THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Oh, bless you my dear dear friend! You are such an amazing support and encouragement to me!!

BUT IT'S ALL GOD!!! Yes I know we have our part to play in order to effectively live the Christian life, but as I said in the previous Message my 5 steps that I must first take towards Him, compared to the 95 He then takes towards me, means that to me it sure FEELS like it's all Him. So He gets all the glory (cos I don't want none!!)

But then, because those who belong to Him have over and over proven that God will be indebted to no man, we will then receive from Him what we do not deserve (whether we want it or not!!! *heavenly grin*) For such is the massive HEART OF AGAPE of the God to Whom we belong and Who we serve!!

- BM
Gems #25


I'll start with a rather shocking statement of what I've observed over many, many decades: in our societies the most judgemental people are those who call themselves Christians!Why is this? One likely answer is because we know - in ways that unbelievers don't - what is right, and what is wrong. That's okay, but who gave us permission to use this to JUDGE others for their sins?

We are SO GOOD at doing this to fellow Christians, but the greatest foolishness is judging unbelievers, who often simply don't know any better; but even if they do, how can they possibly change? God is not in their life to enable this!! They are simply doing what unbelievers do!!!

But all of this is irrelevant anyway, because Jesus issued the strongest possible warning about being judgemental: Do not judge and critizise and condemn others, in order that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. Matthew Ch 7:1 You may know this command of Jesus well, but the question is, "Do you obey it?"

The next verse states: Dare to judge others, and you will be judged to the same degree! Here's the point about this: do you really want God to MOVE from His current position of where He's totally forgiven and (literally) FORGOTTEN all of your sin, suddenly coming at you as the Just JUDGE of all of YOUR sin and wrong?!! I can tell you with no shadow of doubt that I certainly don't!!!

So if we're not to JUDGE others, does this also mean we don't have to 'fix them up?' YES is does!! The terrible TRAP here is that you can usually SEE their sin much, much easier than you can see you own! It's SO easy to see the other guy's sin, right! - and want to judge him for it - OR even try to 'fix him up!!' No, no, NO!!

Here's a major TIP: if you can clearly see another's faults and sin and have 'feelings/emotions' about them, then it's almost certain that you will be guilty of the same ones!!! (That's probably why you're so aware of them.) So watch out!! Or better still, do as I started doing when I was about 22 - I started USING this to identify my own sins, so I could start working with the Lord towards fixing them!! Yeah!!

So you should love your brother and try to lovingly help him with his problems and his sins. But be very aware of your own, and ENSURE you're helping him in full agape (God's love!!)

- BM, with his Lady

Reaching Higher #70


We Need Strong Scripture-Based Preachers -
Where are They?

If you think there ARE many around, think again. How does the New Testament specify that someone should get SAVED. FIRST, it's by HEARING the salvation message from the mouth of a Believer! Most especially from the mouth of a PREACHER!! Paul says that when the world in it's wisdom failed to recognise and know God, then.. it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians Ch 1:21b.

Then in Romans we have these most pertinent words: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans Ch 10:14. So what I'm saying here is that we seriously - VERY SERIOUSLY actually - need Scripturally-based Preachers.

Not Teachers speaking ONLY to Believers to enlighten them and build them up, but Preachers who, SECOND, will speak to unbelievers of REPENTANCE of SIN first, and then BELIEVING in Jesus. Your Pastor may on occasion choose to be a "Preacher" in a Sunday meeting, i.e., preaching to UNBELIEVERS there - but I've not heard of many who preach as set down here. For example, courtesy of a website I recently found, here now are some very important Scriptures that simply MUST be preached:
Matthew Ch 3:22 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew Ch 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mark Ch 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.Mark Ch 6:12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
Luke Ch 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Luke Ch 13:5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Acts Ch 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts Ch 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
Acts Ch 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Acts Ch 26:20 But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and [then] to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.
Clearly the New Testament is commanding that the unbeliever repent of his SIN against GOD as PRIORITY. Once he is broken before God by seeing and acknowledging this sin, and determines to TURN AWAY from it, then he's ready to believe in the Lord Jesus. Pertinently God's LOVE is not mentioned in these powerful salvation Scriptures: by John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles (in Acts)!!

