'The Hope of His Calling'

I do not agree ! "calvin" is one of the more Biblically correct and educated people that is on this web site my friend.

I find it incomprehensible that YOU of all people would say that he was "TOO LONG and unwilling to compromise".
That is actually hysterical!!!

As for "too severe". Truth is a two edged sword which cuts to the bone. Some people can accept it and some can not because of their inability to be corrected.

My apologies I thought you was talking about John Calvin the reformer.


In Christ
Hi geralduk,

Let`s just do one thing at a time, bro. Now you said -

`Jesus himself did not write the scriptures being a man it was the Holy Spirit of God who inspired men to so write what was written .

In another place it says "searching what or what manner of time that Spirit of Christ that was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that shall follow" 1 Peter 1:11.

So we realise that the Lord is God & that He inspired the writing of the scriptures. He didn`t write them when He was manifested as a man of earth, but He is the second person of the trinity & was working with men (& women) throughout the OT times when the OT scriptures were written.

Hi Big Moose,

Thank you for the encouragement to love one another. I hope I did not come over as not that. I was just discussing a point with Gerald. Of course posts are lacking somewhat & it does take a while for each other to understand each other`s heart. Sorry if I seemed to come over that way.

Blessings, Marilyn.
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Love God with all of your heart ...
Love your neighbour as yourself ....
These are the two great commmandments and if you fullfill these two you fulfill all.

The commandments of God are for evcr new . They are not as it were an old commandement .Yet they are .For the comammndment to love your neighbour as yourself is not disimilar to love the bretheren . For fi you do not love your bretheren who you do see how can you love God who you do not?
What is a meighbour ? if not one of another household and of another father ?
And what then is a brother ? If not one of the same household and of the same father?
Was not then Jesus the good samaritan? who though despised and rejected by the Jews (as a samaritan) loved his 'neighbour'
For was not God as it were our neighbour or rather we his?
Herein is love not that we loved God..................................But that God loved us....
How in very truth can we lkeep Gods commandments ?
if not by and through Jesus Christ .It has always been thus .
Deutronomy 10:19 "love ye therefore the stranger..............."

in Christ
Hi geralduk,

Let`s just do one thing at a time, bro. Now you said -

So we realise that the Lord is God & that He inspired the writing of the scriptures. He didn`t write them when He was manifested as a man of earth, but He is the second person of the trinity & was working with men (& women) throughout the OT times when the OT scriptures were written.


He as a man studied the scriptures . As A Jew studied the scriptures and by the scriptures grew in wisdom

Luke 2:40
And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit ,fillwed with wisdom AND THE GRACE OF GOD WAS UPON HIM"
Luke 2 46
Both hearing them and asking questions
He would have studied the scriptures as any other Jew does then as now .
It was his "understanding and his answers" that astounded them.
The Son is not the Spirit nor indeed the Father .
The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Wisdom and understanding .
The wisdom of God is manifested for Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God . Even as he is the righteou8sness of God and the as "God s strength is made perfect in weakness " Then is Jesus the strength of God .
In as much then or rather in likness then are we not to grtow in grace and in the knowldge of God?
We are to be made conformable to Christ .
Therefore we are to "study to show ourslves aproved of God " rightly dividing the Word of God .
We do that by the same use of scripture as He did and by the same Spirit of God as he was so led.
in Christ
Hi Big Moose,

Thank you for the encouragement to love one another. I hope I did not come over as not that. I was just discussing a point with Gerald. Of course posts are lacking somewhat & it does take a while for each other to understand each other`s heart. Sorry if I seemed to come over that way.

Blessings, Marilyn.
No, no, no. On the contrary, my post was not directed AT anyone's demeanor. I was just answering Gerald's posit that Christ did not teach any doctrine which cannot be found in OT scripture. Ugh, that is a muddled way to say it, maybe I'll just copy it here:
"but you will also not find any doctrine that he taught that was not in the scriptures ."- geralduk
Clearly, there is no place in the OT which one can find of any doctrine that we should love as Jesus loves us, or as God loves us for that matter since Jesus was not known by name yet. Giving one's life for a friend was not a doctrine taught in the OT, as far as I know.
Hi Big Moose,

Big oops ay? So glad you clarified what you were meaning. Very good point there bro. And, pleased to meet you.

