Journal The Garage

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We're going to have a quiet Christmas celebration of Jesus' birthday with a good meal. There is no pressure, no stress, only peace and joy.

I remember the days when we were constantly on the go shopping, attending all the Christmas parties and festivities. They were a lot of fun but it was trying while keeping on the move. I would remember people, even Christians relieved that the Holiday Season was over.
Good morning my Dear Bob...

You raise some very GOOD points here. The "quiet" Christmas is a luxury that old age brings. Being that I have no grand-children and my daughter lives out of province.... QUIET has been how my life has played out.

What has changed for me this year.... is the JOY of CELEBRATION. I never was able to get "into" the FEELING of the season... and that didn't seem to change AFTER becoming a Christian. What has changed for me... I BELIEVE... stems from the supernatural healing I received. Next summer it will be 4 years that I am depression-free. YET still... after my healing.... I was without the knowledge on even HOW to celebrate at all... when my entire life was without JOY.

I see a glimpse of what the Lord has done for me. It is not by chance that I had a health scare in October... OR... that I chose to buy myself a beautiful solitaire diamond ring. I believe that God orchestrated EVERYTHING so that this year in particular.... I might LEARN the ART of CELEBRATION. It would not have played out like this for me...had I not had the time to reflect on being WELL.... and NOW.... by adding the CELEBRATION to the HEALING... I am able to FEEL the BEAUTY of the SEASON. On top of that.... Father has gifted me with a child-like wonder and so..... the ANTICIPATION is simply through the roof.

I will probably not ever experience another holiday as I am preparing to experience this year. I am about to enter a place of supreme lavishness.... and with that said... what I mean is that I have pampered myself and ensured that Christmas morning will be a physical experience of opening a large number of presents.

Most importantly.... and what I WILL bring with me from here on in... is that SPIRIT of CELEBRATION... and that has nothing to do with me.... but EVERYTHING to do with HIM. I have fed this spirit with GRATITUDE. The Lord has shown me GREAT KINDNESS and MERCY. I am BLESSED beyond measure.

God bless you Bob.

Y'all are welcome, too, thar little lady. Them wuz brewed up by my cousin, Cletus, over in the next county. They wuz made up in his trailer house kitchen from a few fresh road kills. Merry Christmas to y'all from Western Kentucky.

😲 YIKES!!!!

I want to join in the fun with everyone but have to be honest. Are these Possum Flavored Candy Canes for real or just a cartoon joke?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. It seems like I have grossed everyone out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Them's is the sacrifices I have to make to ensure ALL the guests of the Garage are catered to.

Still.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... and then there's BOB.....oh my goodness... PRICELESS!!!!!!
Good morning my precious forum family.

We are coming to this most special FEAST and CELEBRATION of the BIRTH of our LORD JESUS.

For the first time in my adult life... I have prepared and I am ready.... My heart is ready... my mind is ready... my spirit is ready....... to RECEIVE the GOOD NEWS of the BIRTH of our SAVIOUR.

Oh the JOY.... that FLOODS my soul. GLORY.... HALLELUJAH to the new born KING!

I am so thankful for ALL my forum family.... Like seriously.... I feel PART of the body... and that is such a GLORIOUS THING for this little black sheepy person. I believe this fact is one of the reasons I was able to truly get into the REASON for the SEASON. I have finally been able to RESPOND to the INVITATION to come see. Such a wonderful.... fabulous... and beautiful THING.

God be with us... as we finish up our last minute preparations and may our hearts be PURE and filled with overflowing PEACE and JOY.
Good morning my precious and most beautiful forum family.

It is just going on 3 am (Ontario, Canada) time. It is the early morning of Christmas EVE.... and OH MY GOODNESS...
It's HERE..... ohhhhhhhhhhhh.... it's really here. I am so pleased and honoured that my home and my heart is ready for BABY JESUS. I still can't believe I pulled this off.... meaning that my home truly does look "festive". My many gifts are piled up... my Christmas lights are shining brightly and my heart is filled with such PEACE and JOY. I simply do not understand how this depth of emotion is even possible.

So many beautiful things have happened in the last few months... and to think this all started with a severe health scare.
The jeweller who made my ring was the beginning of this grand event. Every thing has fallen into place like a puzzle. HA ( a jigsaw analogy ).... Speaking of which.... my Christmas puzzle is about half way finished. I have had such a difficult time getting into it this year... but with today and tomorrow... I think I may just get it done. I will decide today after I have had a few hours to work on it. In the past... my deadline has been Christmas Eve... because that is usually when Margaret picks me up for the 2 day sleep-over... but this year... I am alone and so I have more time. We'll see how far I can get working on it today.

Another beautiful thing that happened is that I met a lovely elderly lady at the grocery store about a month ago. I have no idea how this came to be.... but we got talking about steamed carrot pudding and she mentioned that she makes them. I have not had one of these decadent creations in about 40 years. Yesterday she delivered one to me. I don't even have to do anything... she cured it for me... and it is ready to consume. What a beautiful thing to happen.
In a world that is so angry and chaotic... kindness and generosity still abounds. Thank you Father for this.

So.... one last quiet day until Christmas. I am invited to join my landlords for Christmas supper. They ordered Christmas dinner from a caterer... and I will be dropping in one of my neighbours for a drink and wee visit Christmas afternoon.

It really doesn't get better than that. My heart is FULL.

Merry Christmas to everyone.... and may you all be filled with the PEACE and JOY of CHRIST.
Merry Christmas, In Awe of Him;

I love your enthusiasm for the celebration of Jesus' Birthday!

It's Christmas Eve and we're going to spend this morning cooking and after a couple of family members get home from work we'll have a prayer, enjoy the meal and enjoy a quiet celebration.

We're spending the night with the family and Christmas morning.

God bless everyone in the Garage. I'm feeling bittersweet because on January 1 it's my understanding we'll be moving to the Cabin.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Good morning my beautiful and most precious forum family.

I pray that everyone had a most delightful and joy-filled day yesterday.

My day started very early.... way too early.... I was up at just past midnight... HAHA.

I started by taking a nice long walk along a street that lights candles... puts them in paper bags and places them at the edge of the road to act like a lane-way for Santa to come. These candles are lit on Christmas Eve and I was ever so SHOCKED to discover that they burned ALL NIGHT long. It was the most magical sight to see at 5:30 am. The weather was UNBELIEVABLE. I also took a little walk along the lake front and that was also grand.

My plethora of gifts were opened slowly through-out Christmas Day and I simply savoured every majestic moment. The last gift was of course my diamond ring.... and I was not disappointed. It is simply STUNNING.

I am so glad that I waited because the anticipation was what made the ACTUAL DAY so very meaningful.

I had a lovely visit with one of our neighbours in the late afternoon and then joined my landlords for supper. It was a PERFECT DAY.... in every way.

I feel such GRATITUDE and JOY... along with PEACE.

GOD BLESS everyone in these forums... as well as those who have followed this strange place called the GARAGE all year long. We will soon be moving to the cabin for the new year and like Bob.... I feel a tang of bitter sweetness as I write these words... knowing that soon... we will be starting a new chapter.

I have a good feeling about 2025. Much LOVE from my heart to yours.

Most tenderly, In Awe of Him
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