Scripturally it is by seeing our appalling SINFULNESS that we will truly and FULLY come to the Lord. The "Easy Believism" of our age is NOT Scriptural. Just saying a prayer accepting Jesus as your Saviour is no way to get saved - thus our churches are filled with millions of dear people who believe they're going to heaven when they aren't!!

None of this is saying that we should not see and consider and marvel at how much God loves us - His love sending Jesus to die for us that we may be saved. Rather I'm saying that for a long, long while we've lost sight of the TOTAL NECESSITY for people being convicted of how deadly serious is their sin against Almighty God, then earnestly REPENTING of all of it, (emphasis on ALL!!) - both of these as a precursor to believing in Jesus and thus getting PROPERLY and FULLY saved from Day One!! It's very serious, folks, VERY!!

Below was on the same site as the verses above. All true and very powerful: "Folks converted under this [easy believism] preaching are looking for what God will do for THEM next, not what God REQUIRES of them. They want Jesus to be their best friend and lover, but don't want to be His sold-out slave. It truly is a fundamental difference." - Bruce Evan Murch (some enhancements mine.) Fact is, we should be BOTH of these - but unless you're the 'sold-out' slave first, then don't wonder why other parts of your Christian life aren't what they should be!!

As a Christian Believer it's HIGHLY likely that you were NOT brought into the Kingdom the right way - just as I wasn't!! Got HERE to read how you CAN and SHOULD ensure that you HAVE repented of all of your sin before God!! I can attest to how ultimately life-changing this is. Bless you abundantly!

- BM, with his Lady

EDIT: The rather ASTONISHING story of how this most important message got written is HERE!

So you should love your brother and try to lovingly help him with his problems and his sins. But be very aware of your own, and ENSURE you're helping him in full agape (God's love!!)

Great messages Bondman.. now who me. tried go fix em up.. lol.. oh yeah the old me.. lol.. great message.
Both messages were awesome.
Last night we were in a trailer speaking to a young 22 year old girl. Elder Ron , The Care-A-Van chaplain came onto the bus to get me to go into the home with him. Young mother 2 small kids, no job, lost unemployment, has boyfriend who does not work .. got eviction notice etc..
Anyway, as we shared with her, Elder Ron spoke of what you had stated, he explained who God was and about our sins.. her response.. oh I don't think I do anything bad.. Elder Ron asked her.. what about your fornication? Her response was the child was a gift.. long story on that one..

Anyway, he went on sharing much of the gospel with her and I shared some things as well. He then asked her if she would like to pray to the Lord for him to reveal himself to her.. not to pray for salvation, but to pray for God to reveal himself to her.. now that was pretty interesting.. so he had her pray out loud for God to come into her life and show her that he is real.
He explained to me exactly what your message said.. that once she sees who God is and her sins are revealed to her, then she can ask for salvation from Jesus. the whole concept was very eye opener and enlightening then I read your message here tonight.. I paraphrased alot of what happened in the trailer but so real to what you taught..

Also .. it has been 6 days now since I have nicotine free. it seems to be different this time around.. much more freedom and harldy any cravings.. of course I was at the altar last Sunday on hands and knees crying out for him to take the addiction and that I was very willing to give it.. as a matter of fact.. just so angry about the flesh winning! yee hawwww..... Victory is here people!
Still working on balance in my life.. was home sick from work 2 day this week..

Hugs to you all

Five days... become 6... then 7, and 8... until the day when you are FREE from the nicotine addiction!! That will be a massive hallelujah time for sure!!

Fascinating to read about the 22 yr old. Sure is time we started treating God as Who He really is, and SIN for what IT really is. Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear you've been sick (miss you when you're not around!)

Lots of hugs!!

- BM
Satan Not Happy!

The Reaching Higher #70 Message above was THE most difficult one I've ever written, going back some time before God brought me here. It was 3 days later than I expected it to be because of the unbelievable number of difficulties getting it done!!!

Starting as an entirely different TOPIC, it started morphing into what's there now - entirely different from where I started!! (Jesus is allowed to do that, cos He's the Lord!!!) It took hours more to write than I've ever experienced!!

But it was THEN that the "fun" started!! I write messages in FrontPage in the HTML language so I can save as I go. But FP was playing up for this message, e.g., change the size of a font and the colour would change!! How crazy is THAT!! Then the verses I copied would NOT behave because they brought in 'strange' HTML that FP did NOT like.

