The enemy gets in

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Ok so thinking further on this disobedience is a way...for the enemy to enter
Forgetting God and hearing but not doing what He asks, taking our eyes of Jesus, being distracted. Having a doublemind instead of a singlemind.

How did satan enter does say he did..he somehow entered his heart or the devil put into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus. See John 13

Judas had been sinning before that stealing money he was a thief. We need to guard our hearts from the enemy. If we take our hearts to God he circumcises me it seems he not only softens our hearts but cuts away the old bits and does radical surgery to make it new again
Could you please elaborate? Thank you

When one walks in sin one has opened the door unto the enemy.
Gods hand of Blessing is not on Him.

Put them out of the church where the enemy will have his way. There is no Christian fellowship and if one is smart they will repent and get back under the Blessing of The Lord.

God does not sub contract satan to teach us anything. Lol

When one walks in sin one has opened the door unto the enemy.
Gods hand of Blessing is not on Him.

Put them out of the church where the enemy will have his way. There is no Christian fellowship and if one is smart they will repent and get back under the Blessing of The Lord.

God does not sub contract satan to teach us anything. Lol

Blessings was never clear to me about “the destruction of the flesh” and what it specifically referred to.The guy got kicked out of the church.....was that it or was it something else? Any insight to that? Thanks was never clear to me about “the destruction of the flesh” and what it specifically referred to.The guy got kicked out of the church.....was that it or was it something else? Any insight to that? Thanks

Flesh can mean human nature.
Human nature can be viewed as the soul which is the mind , will and emotions.

Also the phrase....deliver one unto also saying remove this one from amongst yourselves.

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Greetings Friends,

I am asking you to reply in how you Think the enemy the devil can get into ones life.
What gives him the ability or Right to do so.
Can he devour a Believer?


I was born again in 2013 at the age of 39 and while miraculous changes for the good flooded my new being I was also swiftly swamped with attack from Satan. I was left in no doubt that I would have to learn quickly how to defend, and boy did I have to! and it is actually your second question that I sought to understand first. I believe the answer is fairly straightforward:

Adam believed the lies, was drawn by temptation, used his gift of free will to chose and committed original sin.
Satan was given the right, by this first contract, to enact his plan and try to "WIN" every person born into the world away from God's love.

So he has the "right" and since he was a powerful angel he also has the means to destroy us in mind, body and spirit. He has many ways with which he can implement strongholds on the non-believer and even more to tear at the faithful. He's well practiced over the many thousands of years he has waged war and will be relentless until the end. He'll have you doubt, he'll have you believe that God isn't listening and doesn't answer your prayers. He'll plant questions like, where was God when such-and-such happened? or how can God be good and all powerful if he lets children suffer? If God loves me why did I get cancer?

Jesus instructed his disciples many, many times to not be afraid. If you read the Gospel you'll find many occasion where Jesus would exclaim "Oh, Ye of little faith" or similar to his chosen few. I don't know if he was frustrated or illuminating their struggles but either way isn't he just saying: God is good, he loves us so be faithful and the truth will win through in the end.

And this is how I defend. I know the devil is going to catch me out and I'll sin, he has sent misfortune and disease my way, and he attacks more fiercely with every breakthrough I make but I am not afraid. I suffer sometimes and have to bear the pain of repentance when I get it wrong but I know I am not alone. I am loved more than I can comprehend. I can't prove any of it but I will stay faithful regardless. The enemy can try all he likes but I can see the truth and thus his deception and where I catch his evil influencing my life I always make sure I congratulate him; for if there is Satan who is evil there must be a God who is anything but!

Do not worry: Luke 12 vs 22 to 34
The devil does not stop lying to us when we become christians in fact he ramps up his lies and tries to enter our churches as wolf in sheeps clothing even.
But the thing is we now not only have a refuge in God and a shield of faith to protect us but also a sword of the spirit to cut down the attacks of the enemy. When we become christians we dont just sit back and let the devil attack us we do fight back by resisting so that he will flee.

Some of those questions the devil asks seem so innocent as if hes posing theological question that is up to you to figure out, well thats silly because if he was really smart he would just ask God about it and wouldnt need to question whats said in the Bible. You will often come across these theological stumpers on forums by unbelievers who are baiting christians. It will always start with a question such as does God impute righteousness? Well we know He does but the devil will go I need scriptures to prove that he does. And then he will go well the KJV bible may says so but what does the Nasb say? And then the rabbit trail of broken scriptures from 20 different versions begins till hes made a mess of it and thoroughly confused everyone.
Still yet I am asking How does our enemy the devil get the right to set up shop in any area in a believers life.

You obviously are looking for something particular.

So, although I could quibble about whether it is the right of the enemy, the only 'in' that I can see is that _we_ each and individually allow him that access. Our nature was set to be open his attacks when our progenitors (Adam & Eve) chose to disregard the commandments of our Lord.

FCJ, Please let us in on your thoughts.

(There are some occasions when the Socratic method just frustrates the learner).
Still yet I am asking How does our enemy the devil get the right to set up shop in any area in a believers life.
Can I attempt to answer this question just at face value the devil has NO RIGHT to set up shop in a believer if he does he is squatting and should be kicked out. If he came in before when the person was an unbeliever and that person now believes its time to tell him his time is up and he has to go!

Dont let him get a foothold.

Jesus says my house is to be a house of prayer not a den of thieves. And then he kicked out all the money changers in the temple.
Believers are not to give any place to the devil.
ok....was your question answered? Or are we all wrong..?
If our flesh is crucified and buried then no flies can get at it but if it starts stinking then the devil can feed on it. If we are washed clean and born again the devil and his demons/beezlebub ain't going to land on it.

All that comes to mind is the story of Job how God gave him a hedge of protection but that hedge was removed temporarily and satan had free reign - for a season. It was to test Job. Yet Job, when he repented and prayed for everyone else God restored everything back to him.

The wicked one doesn't touch Jesus because he had nothing in him that the devil could want. John 14:30 . This was after his temptation in the wilderness. Then when Judas betrayed Jesus well Jesus got crucified and rose again so after that the devil had to concede he lost.
Its like people that never get burgled because they have nothing that the burglars think is worth stealing. Flies don't land on clean surfaces they will buzz round rotten things that smell.

The only thing about 'legal rights' is if perhaps you have made a pact or vow with the devil. Maybe in the past? This and any curses can be broken with the blood of Jesus.
ok....was your question answered? Or are we all wrong..?

I am not looking specifically for answers but rather the level of understanding in other believers in this area.

I do believe that as this unfolds that Light will be she'd and eyes opened unto truth.
Until then
What is your understanding of this FCJ?

God said to Cain if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
So the enemy wants to come in through an open door, if that door is Jesus then sin (and hell) cant prevail against it.

Jesus also spoke about binding and loosing, and that we as believers have authority to bind and loose.

Some believers arent really aware of the spiritual battle or tactics/wiles of the enemy...but Jesus has fought for our salvation. This is why the sallies call themselves the salvation ARMY. Its not the salvation sofa! Some believers shy away from this, but the battle is real. If we want to see souls set free, we need to be willing to call on Jesus to break those chains and open and shut the door.
God said to Cain if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.

God was giving Cain a second chance or a chance to repent and make his offering worthy.

So the enemy wants to come in through an open door, if that door is Jesus then sin (and hell) cant prevail against it.

Different doors.
Jesus is the door to the Father and eternal life with the Father.

As to the will be covered in the next part.
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