Hi gerald,
Yes we are all witnesses in a general sense but if you read God`s word carefully you will see that the 12 disciples had to have actually walked with the Lord throughout His ministry & to have actually witnessed, actually seen Christ, resurrected from the dead.
Now as to the `lots,` that was instigated by God as they did not have the Holy Spirit within them. God used that method when they relied on Him. It is not something people can just do now. If Matthias was not the one to replace Judas, God would have said so.
As I said that argument is Peters. and one he based his decision on.
It is also the argument then which justifies the idea that the day of miracles is past and there are no more Apostles.
and while I readily acknowldge there are many false prophets and apostles about .That does not mean that the church does not need true Apsotles for its perfection as with all the other ministries of God as listed in Ephesians. As for miracles that too is a false assertion that they are passed.
"Blessed are they who have not seen but still believe " Thomas saw as you put it but was not as blessed as those who did not see but still believe .
yet we know and understand and therefore 'see' with the eyes of our understanding beign opened.
What difference then is there between seeign with the natural eye? and seeign with the eyes of faith?
Paul sattes very clearly he is an Apostle called of God . and manifested not only the power that comes with that calling but more importantly the life of that calling .
By your argument as to what can only be an apostle .He was not one .
I say this not to be argumentative . But in the true sense of an 'argument' to show how to hold to your argument as to what is an Apsotle and the only qualification for one .You deny that Paul was one.
This is impossible as im sure you will also realise .For Paul was indeed an Apostle .
To be honest ,I have yet to fully understand what an Apostle is in very truth. I have heard the definition of a special sent one , but I find that as yet unsatisfactory . perhaps because of my lack of understanding .
I have met and heard of only one man who in my thinking might fit the pattern of an Apostle . But they have publicly denied it.
I have heard of others who self proclaim they are but who do not fit the pattern.
I have read books by Tozer who some say was an Apsotle and by his books they might be right.
be that as it may . Paul says of the Apsotles in his day "added nothing to him" He even gave them no credit of being "somebody"
But I suppose a post about Apostles is for another post . Though it is interesting that the Lord is spoken of as the "Apsotle of our faith."(?)
You argue that if it was not so then "God would have said so"
God does not lay everything down for us . But he desires we discover for ourselves soem things .
Not only is it not wise to say everything . It is wiser still for our understandign to grow and in this case to see how wrong some peoples claims as to Peter beign the rock upon which the church is built is.
In the negative but also in the positive that despite our failures all things work togther for good to them that love God.
Peter was a great man and one who took a long time to learn not to 'jump the gun' He was also a very humble man and always was so from the moment he said " depart from me for I am a sinful man " to Jesus .
He took that most severe rebuke from the Lord "get behind me satan" He took even that open rebuke from Paul over his hipocracy despite hsi 'position' something the Popes of Rome never have despite the fact they say they honour him and are heirs .Be that as it may .
One reason or rather another reason why I love God is that not only did eh give me my mind back but expectss me to use it and while I do not nor cannot understand all. I am thankful that God does not deal with me accordign to my 'ignorance' but accordign to his great mercy .
What more then can I do? But as the Lord has led me in my thinking I can do no other than show my thinking fro your consideration.
That if Paul IS an Apostle then he by your criteria or rather Peters is not.
in Christ