It took some time to sort that out. I continued to try and finish the message. Now things were going wrong around me, separate from the task I was doing. More time went past, and I'm still nowhere near finished. (I had the full title and topic by this stage.) Oh, well, maybe tomorrow. But soon it was the tomorrow after THAT!!

Finally it was done! Phew!! I prepared to copy it to CFS, reckoning on more problems than usual when I did that. But I was NOT prepared for all that was about to happen. I won't bore you with all the details. Suffice to say that only half of it came in to start with. Fixed that problem. Then the 2nd half came in as just one colour. That was a DISASTER, and a lot of very fancy footwork was required to copy from here, and integrate into there to not lose a whole lot of important work.

There were programming errors in their dozens and dozens to fix. Finally I got it into order (the verses had played up all over the place AGAIN!!!) I saved it to the thread.

Now if you were on when I did that you'd have maybe wondered if the world was coming to an end or something! It was all totally UNBELIEVABLE!! I've never seen so many crazy things happening like it. At one stage the whole message was reduced to stuff like this:

<font=Arial><This> <is> <something> <like> <color=red>
<the> <WHOLE> <message> <was> <like> <- only> <worse!>

I persisted - and finally, ultimately it was all in order, all errors fixed (I hope!) and so there was a most serious Message about REPENTANCE ready for those who come here to read. It had altogether taken so many hours that I lost track - maybe as much as 10 hours altogether. With more kinds of problems during this time than I've EVER EXPERIENCED!!!

SATAN DID NOT WANT THIS UP APPARENTLY!!! My prayer therefore is for every person to earnestly read and even more earnestly put into your life the totality of that message. It COST me a very great deal (which is totally fine): may my hardships with this message lead to many blessings of God into YOUR life!!

- BM *still recovering...* *smile!!*

Okay, I think it's time to somehow 'shift gear' in my life, and our lives!! Can't go on like this. Beloved is unwell and struggling most days. The new Meds are probably playing havoc with Beloved's hormones and so she's at 6's and 7's most of the time, with strange symptoms, pains, and much more. Then again this could just be CFS 'playing' with her body, as it tends to do with both of us whenever it feels like it.

This week I lost 2 whole days to computer problems, leaving me very worn out. Then the hours and hours spent on the important Reaching Higher#70 Message that took so very long to write - all of this has stopped me doing all sorts of things.

I feel like I can never catch up, because of too many things going on OR needing to be done in the time I have available. THESE ARE IMPORTANT: I have to try not to get too over-stressed or worn out, and I have to try and stay calm and collected : I have to do these things in order to help my Beloved going, not give up and self-destruct.

Maybe I'll have to stop writing messages for awhile. Trouble is that's what I do, and I always have more things I want to say!!

I have to get Doc to come and see me this week about a problem most likely with my large bowel. Something's certainly wrong (I keep hoping for God's miracle healing of our bodies!!)

Thankyou so much for praying!! I know how much worse off we'd be if you weren't! I am still believing for God to totally heal us AND send our Ministry funding. I truly do want to get on with life and ministry, rather than our bodies just getting worse and worse and messing all of life up.

With much love and peace and joy to every one of you!!

- BM
So sorry to hear that your Beloved is still not doing so well. I do pray that God will work that out really quick with her. And so sorry to hear that your having your problems as well. It is so sad that you both must have other health issues on top of CFS.

I too believe that God WILL fully heal you and your Lady. Only He know of course why that continues to be delayed. What I/we can do is continue to pray for full healing. I will not fail in that promise I made to you.

It sure sounds like you do need to take a breather for a bit and attend to you and your Beloveds health issues. I think just rest itself would be in order. You really have maintained a rather brisk pace even for a person in excellent health.

My prayer for you and your beloved will continue. I think of you both often during the day and always pray for you both each time. God will answer the prayers of the many who are lifting you regularly in prayer.

God bless.

Your friend and brother in Christ. Much love.
Thankyou for your lovely and so loving post, Nick!! Shows your heart (just as you said to me (*happy smile*). Tells me that you are really, really serious with the Lord and your commitment to Him. I can't tell you how grateful we are for your promise to continue to pray for our complete healing, and for praying many times during the day. To me THAT'S a super prayer method (which I use also, and believe in implicitly!!!) Thankyou, my friend!!

