The "Are you a good person" quiz

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I took the quiz and I am aware of Ray Comfort and Cameron's ministry. That test was meant for unbelievers. The only part I didn't agree with was the anger and murder question. That is going a bit overboard. We can be angry, it just depends how we respond to that anger.

I use to do door to door witnessing and it is very similiar to street corner witnessing. You claim you like for people to get to know you and then notice by your actions that they should be saved? What if that takes months or days and during that time the person dies? I would rather share the gospel right away then take that chance this person has never heard it.
Well, as I said earlier, I'm uncomfortable witnessing in general. For the simple reason that I do not believe it is effective. Certainly most people I know express great irritation when they talk about the experience of having the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. I don't believe it's any different for other Christian denominations.

I think there is a way to evangelize properly, but you must ensure you have an audience receptive to your message, otherwise you're just going to reinforce a negativity that was already there.
I can understand where you are coming from. I feel if the Holy Spirit is leading me to witness to someone then I better do it. Jesus went out and witnessed all the time. The Disciples went out after Jesus left them and did the same. Everyone of them felt the wrath of individuals who didn't want to hear the truth. This didn't stop them just because they hurt someones feelings. Out of love for God we should want to go out and shout the good news.
Well, as I said earlier, I'm uncomfortable witnessing in general. For the simple reason that I do not believe it is effective. Certainly most people I know express great irritation when they talk about the experience of having the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. I don't believe it's any different for other Christian denominations.

I think there is a way to evangelize properly, but you must ensure you have an audience receptive to your message, otherwise you're just going to reinforce a negativity that was already there.
I agree to a degree. (HA! I'm a poet!) :ROFLMAO:

I think what's wrong is that people truly are desperate for the truth and for it to be real and life changing. Billy Graham preached the Good News (Gospel) and supposedly tens of thousands got saved, but in reality, I believe they prayed the prayer of salvation with a belief in the prayer and not in the One being prayed to. So nothing changed in their lives. They went to his crusades with great hope and expectation, learned of the Good News, and not entirely understanding it, recited an empty prayer of the head. See "salvation" comes from first understanding what it was Jesus did, and then believing in the heart that it's true, not just in the head, and then "salvation" happens and you become a new creature and their lives change. People want what God wishes to give them, they just don't know how to get it.

Jesus said we're to be fishers of men. Personally I see that as a rod-n-reel, not a as net. Yes, there is a place for evangelists, but only in conjunction with those that have to pick up the pieces in the local church and provide more information. A revival isn't just a numbers game, ("Oh we had 53 saved last Sunday"), but life changing - ("we had a drug dealer give his heart to Jesus and turned himself in") or ("an angry father repented and asked forgiveness of his kids for being unreasonable"). God's planted into our hearts His will, and His law, we just have to wait until the Holy Spirit says "Yea, this one's ready, go talk to them." (y)

Paul planted, Apollos watered, but GOD gave the increase!
Haven't done the test but I do want to point out that a good person doesn't mean to be a Christian it's Willing to follow Jesus, and having a personal relationship with Him. Just saying :)
I think there is now a lot of misunderstanding.

All of us are sinners, just by nature.
However, a person may be good, despite is nature, if he recognizes what is sinful, aspires and strives to do what is good and moral, and for good and moral reasons, not selfish ones.

The reason why the quiz just doesn't work is because there is no dialog -- no one on one connection with either side. At least when Ray Comfort does it, explanation can be given because it is between two live people.

This online quiz will just leave people feeling puzzled and dumbs down the gospel. People deserve much more than just that.
My dear brother, do you find that what you just said should be a two way street?

When you say......."just always accept your knowledge is not complete and be willing to learn from others":

does that mean it works both ways?

Major, I have on multiple occasions admitted to being wrong or have changed my opinions are certain issues since being on this forum and I am always open to having a two way discussion.

I don't often make definitive statements in my posts because I'm open to the possibility that I am wrong.
I'm actually glad to see so many people here consider that test to be essentially ridiculous. It would be nice to see a quiz of that sort that was actually a quiz.
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