Hi geralduk,

I believe that Jesus is the centre of God`s word & that Genesis as you say, has the beginnings of sound doctrine concerning Him & His purposes.

No, no, no. On the contrary, my post was not directed AT anyone's demeanor. I was just answering Gerald's posit that Christ did not teach any doctrine which cannot be found in OT scripture. Ugh, that is a muddled way to say it, maybe I'll just copy it here:
"but you will also not find any doctrine that he taught that was not in the scriptures ."- geralduk
Clearly, there is no place in the OT which one can find of any doctrine that we should love as Jesus loves us, or as God loves us for that matter since Jesus was not known by name yet. Giving one's life for a friend was not a doctrine taught in the OT, as far as I know.

He simply stated a truth "greatr love hath no man that a man may lay down his life for a freind . But God commends His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Chrust died for us ..."
Was not the promise of God to man kind as to the male child born of a woman but not of Adams seed who would deliver men from the bondage of thedevil Simply that same love in action?
For if Gods promises something its is always " yea and amen in Christ Jesus "
and is as good as done .
"For God calleth those things that are not as though they were"
To what then did Abel respond to? if not the mercy and love of God?
and did he not then love God more than darkness? and in faioth look forward to the coming of the Lord as we do nowe look back to the cross.
The greatest love of a man for a freind is a simple truth that has always been so.

in Christ
What is your understanding if I was to say that the first was Jesus, and with Him there were the holy people who came out of their tombs in Matt. 27:52-53.

Then we have believers who died in Christ and will be resurrected at the time described in 1 Thes. 4:16-17, whatever we place on name on that event.

Then finally the resurrection of tribulation martyrs in Rev. 20:4, and Old Testament saints described in Daniel 12:2 which is at the time of the 2nd Coming. Would you agree that they are all part of the first resurrection and therefore the Bible indicates that the first resurrection spans a period of about 2,000 years.

Now if we take into consideration that in 1 Thes.4:16-17 Paul wrote that the resurrection of Church Age believers will coincide with the event we have now come to call the Rapture.

Then what would you say about what Isaiah wrote of a resurrection that would precede the time of God’s wrath in his book in Isaiah 26:19-20, and Paul said the rapture would also precede the coming wrath as seen in 1 Thes. 1:10.

I personally believe that is what Jesus confirmed this in Rev. 3:10. Since the resurrection of the Church and the rapture will happen at the same time, would that not then tell us that this can only be the resurrection of those who died in Christ. So the resurrection of Church Age believers has to precede the 2nd Coming by at least 7 years, the duration of the time of God’s wrath.

Matthew 27:52-53
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Revelation 20:4
Daniel 12:2
Isaiah 26:19-20
1 Thessalonians 1:10

Hello @Major,

Thank you for these references I have enjoyed reading and comparing them. I have also written a response, but it is not complete, for I need to clarify something first. Would you please clarify what you mean by 'Church Age' believers? Also, would you please explain your reference to 2,000 years in relation to the first resurrection.

Thanking you.
In Christ Jesus
Resplies: 5, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 47, 51

Hello @geralduk,

I have collected your entries together to print off and consider, in order to respond properly, believe it or not it amounted to 11 pages!!

Love in Christ Jesus
Replies: 5, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 47, 51

Hello again @geralduk,
Sadly, I cannot respond to your entries, please know that I am not wishing to be rude to you, neither do I want to evade the points you have raised. There is just too much for me to apply my mind to.


Hello @Major,
Please ignore my previous enquiry, for I am not in a position to continue with this subject at the moment. Time and circumstance will not allow it.

My regards to you both
In Christ Jesus
Replies: 5, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 47, 51

Hello again @geralduk,
Sadly, I cannot respond to your entries, please know that I am not wishing to be rude to you, neither do I want to evade the points you have raised. There is just too much for me to apply my mind to.


Hello @Major,
Please ignore my previous enquiry, for I am not in a position to continue with this subject at the moment. Time and circumstance will not allow it.