I have an increasing list for Doc when I see him (expect this to be Wed.) We give him problems - I guess cos WE have problems! That is, it's hard for him to know what's wrong with us so as to give best advice. But he's a wonderful man and very knowledgeable. If I do have a problem somewhere in my bowel(s) then first of all it will be VERY difficult to work it out - I can't have tests without going to hospital, which we do all we can to keep out of. If the tests show I need an operation I won't survive that without most serious prayer. But we'll just take it a step at a time.

Beloved has no health stability at all - up and down day after day. We're a great pair at the moment, that's for sure!

Me resting? Hmm... gimme a couple uv weeks minimum and by then I may have caught up on jobs round here that have piled up!! (not kidding). At the moment still on computer, setting up new Security Suite on Beloved's PC. I suspect eternity may provide me with a life that's not constantly overworked - not down here...

Bless you so much, my brother, and piles of love from both of us!!

- BM and Mrs

Phew, what a week!! I cannot describe how bad it's been for my VERY sick Lady of the House - but Doc came to try and 'rescue' us! He promptly took said Lady straight OFF HRT, leaving the options of going cold turkey as to her hormones, or back onto the pill. But the latter grossly increases risks of Breast Cancer in a Lady whose sister died from it!!

So what to do? Add in bad Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and how do you make a decision with those parameters?? Please pray for the right decisions that GOD wants us to take! THANKYOU!! (most likely is back on the pill for some months to try and STABILISE the totally out-of-control hormones - to give her maybe a 50% (and improving) possibility of again coping with life...)

My tummy problems have maybe improved a little on a Med Doc prescribed. I may need a higher dose. We are determined to TRY (which will be most difficult) and get me to have a scan of that area + of my head from when I belted it so hard on the desk awhile back (maybe explains a lot of things!! *hee!*) I've had an APPALLING week with computer problems... "c'est la vie!"

Prayer is primarily to keep us going till God totally HEALS US and we receive our major MINISTRY FUNDS for the Unreached and Poverty-stricken Dalits in India. THAT'S OUR FOCUS!!! Your support for this is GREATFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED!! We love you!! God is GOOD!! Bless you abuntantly in Christ the Lord!!!

- BM (for me and my Beloved)
Reaching Higher #71


A "Hidden" Truth About Temptation

Sometimes the Scriptures can appear to kind of 'act up on us' to those seeking to understand - then live them. Here's a personal example that I pray may help you. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. 1 Corinthians Ch 10:13a

That's where most people stop. But it's great, isn't it!! SO wonderful!! God IS indeed faithful!! His PROMISE is: NOT to allow you to have to handle above what you're able to. And He is the One in charge! Oh yes, HE'S THE BOSS!! If you TRULY belong to Him, then nothing CAN or ever WILL happen to you unless it's gone across His desk FIRST - and there been stamped as: "Approved".

Of course you DO realise that He will approve hardships, don't you! Neither you nor I will EVER been immune to these while on earth. Via THESE He will teach you, and train you, AND especially toughen you up!! (There are NO WIMPS in the Lord's army!!!) We don't have to particularly LIKE all of this, but we DO have to readily ACCEPT it. I usually say, "I fully accept whatever the Lord brings to me," no matter what sort of problem or hardship it may be (OR how bad!!)

This includes times - just like JOB - when the devil will be allowed to do stuff in your life that you do NOT like!! (The big church which teaches that YOU have power to command the devil to always stop, have taught you an untruth, and your own experience can easily prove this to be so!)

BUT what if you find yourself, as I did, smack bang in the middle of a temptation that I knew WAS too hard for me to handle? It had happened before. In fact I'd already started talking to the Lord about Him putting me onto the very edge of a mostrously high CLIFF, which sometimes I felt like I may well go OVER!!! This was NOT nice, not nice at all. Oh, yes, I quoted the above Scripture to Him when asking for help. But it never seemed to have any effect...

This particular time, I simply COULDN'T handle it, and over the cliff I went!! There I was, clinging precariously to the thin branch of a small shrub, just over the edge of this high, sheer cliff - as the only thing stopping me from falling to my death on the valley floor way below me. "So WHY LORD??" I was then soon crying out to Him, (as we do): "But Lord, You PROMISED!!" He was about to show me something very important.

