Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Song of Solomon Chapter 1 to 8)

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Song of Solomon 2:9 (NLT)
My lover is like a swift gazelle

Or a young stag.
Look, there he is behind the wall,
Looking through the window,
pearing into the room.
Song of Solomon 2:12 (NLT)
The flowers are springing up
the season of singing birds has come,
and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.
Song of Solomon 2:13 (NLT)
The fig trees are forming new fruit,
and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming.
Rise up my darling!
Cone away with me, my fair one."
Song of Solomon 2:14 (NLT) - 14 My dove is hiding behind the rocks, behind an outcrop on the cliff. Let me see your face; let me hear your voice. For your voice is pleasant, and your face is lovely.
Song of Solomon 2:15 (NLT) - 15 Young Women of Jerusalem - Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!
Song of Solomon 2:17 (NLT) - 17 Before the dawn breezes blow and the night shadows flee, return to me, my love, like a gazelle or a young stag on the rugged mountains.
Song of Solomon 3:1 (NLT) - 1 Young Woman - One night as I lay in bed, I yearned for my lover. I yearned for him, but he did not come.
Song of Solomon 3:2 (NLT) - 2 So I said to myself, “I will get up and roam the city, searching in all its streets and squares. I will search for the one I love.” So I searched everywhere but did not find him.
Song of Solomon 3:3 (NLT)
The watchmen stopped me as they made their rounds,
and I asked, "Have you seen the one I love?"
Song of Solomon 3:4 (NLT)
Then scarcely had I left them
when I found my love!
I caught and held him tightly,
Then I took him to my mothers house,
into my mother's bed, where I had been conceived..
Song of Solomon 3:5 (NLT)
Promise me, O women of Jerusalem,
by the gazelles and wild deer,
not to awaken love until the time is right.
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