Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (1 Kings Chapter 1 to 22)

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1 Kings 8:36 (NLT)

36 then hear from heaven and forgive the sins of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them to follow the right path, and send rain on your land that you have given to your people as their special possession.
1 Kings 8:37 (NLT)

37 “If there is a famine in the land or a plague or crop disease or attacks of locusts or caterpillars, or if your people’s enemies are in the land besieging their towns—whatever disaster or disease there is—
1 Kings 8:38-39 (NLT)

38 and if your people Israel pray about their troubles, raising their hands toward this Temple,
39 then hear from heaven where you live, and forgive. Give your people what their actions deserve, for you alone know each human heart.
1 Kings 8:40-41 (NLT) - 40 Then they will fear you as long as they live in the land you gave to our ancestors. 41 “In the future, foreigners who do not belong to your people Israel will hear of you. They will come from distant lands because of your name,
1 Kings 8:42 (NLT) - 42 for they will hear of your great name and your strong hand and your powerful arm. And when they pray toward this Temple,
1 Kings 8:43 (NLT) - 43 then hear from heaven where you live, and grant what they ask of you. In this way, all the people of the earth will come to know and fear you, just as your own people Israel do. They, too, will know that this Temple I have built honors your name.
1 Kings 8:44 (NLT) - 44 “If your people go out where you send them to fight their enemies, and if they pray to the LORD by turning toward this city you have chosen and toward this Temple I have built to honor your name,
1 Kings 8:45-46 (NLT) - 45 then hear their prayers from heaven and uphold their cause. 46 “If they sin against you—and who has never sinned?—you might become angry with them and let their enemies conquer them and take them captive to their land far away or near.
1 Kings 8:47 (NLT) - 47 But in that land of exile, they might turn to you in repentance and pray, ‘We have sinned, done evil, and acted wickedly.’
1 Kings 8:48 (NLT) - 48 If they turn to you with their whole heart and soul in the land of their enemies and pray toward the land you gave to their ancestors—toward this city you have chosen, and toward this Temple I have built to honor your name—
1 Kings 8:50 (NLT) - 50 Forgive your people who have sinned against you. Forgive all the offenses they have committed against you. Make their captors merciful to them,
1 Kings 8:53 (NLT)

53 For when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, O Sovereign LORD, you told your servant Moses that you had set Israel apart from all the nations of the earth to be your own special possession.”
1 Kings 8:54 (NLT)
When Solomon finished making these prayers petitions to the LORD, he stood up in front of the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands raised toward heaven.
1 Kings 8:56 (NLT)
"Praise the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave to his servant Moses.
1 Kings 8:57 (NLT)
May the LORD our God be with us as he was with our ancestors, may he never leave us or abandon us.
1 Kings 8:58 (NLT)
May he give us the desire to do his will in everything, and to obey all the commands, decrees, and regulations that he gave our ancestors.
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