My regards to you both
In Christ Jesus

No worries Chris.
He simply stated a truth "greatr love hath no man that a man may lay down his life for a freind . But God commends His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Chrust died for us ..."
Was not the promise of God to man kind as to the male child born of a woman but not of Adams seed who would deliver men from the bondage of thedevil Simply that same love in action?
For if Gods promises something its is always " yea and amen in Christ Jesus "
and is as good as done .
"For God calleth those things that are not as though they were"
To what then did Abel respond to? if not the mercy and love of God?
and did he not then love God more than darkness? and in faioth look forward to the coming of the Lord as we do nowe look back to the cross.
The greatest love of a man for a freind is a simple truth that has always been so.

in Christ
I believe as far as doctrine goes, there is no command or insinuation to love other people in a sacrificial way, giving ones life for another. There may be instances of this happening in the OT, but as a doctrine of teaching, it is not in the OT as a matter of developed doctrine. Adam did not lay his life down to save Abel. Moses ran away after defending one of his people. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego laid their life down for God, but not others. You could make a case for Esther, but it is clearly not a consistent teaching in the OT.
In brotherhood,
I believe as far as doctrine goes, there is no command or insinuation to love other people in a sacrificial way, giving ones life for another. There may be instances of this happening in the OT, but as a doctrine of teaching, it is not in the OT as a matter of developed doctrine. Adam did not lay his life down to save Abel. Moses ran away after defending one of his people. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego laid their life down for God, but not others. You could make a case for Esther, but it is clearly not a consistent teaching in the OT.
In brotherhood,

Read it again : Greater love hath no man than a man who lays down his life for a freind .
This is simply n a statement of fact by the Lord and reflects or expresses a truth that has been recognised and known in all ages .
It is not stating that Adam or any one specific is mentioned in scripture . Though with a good search you may well find an example (?) But in truth in all wars for instance men have indeed have died to save another . and by 'save' I mean that they would continue to live and died so that they might . Even up to the present day and even by our enemies .
For instance it cannot be said that the German army did not fight without courage , skill and determination .It is certain that as in our forces indivisual soldiers died to save thier comrades from death. The great sadness was that they were fightign on the wrong side and for the wrong cause . But individuals loved a freind so much that they were willing to die ;take a bullet or rescue a wonded one but died as a result etc were or could be found in the German army as the British one or others.

That is what is meant by a man laying down his life for a freind .
But the Lord was using it as contrast to the Love of God in laying down his life for his enemy or for those who were at emnity with him.
While we were yet without strength , sinners etc.
"Here in is love ........." and God commends his love towards us... "
But then consider when the road to calvary actually started?
I would argue that it started with the words "let there be light "
For Jesus taight that no man starts to build a tower without first considering if he has the means to build it or no man goes to war unless he has the strength to do so .
Is it not written that God knows the end form the begining?
He knew full well that "the arm of flesh would fail"
He knew full well the terrible consequences that would fiollow and the end of it when Adam did eat of that tree of the knowldge fo good and evil.
Not that God willed that he would for ti was not the will of Godf that he should and expressed what HIS eternal will was . That "thou shalt not eat of it......."
He gave man the perfect liberty as sons of God (by creation) to choose any good they thought to do or find . "Of all the trees in the garden ye may freely eat "This included the tree of life.
He gave them no liberty to eat or to do evil.
Thus he knew what it would cost to redeem man and to 'save' him.
Is it not written that the first Adam "was a foreshadow of him who was to come"?
Thus in givign them a covering for sin or thier nakedness . he laid down and prepared then and by the sacrafice of animals later the truth that there is no remission of sins save by the sheddign of blood. But also gave a promise that the Son born of a woman but not of Adams seed would be the true lamb of God that would "take away the sin of the world" By bruisng the head of the serpent.
True it is that it does not lay it all out in the beginning . Wisdom dictated it be so.
and words b y thier very nature can only be said one word at a time or by parts.
My contention then is that there is no sound doctrine of scripture that cannot be found in the first book the book of beginnings.
Wher eit si first mentioned .
The laws of Moses as to the sacrafice of animals is therefore found ij the book of Genesis .
The lamb sacraficed and the blood put on the doors lintels and frame of the house is also found in the same place in its foundational truth .
The innocent dying for the guilty is also .
Thus the Love of God so "commended"and the mercy of God was first manifested and expressed in the garden of Eden .
For is it not written "love covers a multitude of sins"?
and was not the mercy of God expresseed when he first gave them a covering of animal skins and then the promise ?
Thus Pauls exposition in Hebrews as to the temporary nature of the animal sacrafices can also be found in the garden of Eden.
For if the sacrafice of an animal would have restored them to thier former estate why then the promise?