You know as well as I do that it is NOT easy to EFFECTIVELY read the Word of God. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us. We need to study seriously, zealously, carefully - reading what's there!!! So what is God saying in the verse above? I'd read it dozens of times, and like I said, even quoted it to Him!! Okay, now here's the rest of the verse: But with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians Ch 10:13b

Woops!!! I was so busy focussing on, "Will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear" (GOD'S PART), that I'd totally "missed" the extra promise above (Again GOD'S part - but THIS time, something which I must act upon!) Do you know how many also read but don't see this bit? Maybe millions!! If you're one like I was, then as of today you'll know to: a) LOOK hard for the way of escape which God's made for you, and b) whether you like it or not, ensure that you TAKE IT!!! If you DON'T, then you're on your own - and may end up OVER the cliff like I was!

Much love!!

- BM, with his Lady

Woops!!! I was so busy focussing on, "Will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear" (GOD'S PART), that I'd totally "missed" the extra promise above (Again GOD'S part - but THIS time, something which I must act upon!) Do you know how many also read but don't see this bit? Maybe millions!! If you're one like I was, then as of today you'll know to: a) LOOK hard for the way of escape which God's made for you, and b) whether you like it or not, ensure that you TAKE IT!!! If you DON'T, then you're on your own - and may end up OVER the cliff like I was!

Great message Bondman! I am back! Had computer problems of my own, been shut down since last Wed. Got so much to catch you all up on.. but it is 1:30 am .. and I got to get my sleep! I will be praying for you and the Mrs.. God is an awesome God.. he most recently healed my father of an infection.. will tell u more later!

Please keep me in prayer for what I feel God is calling me to do and that is to start the paperwork for a non-profit ministry.. during this time off of computer have really been in the word and feel his calling .. will explain it soon to you.. praying for a name for it.. I have the vision he is giving me.. need to get a mission statement down pact.. and then really pray and see where God leads me.

I missed you guys! Yesterday was my 48th bday.. and I have a new friend I'll introduce you to soon..
Faithwoman! Give the Mrs. a big hug! .. Psalm 103.. he will heal all diseases. love ya !
Happy Birthday!

for (I think!) yesterday!! Goodness, at 48 you're still such a chicken!! (young) *hehe!*

Can't wait to meet the new friend!!!

A new non-profit ministry sounds mysteriously interesting!!...


- BM
Reaching Higher #72


About Atheism and Christianity (and Evolution!)

Original post by Fluffy:
Hey, Bondman! Have you ever noticed how energetically some atheists work on proving their beliefs? Who are they really trying to convince? Us? or themselves??
I certainly have noticed, Fluf! All those I've talked with on MySpace were so PASSIONATE about their "religion", KNEW every possible facet of it, and were out to convince everyone THEY WERE RIGHT (to convert us to atheism!!) In the process they made mincemeat out of any Christian "foolish enough" to cross their path! I hardly found one Christian on MySpace able to handle the strength and aggression of the atheists there. (But using just LOVE, care, and understanding, it wasn't all that hard to get on fine with almost all of them!)

Atheists simply (and blindly) sop-up and believe all that satan has set up for them to believe! Why is this? Because it suits them!! They are highly educated, wholly materialistic Westerners who CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH GOD!! So the pseudo-scientific anti-God stuff that's taught in our Colleges and Universities is precisely what they want to hear!!

One of the shocks I had was that virtually all of the things we Christians used to use to refute their stuff and show God as true, you cannot now use!! Why? - because what they've done in recent times was get a hold of all of our arguments... then set out to find ways to SHOW THEM AS WRONG!! And I can tell you they've become VERY GOOD at this!! Of course they claim that all they say is proven science! It's NOT!! - so much of it that they swallow to help keep them away from God is simply a BELIEF, and is in no way scientific at all.

And the BIG LIE is the EVOLUTION myth!! There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that ANYTHING on the planet ever evolved into SOMETHING else. Just NEVER happened!!!

So with Evolution maybe THE BIGGEST CON ever perpetrated on mankind, science then developed the "The Big Bang" to explain how the Universe supposedly formed. Man, you need much more FAITH to believe in THAT than to believe in Creation!! So what is the SOURCE of that teensy bit of staggeringly dense matter it's all supposed to have started from?

