I would probably agree with 4pt Calvinism like most Christians do.
Us driving our car to the aiport is one issue. Us flying in a plane from the airport is another separate issue. Jesus invites us all to the airport as He has purchased a plane of salvation for us.
I would like to discuss Calvinism with you but it is forbidden on this site. So we better agree to disagree. We do not completely disagree. I would agree with all you said above once we are in Christ. It is getting into Christ that we disagree with. I just can't swallow a belief that insinuates God is partial. Partiality is evil. It is impossible to spin it into good. Just ask the unlucky fella in hell that was never regenerated
What a terrible thing that has been wrought by the devil that because of his serpents creating havoc in the church and one must presume here in these forums also that which Calvin taught cannot either be discussed or considered in any spiritual way .
So that the result has been that the ISM like all other isms which do despite to the truth, has won the field (if not the war) and the biblical principles which he taught and upheld are not only no longer taught but in many it seems no longer understood in consequence and like many other things adds to the reverse reformation in which we are .
and by such means great truths of God proven by scripture witnessed to by the Holy Spirit are by degree and measure are removed and no longer taught . To the detriment of the church and of every child of God.
Yet at the same time the gross errors proved beyond all reasonable doubt at the reformation both by biblical argument and the murderous reaction to the truth are still held to be true and are by degree and measure slowly being insinuated and propagated into the church and sadly accepted by many by the same who now have gone further in their error and claim infallibility in them.
The only way to get 'into' Christ and THE church which is His body . Is to be baptised by the Holy Spirit and sealed by Him into the body of Christ.
For by the Word of God the Moabites were barred from the kingdom of God forever . Nehamiah 13
Yet Ruth was a moabitess !
How then?
Because she forsook her land her kin and her gods and said to her mother in law emphatically " your God will be my God and your people my people ......."
Moses REFUSED (by faith) to be called the son of Pharoes daughter . But rather CHOSE (by faith) to endure the afflictions of Gods people than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season" Hebrews.
God is not partial for he has declared that ALL are sold unto sin .that ALL have sinned and have come short of the glory fo God .
and that by Pauls argument proves wether you be a Jew or gentile there is no difference all have sinned and thus condemned .
and in another place says we were as all men by nature "children of disobedience " and children of wrath"
Those who abuse scripture and misuse it , misinterprate put it out of joint will do that and much more then with the words of men even if they speak the truth .
Thus if all have sinned then all are guilty and all condemned to be damned .
we are all as an unclean thing . NONE seeks after God etc etc etc etc etc etc .
The condemnation to all then has none excluded.
For God so loved the world then has none excluded also .
For that love of God is extended to all men .
The provision of that love is also extended to all men and God has the capability of saving all by that provision.
The promise however is to them that beleive God not to the ones who dont.
"If I be lifted up(on the cross) I will draw ALL men unto me " Who then is excluded? If it says ALL.
"God is not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to a knowledge fo the truth " Who then is excluded?
Yet men will not come to the light for their deeds are evil. So says the scriptures.
You cannot resist the iristable but if you do you will brign destruction upon your own head .
You cannot deny the irrifutable .But to deny it is to brign damnation to your own soul.
Whos fault is it then?
Not Gods .
His provision is for all His power is for all and he draws all men unto Him.
But what sayeth the scripture?
"Ye do always resist the Holy ghost"!
It truly is by the grace of God we are saved .
and it is not for those who get saved to be so busy 'celebrating' and thinking how wonderful they are that to forget those still lost and dead ,But are by the command of God "go and do likewise " and be HIS witnesses and testify of the hope that lieth with in them and of Gods goodness .To all men .
In Jesus Christ.
As usual then the devil will take the truth and put it out of joint out of context and speak half truths and missapply the truth so as to ensnare the people of God and cause them to sin.
in Christ