So I never said (in fact quite the opposite) that all sound doctrines can be found in thier as a matter "of developed doctrine"
What I said initialy was that the Lord got his doctrine as did Paul FROM the OT and hat all the doctrines they taught cant be found in the OT .First as FOUNDATIONAL truth and develioped through out the OT .
Or as Pauls says "God who in sundry times and in divers WAYS spoke by the prophets ........"
Who only spoke in PARTS .
"Hath in the last days spake by His Son"
What He spake by His Son neither contradicts nor overtunes what he spake in times past .
Though Jesus did not but carry the message (as a Prophet) he WAS the message .
Thus what was first spoken of in parts through out the Old Testament was spoken perfectly in the NEW.
Did not the Lord himself "start at Moses"? speaking of all those things concerning himself to the two on the road to emaus .
Where is the Lord first mentioned?
I would argue that indirectly with the verse that says "The VOICE of the Lord God walked in the cool of the evening."
Some using other versions would deny it.
be that as it may .
It is beyond all dispute that the Lord is first mentioned as the one BORN of a woman but not of Adams seed .
Who would come and bruise the head of the serpent which was fatal to it .
But in the proceess hsi heal woulod be bruised (not 'fatal' )

The book of genesis is in very truth the book of beginnings and what was sown there whther of the seed of the woman or the seed of the serpent would as all seeds do grow . From a two leafed littel upshoot .That LOOKS no different from each other .
But as they grow one seed produces wheat and another tares a\nd so on .
The fruit then or the fullment of all that was started in the first book then has its end or can be found in the ;last book.
If you want to understand the last book properly then you needs must understand the first book.
For it by thier fruits shall ye know them. and the fruit is determined by the seed that is sown .
Thus God beign" a husbandman " knows the harvest by the seed that is sown.
Weeds grow quickly and farst.
The good seed needs both good "preperation " of the soil and then fed and watered.
It took 4000 years for God to prepare the soil.
So that the earth could recieve the seed that would then be sown in it.

"Unless a seed fall into the ground and die it abideth alolne........................."
Jospeh who was one was 'sown' in Egypt .
After 400 years two and a hal;f million + came out .

Just a thought .

in Christ
Resplies: 5, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 47, 51

Hello @geralduk,

I have collected your entries together to print off and consider, in order to respond properly, believe it or not it amounted to 11 pages!!

Love in Christ Jesus
Then it cannot be said that I treat any queistion poised or post given ;lightly!

Nor would I wish to either to be misunderstood or the reciever of them not to understand me or rather the truth expressed.

I thank you then for your diligence and willingness to consider more carefully what I have written.

In Christ
Replies: 5, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 47, 51

Hello again @geralduk,
Sadly, I cannot respond to your entries, please know that I am not wishing to be rude to you, neither do I want to evade the points you have raised. There is just too much for me to apply my mind to.


Hello @Major,
Please ignore my previous enquiry, for I am not in a position to continue with this subject at the moment. Time and circumstance will not allow it.

My regards to you both
In Christ Jesus

No problem.
Thank you for your frankness.

But I find that ' chewing the cud ' is a good way to digest .and no one can eat a loaf in one go.

In Christ
Read it again : Greater love hath no man than a man who lays down his life for a freind .
This is simply n a statement of fact by the Lord and reflects or expresses a truth that has been recognised and known in all ages .
It is not stating that Adam or any one specific is mentioned in scripture . Though with a good search you may well find an example (?) But in truth in all wars for instance men have indeed have died to save another . and by 'save' I mean that they would continue to live and died so that they might . Even up to the present day and even by our enemies .
For instance it cannot be said that the German army did not fight without courage , skill and determination .It is certain that as in our forces indivisual soldiers died to save thier comrades from death. The great sadness was that they were fightign on the wrong side and for the wrong cause . But individuals loved a freind so much that they were willing to die ;take a bullet or rescue a wonded one but died as a result etc were or could be found in the German army as the British one or others.

