The difference between happiness and joy from amChristian perspective?

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

Oh Google. *sigh*

Proverbs 16:20
He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.

2 John 1:12
I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

Happiness reflects your emotion and how you feel deep inside about something, something that moves you. Joy on the other hand, reflects your happiness. Joy is the outward appearance and comes directly from happiness. Happiness and Joy are equal to yin and yang, without one you couldn't have the other.

aside the reference to "yin yang", I seem to understand the point being made....

as mentioned, both words (to me) is neutral, although it seems to me now that what counts is how people, culture, background use it....

well, when in Rome, speak Latin : )
Thank you
Tonight at church I again heard it asserted that joy and happiness are not the same. While I ready to accept this as true, I have never understood this. I would be grateful if any of you could help me in understanding this better

Joy of the Lord is our stength.....That tells us something right there. We do not find the happiness of the Lord is our strength. So there must be a huge difference between the two.

Happiness is an emotion and needs something nice to make it happen. Such as a warm smile makes us happy or blowing past the police officer sitting on the side of the road when we were doing 8 mph over the set speed. Well that makes us real happy...

Now Joy that is another thing all together. Joy is an effrort on our part. I mean we are told to make a joyful noise unto the Lord and again not a happy noise.
One good example is Praise and worship. When we begin to praise God and thank Him and just simply love and adore HIM it developes Joy in our heart for the Lord. Truly meditating on His word and renewing our mind brings Joy into our heart.

Now then Joy in the Lord or our strength is what makes us able to smile and be of good cheer and not in a panic and worrying when something bad happens. Ever see some one in the emergency room who seemed to be joyful and their child was near death ? This person has tapped into the Joy of Lord and operates this way. No panic or fear BUT TRUST in God and His word. He walks slow and deliberant and can hear the Lord. Paanic and worry blocks out the voice of the Lord.

When you are full of true Joy in the Lord and satin comes to kill, steal and destroy well Joy meets him with Faith and Love head on..... The devil does not have a chance. The devil will flee....The devil can not shake you for you are rooted and grounded in the written word and it is true....there is much strength in the Lord through Joy....

P.S.....Happiness needs something good in order to if someting bad comes...happiness leaves.....Not true with True Joy in the Lord.......Bad or Good....true joy in the lord will Shine shine shine....

I hope this helps out
Hmm good question.
I heard an acronym once about JOY

Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last

I is a deeper version of happiness that lasts. as Joy is a fruit of the holy spirit and I did read somewhere that God wants us to have fruit that will last.
Happiness can be fleeting and determined on circumstance. Also the root of happiness in english comes from 'luck' or 'fate' so it can be fickle.

We are told to rejoice always. Also someone mentioned the Joy of the Lord is your strength. if its the Joy of the Lord..then it must be everlasting no?