I believe that when something is said or done
can be vital to determining what is the will of God for us.
Hi Chris,
Can you tell me what led you to believe this statement above?
Thank you for asking
As you know, I believe that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to us
(2 Tim. 3:16), but that not all Scripture is about us, ie., about the hope we hold in Christ in this dispensation.
My hope and calling is that of the Church of the One Body of which Christ is the Head. It's blessings are 'all' spiritual, and it's sphere of blessing is in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. There are other spheres of blessing associated with other callings, which find their fulfillment upon the earth, ie., that of the nation of Israel, and of the New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven to the new earth.
The hope and calling of the Church of the One Body of which Christ is the Head, was not revealed until after Paul's imprisonment at the end of the Acts period. It's relevant doctrine and practice is made known by Paul in his epistles written from prison, ie., Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Timothy and Titus.
The books written by Paul during the Acts, although containing much for our learning which is foundational to our faith, do not tell us about the Church of the One Body of which Christ is the Head, ie, it's doctrine and practice; for that knowledge was
'hid in God' (Eph. 3:9) prior to it's revelation to Paul, as it's Steward.
You have heard this from me before, many times, and must find it irritating at times, but I cannot apologize for it, for it is essential to just about all that I believe in Christ Jesus.
* The need to take into consideration what is said or written, of whom, to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, and with what circumstance, considering what comes before and what follows is vital to how we interpret the Word of God. The acknowledgement also, that God always says what He means and means what He says, is vital to a true understanding, I am sure you will agree, CT.
I hope I have interpreted your question correctly, and have given a satisfactory reply.
With love in Christ Jesus