That is what is meant by a man laying down his life for a freind .
But the Lord was using it as contrast to the Love of God in laying down his life for his enemy or for those who were at emnity with him.
While we were yet without strength , sinners etc.
"Here in is love ........." and God commends his love towards us... "
But then consider when the road to calvary actually started?
I would argue that it started with the words "let there be light "
For Jesus taight that no man starts to build a tower without first considering if he has the means to build it or no man goes to war unless he has the strength to do so .
Is it not written that God knows the end form the begining?
He knew full well that "the arm of flesh would fail"
He knew full well the terrible consequences that would fiollow and the end of it when Adam did eat of that tree of the knowldge fo good and evil.
Not that God willed that he would for ti was not the will of Godf that he should and expressed what HIS eternal will was . That "thou shalt not eat of it......."
He gave man the perfect liberty as sons of God (by creation) to choose any good they thought to do or find . "Of all the trees in the garden ye may freely eat "This included the tree of life.
He gave them no liberty to eat or to do evil.
Thus he knew what it would cost to redeem man and to 'save' him.
Is it not written that the first Adam "was a foreshadow of him who was to come"?
Thus in givign them a covering for sin or thier nakedness . he laid down and prepared then and by the sacrafice of animals later the truth that there is no remission of sins save by the sheddign of blood. But also gave a promise that the Son born of a woman but not of Adams seed would be the true lamb of God that would "take away the sin of the world" By bruisng the head of the serpent.
True it is that it does not lay it all out in the beginning . Wisdom dictated it be so.
and words b y thier very nature can only be said one word at a time or by parts.
My contention then is that there is no sound doctrine of scripture that cannot be found in the first book the book of beginnings.
Wher eit si first mentioned .
The laws of Moses as to the sacrafice of animals is therefore found ij the book of Genesis .
The lamb sacraficed and the blood put on the doors lintels and frame of the house is also found in the same place in its foundational truth .
The innocent dying for the guilty is also .
Thus the Love of God so "commended"and the mercy of God was first manifested and expressed in the garden of Eden .
For is it not written "love covers a multitude of sins"?
and was not the mercy of God expresseed when he first gave them a covering of animal skins and then the promise ?
Thus Pauls exposition in Hebrews as to the temporary nature of the animal sacrafices can also be found in the garden of Eden.
For if the sacrafice of an animal would have restored them to thier former estate why then the promise?

So I never said (in fact quite the opposite) that all sound doctrines can be found in thier as a matter "of developed doctrine"
What I said initialy was that the Lord got his doctrine as did Paul FROM the OT and hat all the doctrines they taught cant be found in the OT .First as FOUNDATIONAL truth and develioped through out the OT .
Or as Pauls says "God who in sundry times and in divers WAYS spoke by the prophets ........"
Who only spoke in PARTS .
"Hath in the last days spake by His Son"
What He spake by His Son neither contradicts nor overtunes what he spake in times past .
Though Jesus did not but carry the message (as a Prophet) he WAS the message .
Thus what was first spoken of in parts through out the Old Testament was spoken perfectly in the NEW.
Did not the Lord himself "start at Moses"? speaking of all those things concerning himself to the two on the road to emaus .
Where is the Lord first mentioned?
I would argue that indirectly with the verse that says "The VOICE of the Lord God walked in the cool of the evening."
Some using other versions would deny it.
be that as it may .
It is beyond all dispute that the Lord is first mentioned as the one BORN of a woman but not of Adams seed .
Who would come and bruise the head of the serpent which was fatal to it .
But in the proceess hsi heal woulod be bruised (not 'fatal' )

The book of genesis is in very truth the book of beginnings and what was sown there whther of the seed of the woman or the seed of the serpent would as all seeds do grow . From a two leafed littel upshoot .That LOOKS no different from each other .
But as they grow one seed produces wheat and another tares a\nd so on .
The fruit then or the fullment of all that was started in the first book then has its end or can be found in the ;last book.
If you want to understand the last book properly then you needs must understand the first book.
For it by thier fruits shall ye know them. and the fruit is determined by the seed that is sown .
Thus God beign" a husbandman " knows the harvest by the seed that is sown.
Weeds grow quickly and farst.
The good seed needs both good "preperation " of the soil and then fed and watered.
It took 4000 years for God to prepare the soil.
So that the earth could recieve the seed that would then be sown in it.

"Unless a seed fall into the ground and die it abideth alolne........................."
Jospeh who was one was 'sown' in Egypt .
After 400 years two and a hal;f million + came out .

Just a thought .

in Christ

My encouragement to you once again is to pray about how you can respond to posts by shorting your responses.
Most people (Me) just do not want to read through your long and tedious responses.