THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Greta messasges , just a little bewildered here today. Got call yesterday that the widow Care-A-Van helps, who comes to the bus every Saturday, not for food but for prayer for herself and her alcholic son.. well she died! She was at bus on Saturday and we got call yesterday saying it looks like she died on Sat but no one found her until yesterday!
Here is a poem I wrote last night of my feelings.

A Tribute

It saddened my heart today
When the call came in
I am calling to say
That Dee passed away

Oh Lord I thought
I just saw her
She came to the bus on Saturday

She came every week
At the end of the outings
To gather together
With her friends
For a little prayer

She may have been demanding at times
But she had a true heart
A heart for her son
Whom she loved very much

She lived in a cozy little home
Deep within the woods
A place that was her solitude
A place that she shared
With us her friends

Many an outings were shared
Where the guys would stack the wood
And I learned how to cook
Oh yes we cooked pie on the grill
Pizza on the wood stove
We would whip up a feast
For the brothers to eat

She was a widow
A child of God
One whom he called his own
One whom he called for his children to love

No one should be alone
We are to love each other
We are to share the good news
Whether on the bus, on the streets
Or a little house tucked deep in the woods

She had her own sparkle about her
She loved to wear fancy shirts
She was proud of her coat
She loved to be on the internet
She loved to sell her goodies on EBay
She loved to bug Paul, Clint and PJ

It is hard to believe that just
A little while ago
We sat on her couch
Watching the Olympics
Admiring the paintings
That adorned her walls

I will never forget the little gifts
She would give with her heart
Whether a loaf of bread for someone else
Or a makeup bag to uplift another

But the best gift of all
That I received from my friend
Was the lesson in all the times that we share
Are we making sure that they know
Who Our Lord and Savior is
And what it truly means to give of our life
Lives that have been filled with pain, muck and mire
To receive the free gift of salvation
With true repentance
We can be newly created and go much higher

I pray that our friend knew who he was
I pray that she had asked in him
I pray that we all will one day
Be reunited forever in Eternity

I love you Dee
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
You and the Lord truly taught me
To love unconditionally

God Bless you
Love Robin
March 23, 2010
Thankyou for sharing with us about Dee. It always hurts when someone we love is gone. A good lesson for us all that to see them again we must do everything possible to ensure they are truly God's.

Bless you heaps, hon!!!

- BM
Hey, y'all! Long time no see! I'm gonna try to catch up, but mo garuntees (ok,what happened to my spell check?)
I hope to be on here a little more. Got a new gadget that will let me peek in more often.
Miss y'all, lots!

Well, wow, are you ever a sight for sore eyes!! (as they say!)

You also have been missed more than you could know!

Bless ya heaps n heaps!!!

- BM *v. happy!!*
Reaching Higher #83


Who Exactly Are We Supposed to Pray For? - Part 1

It's awhile since I checked this in the whole of the New Testament (rather large task), but when I've done so previously I found NO evidence anywhere of someone praying alone for the salvation of another soul. (This is not to say that if you did this I think that God's going to come down in a Chariot of Flames to give you a massive great WOP for doing so!! *smile!*)

However the basic pattern for this in the NT is pretty clear:

1) We meet together in Jesus' Name. That's where what today we call 'church' originated (but in Part 2 we'll check if it's moved right away from the Scriptures). 2) We pray together in love. 3) We share things with each other that we need prayer for. 4) We pray SPECIFICS for anyone in service and for any member there wishing to minister in a special way, e.g., sharing the Gospel with someone that they may be saved. 5) So we're meeting together, loving and PRAYING for each other, INCLUDING specifics as in 4 above. 6) Then, but NOT before then, we go out into the world infused with power, taking Jesus to it!!!

So if there is someone you desperately want to see saved, and you'd love to tell them the Gospel, you share this with your group of Believers to pray for YOU (NOT for the person) - and THAT'S how it's supposed to be done!! We do things TOGETHER, supporting each other, NEVER singly and alone. The Christian alone is unknown in the NT - yet isn't that how most of us live most of the time? If we do go alone, it will not be impossible to achieve something for the Kingdom, but it will be harder and maybe much less effective.

