THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Ezekiel Chapter 1 to 45)

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Ezekiel 44:9 (NLT)
"So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigners including tthose who live aamong the people of Israel, will enter my sanctuary if they have not been circumcised and have not surrendered themselves to the LORD.
Ezekiel 44:10 (NLT)
And the men of the tribe of Levi who abandoned me when Israel strayed away from me to worship idols must bear the consequences of their unfaithfulness.
Ezekiel 44:11 (NLT)
They may still be Temple guards and gatekeepers, and they may slaughter the animals brought for burnt offerings and be present to help the people.
Ezekiel 44:12 (NLT)
But they encouraged my people to worship idols, causing Israel to fall into deep sin, so I have taken a solemn oath that they must bear the consequences for their sins. Says the Sovereign LORD.
Ezekiel 44:13 (NLT)
They must not approach me to minister as priests. They may not touch any of my holy things or the holy offerings, for they must bear the shame of all the detestable sins they have committed.
Ezekiel 44:15 (NLT) - 15 “However, the Levitical priests of the family of Zadok continued to minister faithfully in the Temple when Israel abandoned me for idols. These men will serve as my ministers. They will stand in my presence and offer the fat and blood of the sacrifices, says the Sovereign Lord.
Ezekiel 44:17 (NLT) - 17 “When they enter the gateway to the inner courtyard, they must wear only linen clothing. They must wear no wool while on duty in the inner courtyard or in the Temple itself.
Ezekiel 44:19 (NLT) - 19 When they return to the outer courtyard where the people are, they must take off the clothes they wear while ministering to me. They must leave them in the sacred rooms and put on other clothes so they do not endanger anyone by transmitting holiness to them through this clothing.
Ezekiel 44:22 (NLT) - 22 They may choose their wives only from among the virgins of Israel or the widows of the priests. They may not marry other widows or divorced women.
Ezekiel 44:24 (NLT) - 24 “They will serve as judges to resolve any disagreements among my people. Their decisions must be based on my regulations. And the priests themselves must obey my instructions and decrees at all the sacred festivals, and see to it that the Sabbaths are set apart as holy days.
Ezekiel 44:25 (NLT)
"A priest must not defile himself by being in the presence of a dead person unless it is his father, mother, child, brother, or unmarried sister. In such cases it is permitted.
Ezekiel 44:27 (NLT)
The first day he returns to work and enters the inner courtyard and the sanctuary, he must offer a sin offering for himself, says the Sovereign LORD.
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