In order for them NOT to need a Creator-God, it can be seriously funny (but sad) hearing the things they come up with to try and work their way round THAT! But they do, and will continue to do so, and it keeps them 'happy' - BUT also makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to evangelise them!!

To answer your question: it's to convince THEMSELVES that they're right - and as a consequence of that they simply MUST shut us down, in case we may show them the truth!!! How sad for them at the Jugdement - but then they are willingly and most determinedly following satan's lies BECAUSE THEY WANT TO!! All the TRUTH they could possibly want is all available to them, and thus they have now, and will have then, NO EXCUSE whatsoever!!

- BM, with his Lady

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Just trying to get unburied from all our snow and get caught up for not being online for a week.
God bless you and the Mrs.. you are in my prayers.
Just letting you know I am still!

Oh and big blessing today.. was offered a scholarship from a company I work with.. free registration and free hotel and meal accomodtions for a 3 day meeting in Las Vegas.. all my company had to do was pay airfare.. so in April I am off to Las Vegas.. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for me there!
Thankyou for praying for us!!

That scholarship sounds amazing, well done, sweetie!! (and to Las Vegas of all places! Now you behave, d'ya hear! *grin!*)

Praying also for you!


- BM
Reaching Higher #73


Learning to "Live the Life" RIGHT

Firstly, becoming a Christian. Let's do thus RIGHT!! 'Asking Jesus to come into your heart,' is NOT even vaguely anywhere in the Scriptures, and is horrendously misleading. Someone doing this has maybe got a "95%-against" likelihood of ever being with God in eternity! Perhaps surprisingly, 'Accepting Jesus as Saviour' is not in the Scriptures either. It could easily have the flavour of 'doing Jesus a favour' by accepting Him, when of course the opposite is true: we owe ALL to Him, so if anyone's doing the favour it's Jesus!!

Secondly, the Scriptural way to do it right is to first of all come with copious tears to the foot of the Cross, genuinely grieving about, lamenting and mourning all of our sin against Almighty God that put Jesus there!!!

Without this we will NEVER effectively repent and turn away from our sin. In turn, WITHOUT repenting of ALL of our sin - naming them one by one - changing our mind and seriously changing our path in life, Jesus then makes a solemn but quite dreadful PROMISE to us all: "Except you repent, you shall likewise perish." That's a promise of HELL forever to the every non-repenter. I've asked it before: do you get how deadly serious this is??

After FULL repentance, THEN we may BELIEVE in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. And THAT'S Scriptural!!

Thirdly, if there is constant sin in your life, carried over from before your conversion, then you've not properly REPENTED of it. It may be a desire, an attitude, a habit, a willfulness, a weakness, a relationship, and more. Let "REPENT or you will likewise perish!!!" ring in your ears day and night till you get on your knees and cry out to God until He helps you to give up your sin!! Keep clearly in your mind that He will hold off you PERISHING only until the moment of your death - which may be in just 1 minute from now, or some decades. Taking a risk on this is the worst possible kind of foolishness!!!

Fourthly, it's quite beyond my comprehension why church-goers want their Christian experience to be highly emotional and wonderful and exciting for them. Is this Scriptural? NO!! But this is: Paul's imprisonments, stoning, beatings, shipwrecks (3), hunger, thirst, weariness, and more, suffering to preach Jesus - that some may be saved. Paul is an example for us.

But this wondrous Man suffered much during His ministry, then paid the ultimate price for us!! Which should give us pause for deep thought, because aren't we called to... FOLLOW Jesus - taking up our cross - of death to self-wants and self-needs - EVERY day? Maybe we should bring back REPENTING in sackcloth and ashes as in the Old Testament - because you'll never die to self-wants and needs until your repentance is as serious as that!!

God bless you with new insight and understanding - leading to good ACTION!!

- BM, with his Lady

PRAYER NEEDED (Bondman and his Beloved) - Feb 28

Once again I'm quite at a loss as to what to say about out health and life situation. With the myriad of health problems Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) brings, our days go up and our days go down. No stability - EVER!

We've had it proven to us many times that the average Christian just doesn't know what to do in this situation. But I will tell you WHAT right now!! If we are to get answers to our prayers one thing we just gotta do - being the very thing we DON'T do - and that's PERSIST. God tests our resolve, and either we fall by the wayside or we look to Him to help us to NEVER quit!!