Shrewd readers may also have noted that this Scriptural method is exactly the OPPOSITE to how we tend to function in our churches today in the West: we DON'T go to them with the Gospel; instead we ask them to come to "us", i.e., to the Sunday meeting in the church building. (Did I hear someone say: "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark!") They couldn't be more RIGHT! *with sincere apologies to any Danes here!*

Alright, let's summarise insofar as our topic here is concerned. FIRST, Christians gather together, praying for each other for their needs, including, but NO WAY ONLY for them to be able to speak EFFECTIVELY to another about Jesus! SECOND, the group then sends you (and others) out to minister the Gospel and God's love. So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them out. Acts Ch 13:3. See also Galatians 2:9.

Who do we pray for? It should primarily be for each other according to the NT!! Why doesn't this happen? Because our churches and church meetings are no longer geared for this - which is nothing short of tragic!! We will look at this further in Part 2.

Continued in Part 2, "What, or Who, is the Church? ...

- BM, with his Lady

Now I really like this message BM. This speaks to so many things but has been one of my sticking points about the modern day church. You are so right on when you say:

we DON'T go to them with the Gospel; instead we ask them to come to "us"

Now I'm not opposed to church by any means. I think that it IS important that we gather together to worship in JESUS Name. But now days it's more like a social gathering rather than a worship gathering. (After all gotta have my Latte and cookie as I listen to the worship team sing.) And I seldom see how that gathering of members is going to infuse anyone to go forth and seek the lost. Many churches have started small care groups. Some of these do follow the BASIC pattern you spelled out. Most that we've been part of don't.

So now I'm waiting to get my eyes on Part 2 because for one thing, as you know, we're unable, because of work, to attend any meetings to be fed so we can go forth. Our contact is my site and here, as well as a few friends like you.

Thanks a bunch, Nick, for this most helpful and thoughtful 'review' of the message. I thought your comments were all valid and spot-on. Our ekklesia is here also.

Part 2 is on the 'drawing-board', and just for you the topic is 'the church'. Just for you, mind, no one else is to know about this yet! *deep belly laugh reverberates throughout the house!!*

Trouble with all of this, however, is there's not a single thing funny about the whole deal... I do have to wonder what tears may be shed by Jesus, bridegroom to his church on earth...

Praying hard for yourself and esp. for your good Lady.

Lotsa love!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #84


What, or Who, is the Church? - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1, "Who Exactly Are We Supposed to Pray For?"

You and I and others are the (local) church - the "ekklesia" in the original Greek - as we assemble together in the Name of our Jesus. We are then also an integral part of the worldwide ekklesia, joined with others who assemble together just as we do.

The New Testament clearly says we Believers in Jesus meet together in His Name. And it says that we MUST! Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another.. Hebrews Ch 10:25. Amp. So do you think your ekklesia would be so much the better if you met together PERSONALLY to MUTUALLY encourage, urge and warn each other? That is, in RELATIONSHIP: caring about each other!! - like we spoke about in our example in Part 1?

What we call 'church' today originated in Scriptural times from people assembling (meeting) together. But let's check out how far the church has moved away from the Scripture pattern!!


Locally, the church is us - you and me! It's PEOPLE!!! Let me say that again: the church is PEOPLE!!!! It's NOT an organisation of any sort or kind, nor is it the church building. I truly mean NO offence in saying that sometimes, maybe even often, it's not where you go each Sunday either - because that DOES tend to be more of an organisation with rules, and attitudes and activities not in accord with the Scriptures at all. *sadness!!*

What then happened to the group ekklesia meeting? When we "go to church" we all sit facing forward, looking at the back of the head of the person in front. On a podium someone preaches to the 'congregation'. There is traditionally NO interaction between him and everyone else. And if there is, there's still no interaction between the members of the congregation. If you need prayer perhaps you'll go down the front and someone (you may not know) prays for you - and that about it, sadly!! How far away is this from our example Scripture pattern from Part 1:

1) We meet together in Jesus' Name. 2) We pray together in love. 3) We share things with each other that we need prayer for. 4) We pray SPECIFICS for anyone in service and for any member there wishing to minister in a special way, e.g., sharing the Gospel with someone that they may be saved. 5) Thus we are meeting together, loving and PRAYING for each other. 6) Then, but NOT before then, we go out into the world infused with power, taking Jesus to it!!!


