What pagan music are you referring to?
Edit: I think you answered this in the post right above mine.
Skipper........I can only speak for ME. Everyone is free to sing what they want and listen to what they want.
I am not judging anyone or putting anyone down whatsoever.
This area is just something that my church went through 25 years ago when the younger group wanted to transition to CCM. When it was tried, the older group rebelled completely. It was at that point I worked on trying to find out WHY and could it be worked out. The more I learned the more I realized that it could not be done.
Personally, I like new things better than old things in many cases. I stay at the cutting edge of technology, for example. I buy new TV's, New cars and New phones and so on. But when it comes to my “religion,” I do like it old for the simple fact that it is old. The newest part of my Bible and my Christian faith is 2,000 years old! Bible truth is not contemporary and it will never be considered cool by the world unless it is distorted. Thus I am committed to the old Bible and the old Paths that are taught therein.
Now with just a little study and searching, you will find that the accepted understanding of the CCM philosophy is something like this......
"It puts no difference between the holy and the profane. The argument will be....“All music is holy,” or that it boasts that nothing is profane. All dress styles are holy; nothing is profane. God is the God of everything.
I guess I should have used the word "Worldly" instead of pagan. Worldly music is music that sounds like the music used by the world for sinful activities.
I hope that you are not offended by what I am going to say because that is not my intention. This is simply MY personal opinion.
John defined the world in 1 John 2:16 as .........
“the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”.
IMPO then, Music that is characterized by these things is worldly music, and that is certainly true for blues, jazz, rock, rap, reggae, and other forms of modern dance music. This type of music has an intimate association with immorality, drunkenness, drug abuse, gambling, prostitution, and other evils, and it is impossible to disconnect the music from this association. “Sex, drugs, and rock & roll” is not just a popular saying; it is a true saying because “sex, drugs, and rock & roll” go together like peas in a pod.
Now that being the case for me.........I must then say what my grandfather always told me.......
"If, IF it walks like a duck, and swims like a duck, and quakes like a duck......then it is a duck no matter what it says it is"!