All About Us at the Moment!!!
Goodness, it's all really hard to believe!! Our life is slowly falling apart - no, make that not so slowly!
So sorry I'm late with this. Doc has ordered one more test for me cos I'm still in trouble. If that shows nothing then he's said he's stumped! (That's Chronic Fatigue for ya!!)
Okay, you know that for many, many years Beloved has been the 'legs' of the family, my body being too 'weak' to do even simple physical. But that's changing at an increasing rate of knots - which in turn changes the deal in a major way. I've told you this before, but her fingers, wrists, arms, and shoulders are so subject to appalling pain that it's made life so hard for her. Almost "all of a sudden" she can hardly do anything at all - as it creates more pain than she can handle - lasting for hours, or even days after that! And trust me, she's handled quite a deal of pain every day of her life since about age 7.
We're already having to get other people to do things she's having to give up - correction, HAS given up. We've always been aware that if my poor Darling's messed up body were to get significantly worse, then we were in big trouble!! We've now entered the time of "big trouble."
Where does the money come from to pay someone to do the things she's had to give up? Don't know!! I've yet to try our Care Provider to see if the Govt. can help. But that's just basically band-aiding! FACT: considering that this may come one day, I would have expected to die before it came (with my ill-health and age this should already have happened) so then I'd not be writing this! *hehe, not writing it for TWO reasons!!*
So is GOD bringing this on at this time in connection with people of faith praying for our total healing? I have to strongly suspect so!!! Our humanity seems to say that if it appears to be serious we'll pray seriously and earnestly! Otherwise we'll pray at a 'lower level' (or even stop).
In one sense we don't need prayer for healing, and for our ministry funds. I prayed earnestly for many years, and God ultimately told me He'd heard and answered - but I had to wait. But I did not really expect to wait this long! Now all of a sudden it's changing fast for us, and the timing is: just when more and more we're encouraging people of FAITH to 'gather together' to pray seriously... until God answers!!! Interesting? - I think it is!!
So to my mind there's a quite strong possibility that prayer for us may be much more for all of YOU than for us!!!! Can you see what I'm getting at? If 20 or 40 or more people from TWO forums successfully pray for TWO miracles from God that actually get answered - imagine how you'll feel!!! You'd be over the moon - and realise that if this is possible ONCE, then it can be done again - and again!!! And I'll tell you straight up that if that can be achieved it will make our continued health struggles MORE THAN WORTH IT!!!! *heavenly smile!!*
The work is there to be done!! We are in trouble, BIG trouble. God's not yet done what He's promised me. But we CAN ask Him to HASTEN it. Will YOU be seriously and earnestly part of this - requesting an early healing and early funds for us? With both of those we can affect thousands and thousands of lives. AND WILL!!
God bless and guide you as you earnestly consider this!
- BM