So do our churches really look more like an 'organisation', rather than an ekklesia, an assembling together of Believers who love Jesus and are wholly committed to Him? And what effect is this 'organisation' aspect having on you and your relationship with the Lord? The very sad answer is a MASSIVE effect - one that you're not even aware of!! And of course the larger the church the more it needs to be "organised", and so usually the more inward-looking and less Scripturally-based it is - just one reason why I do NOT like large churches.

The way largest group in the world of highly spiritual ekklesia is the Underground Church in China. Over 100 million strong they are constantly persecuted by the godless Communist regime. Because they may be arrested and jailed or worse if caught, they always meet it big churc... no, they don't!! They meet in secret in their homes - house churches as they are called. ALL OF THEM! No expensive church buildings. No unwieldy and worldly organisation. Meeting together to share their lives in Christ!! Sure works for ME!!


They have teachers called of God to open the Scriptures to them. They support each other, pray for each other, care for each other. They very 'CAREFULLY' evangelise others in their daily lives. Miracle healing and more is a normal part of church life. Unlike us, they are very STRONG in Christ. Much needed as their life may be forfeit at any time! This is New Testament church living, true ekklesia. How did they originally learn to do it all so incredibly successfully with no one to teach them - THEY JUST READ THE SCRIPTURES!!! And the Holy Spirit taught them!!! They live Christian lives like we can only dream about!!

With with the 100 million Believers in the persecuted Underground House Churches in China plus the millions who've come to Christ under in Southern Asia, plus other true and earnest Believers throughout the world, we are the church, the Assembly of true Believers, with Jesus our Bridegroom - and us, by our determined obedience to His commands, earnestly seeking to become His truly truly WORTHY bride!!

Please do seek to live as part of His TRUE ekklesia! (rather than of the 'establishment') Remember how God said that where two or three are gathered (assembled) in His name, HE'S right there with you! Matthew 18:20. Beloved and I say that we and God are a majority! *smile!*

Concluded in Part 3... ...

- BM, with his Lady

A Challenge to you to listen to. You'll hear and see things I've written and more beside. Take the challenge:
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Wow! Did I ever miss this! Powerful messages, bondman! Would that more people would take this to heart!

Do have a question for you: could you give scripture references for praying specifically? I have been keeping an eye out during my studies but have found only a few. Thank you, so much for all you do!
Still waiting for you and the missus to jump up and do the jitterbug!
Yes, well I told you not to go away! *hehe!* (This is where the 'freshest air' is, lol.)

All that I do is because of Jesus. It's my joy to serve. Can't think of any other very useful reason to live.

Oh, the jitterbug - it's getting closer, of that I'm certain. Getting excited about it too!!

Bless you, hon. Man you've been missed!!!

- BM

Oops, about specific prayer, I'd much appreciate anything you may have found! Can't think of anything specific at the moment. I believe I've more taught this from observing how so many of the Bible greats pray - that is, specifically!! (as well as according to His will).

I've become aware that there is change in the wind! "The times they are a-changing" - well, something like that. Seriously, the Lord is speaking to me and I'm starting to get PRET-TY excited about what He's saying! Can't say more now, and it may be awhile, but just CAN'T WAIT for when I'll be able to tell you!! Meantime, stay tuned, and watch closely so you don't miss anything! *smile!*

For those who care about us, please give Jesus thanks for Beloved these past 3 days. Before that she was so, so ill in body and in her spirit, and seriously in bed for 2 days. Then she got up and it's really quite amazing! Typical Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ups and downs like I've explained - enough to drive you crazy. However if this is the start of her being healed by the Lord, then wow....

No results yet from the test I had. Nothing's really changed. My poor tummy is just not happy at all. I'm still not eating normally, but getting enough 'vittles' to keep me going, and the things the Lord is saying kinda has me excited enough that I'm not caring too much about my ill-health at the moment!