BOTH of us would love to go and be with the Lord. Who would want to stay here, daily fighting the uncontrollable and the unwinable, i.e., why not stop asking for prayer and allow our bodies to just give up on us. Wouldn't be hard, not hard at all!! BUT... I prayed for years asking the Lord for millions to use in Southern Asia to tell the very poor about JESUS for the VERY FIRST time.

They DESERVE that chance!! This money is in a bank in Europe - just needing God to force the Illuminati to RELEASE it!! Our Charity is all setup to go. Local fully-trained Missionaries are there anxiously waiting to take the message out!!

Release of this money would also allow us to keep living life: we would be able to PAY for the help we need to look after us, cos we're fast reaching to the point where we can no longer do this. IT'S VERY SERIOUS!!

So either we need that money OR we need complete miracle healing of our bodies - which God can so easily do without even raising a finger!! That is... PROVIDED WE PRAY - and pray BELIEVINGLY - and pray PERSISTENTLY, never giving up till He answers!!! That's true New Testament prayer! Anything less - well, I don't know what it is...

We, and those who've never heard in South Asia are wholly dependent on YOU. WE CANNOT DO IT ALONE!!

Bless you super-abundantly by His Word and in His love!!

- BM and his Lady
What a powerful message Bondman

It was such a crazy busy week-end with the ministry this week-end that I got home last night fell asleep on the couch and woke up wide awake at 3 am.
Could not sleep, got on and read your above message.
Yesterday's message in church was about being a healthy Christian and the end of the message was what you wrote about. truly repenting. As we go forth with the bus and we have seen people that say they are saved but then they continue to live in the same muck and mire it is so hard to understand sometimes.

I was with a young woman who has 2 children, not married and expecting a third. She states she is saved. She has prayed and is giving up this third child for adoption. When talking with her, she is going for open adoption which means she will be able to have contact and such but are you ready for the heart wrencher, she has chosen a couple that is two women! Oh Lord, my heart was broken, Bondman I could not hold back.. I stood there and asked her does she not know what the bible says in regards to all of that. Her two little girls she has now are so beautiful. We were at street church and when it came time for prayer the little 6 year old asked for prayer for someone to take care of her family and for help for having the house be clean, talk about tugging at the heart. Now mind you this mom and the current boyfriend, father of the new baby was sitting there. I thought do you not see and when we had pulled into the neighborhood , this man had come on and asked for a bible, again a man that is stating he is saved. Now mind you I am not juding anyone, but after they all left and I was there with the folks from the church that came out to do street church, I wept.

I also wept this week with other heart wrenching news. Remember the handyman that I truly beleive God placed in my life to prepare my new home and I thought he was homeless? He could quote scripture upside down and such and had been in prison several times but truly believed the Lord was gving him a new life. Well I got a text Friday evening from his ex girflriend that he was back in jail! He had left this town, went to live somewhere else and got caught up in burglaries again... sad part is that there was a 16 year old involoved as well. After this week-end I thought to myself what the heck is wrong with people, these folks saying they love the Lord, but all this stuff going on. When I sat in church, I really reflected on my own life and really thought of those things of self that I need to continue to die of..

God placed divine apppointments to us as we had a booth at the local home show to bring awareness of the minsitry and how we take the good news to the street. Right there admist the home show, God placed me on my knees by a wheelchair of an elderly woman to pray with her. She has not been able to eat for 4-5 months and has a feeding tube. Her and her husband were awesome believers in the Lord. Another young couple came by with two young beautiful girls, they told us of a miracle baby they have, a little girl who is in the Newborn Intensive Care unit and was born at 24 weeks and weighed one pound.. the baby is beginning to thrive but needs major prayers for development of her lungs.

I find myself getting weary at times but your illustration of Paul rung loud and clear! I have not even begun to experience the suffering that Paul had.
Oh the thoughts, the many layers that I need to give to the Lord and allow him to strip away!

I pray that the Lord will release the money that is there for the ministry more importantly I will continue to pray for complete healing for you and the Mrs. You are such an exemplified example of how Christians need to live. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not growing weary and bringing the messages here that the Lord gives you!

God bless you today and every day!
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