faithful and true. The Hebrew name for Jesus is Jeshua/Joshua. Do you know how many people in the OT are CALLED Jeshua/Joshua (Jesus)? Do you know even today how many thousands of people are CALLED "JESUS"!!
Like it or not Constantine is CALLED "Faithful and True" THAT is the MEANING of his NAME. Jesus IS the True and Faithful witness but that is not His NAME. But ponder this also, is the Holy Spirit of God a lesser, or more, faithful and true witness than Jesus??? Listen to what the SPIRIT SAYS to the seven churches Revelation says to each church. We must be very, very careful not to be blinded by EXPECTING flowery, grand and glorious words can only be a reference to Jesus Christ.
But rest assured Calvin I DO know whose revelation it is. But I also know it is John who put pen to paper and wrote what HE heard and what HE saw as HE was instructed to do. We STILL cannot go beyond or retreat from the words John has WRITTEN. JOHN is always the ultimate authority on Revelation, not theologians.
Blessings to you also Calvin