Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 21:9 (NLT)
Everyone who stays in Jerusalem will die from war, famine, or disease, but those who go out and surrender to the Babylonians will live. Their reward will be life!
Jeremiah 21:10 (NLT) - 10 For I have decided to bring disaster and not good upon this city, says the Lord. It will be handed over to the king of Babylon, and he will reduce it to ashes.’
Jeremiah 21:12 (NLT) - 12 This is what the Lord says to the dynasty of David: “‘Give justice each morning to the people you judge! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors. Otherwise, my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire because of all your sins.
Jeremiah 22:1 (NLT) - 1 This is what the Lord said to me: “Go over and speak directly to the king of Judah. Say to him,
Jeremiah 22:2 (NLT) - 2 ‘Listen to this message from the Lord, you king of Judah, sitting on David’s throne. Let your attendants and your people listen, too.
Jeremiah 22:3 (NLT)
This is what the LORD says: Be fair-minded and just. Do what us right! Help those who are robbed ; rescue them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds! Do nit mistreat foreigners, orphans and widows. Stop murdering the innocent!
Jeremiah 22:4 (NLT)
If you obey me, there will always be a descendant of David sitting on the throne here in Jerusalem. The king will ride through the palace gates in chariots and on horses, with his parade of attendants and subjects.
Jeremiah 22:5 (NLT)
But if you refuse to pay attention to this warning, I swear by my own name, says the LORD, that this palace will become a pile of rubble."
Jeremiah 22:6 (NLT)

6 Now this is what the Lord says concerning Judah’s royal palace: “I love you as much as fruitful Gilead and the green forests of Lebanon. But I will turn you into a desert, with no one living within your walls.
Jeremiah 22:8 (NLT) - 8 “People from many nations will pass by the ruins of this city and say to one another, ‘Why did the Lord destroy such a great city?
Jeremiah 22:9 (NLT) - 9 And the answer will be, ‘Because they violated their covenant with the Lord their God by worshiping other gods.’”
Jeremiah 22:10 (NLT)
Do not weep for the dead King or mourn his loss.
Instead, weep for the captive King being led away. For he will never return to see his native land again.
Jeremiah 22:11 (NLT)
For this is what the LORD says about Jehoahaz, who succeeded his father Josiah, and was taken away captive: "He will never return.
Jeremiah 22:13 (NLT)

13 And the Lord says, “What sorrow awaits Jehoiakim, who builds his palace with forced labor. He builds injustice into its walls, for he makes his neighbors work for nothing. He does not pay them for their labor.
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