Is that what is called a meritocracy?
I suppose there's good things about that but then again only applies to certain groups of people.
A Meritocracy is a type of compulsory Socialism or Communism
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Karl Marx
It is in the compulsory Communistic model that “compulsory needs” will play a pivotal despotic role using “State-managed rewards and punishments” in order to mandate things “fair through compulsion and despotism.” Can we agree that a Meritocracy also requires the “compulsory State to manage also what is merited” using the same compulsion and despotism that Communism will use to force a society fair?” Both have an unjust master which will always mature to be the tyrannical State of despotism.
Instead is it possible that it’s proper to understand that the U.S. was a Limited Democratic Republic in the beginning and has now mutated to a Socialistic Democratic Republic; a far cry from a compulsory Meritocracy in the beginning but is now on immoral grounds moving closer to it every minute?