Apologies that this is late, but Nick and I seem to be very busy with the IR and ministry things, so that's my excuse anyway!

Love you guys SO MUCH!!

- BM
I've become aware that there is change in the wind! "The times they are a-changing" - well, something like that. Seriously, the Lord is speaking to me and I'm starting to get PRET-TY excited about what He's saying! Can't say more now, and it may be awhile, but just CAN'T WAIT for when I'll be able to tell you!! Meantime, stay tuned, and watch closely so you don't miss anything! *smile!*

Whoo hoo! I hope it is that Faithwoman will be out on the streets more and more.. lol! anywhoo.. great messages.
I am going to be busy for the next few.
I just got asked tonite to speak at the widow's funeral.. how cool is that! what an honor it is!
and then busy at work, then Easter and dealing with some daughter stuff too!
I am resting more though! you would be proud of me.. and hey off to a grand start once again.. and for the final time.. smoke free.. have a super blessed Easter!

Hugs to the Mrs!
Wow, busy busy! But you're taking time out. Yep, am so, so PROUD of you!! (always knew you could do it! *hee!*)

Oh, that really IS an honour!!

About the 'smoke free' zone, I'm gonna send ya a suggestion!

Blessings, dear one - and big HUGS!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #85


What, or Who, is the Church? - Part 3

... Continued from Part 2
Because we've all been going to conventional churches for a fair time or even all of our lives, this is basically all that we know. We've got totally used to it, and it's SO HARD to be able to stand back and see the church for what it is. What I'm able to tell you here is purely because my ill-health TOOK ME OUT of the church a long time ago - and suddenly all the things I'd NEVER been able to see came into clear focus, and some almost bowled me over! Why didn't I see THAT before, I was saying? ANSWER: Because I was too close to it to be able to, that's why!
It's similar when reading the New Testament Scriptures. I can remember reading things that were quite unlike the church I was in, but somehow it never clicked! A rather normal human situation I think. There's a similar scenario concerning the large church group I mention sometimes. Their teachings are very set and very strong. Once having been in that church for some time, most appear to be quite unable to see anything different from what they've been taught. I find that SO saddening!

So is not easy to live PLEASING to the Lord God in a church that's NOT breaking His laws and is in accordance with His Word!! Similar to the large church group above, if we hear an error taught as truth enough times, then we're going to believe it. (Does that remind you of what we call brain-washing? Awful thought...) Unbelievers mostly don't experience anything like we do, where week by week we hear the same things and accept them - until they become part of us. So if you're trying to tell a church-goer the Scripture truth and they won't listen, now you know why!
God ensured that we'd know what a true NT church is (is like). He set down a quite simple but HIGHLY effective pattern to follow. If you're a reader of the Scriptures as I sure hope you are, then you'll have read this before: Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification (building up). 1 Corinthians Ch 14:26.

This description and instruction is about an interactive, intimate church, with small numbers, as was the only pattern in New Testament times. They did NOT build buildings, but met in homes. It's a picture of ekklesia members exercising the wonderful gifts God had lovingly given them to help build each other up - towards maturity in the Lord Jesus! And this total picture I've painted of effective house churches is exactly that of the Underground House Churches in China - the most effective anywhere in the world!!
This church is also family-oriented. Being in a home, all members of families were there. Whatever age, everyone was part of the church, and could participate. God commands that everything that's done must up-build those present. (ALL things done for edification - NOTHING else!!) Think about the PILE of regular church activities THAT knocks out! (And just FYI, the words "worship service" is nowhere in the New Testament.) Rather than traditions and rituals that started way after the NT church pattern was established, here we can see real live Christianity in action!!

If any of this sounds good to you, I'll be giving some suggestions in due course. Meantime, God bless you with so many Spiritual blessings!!

- BM, with his Lady

you know, this description of a true church is VERY close to what my church body is. Although we meet in a building and have preaching, we are few in number, whole families are involved. Even the children participate. There is more prayer and testimonials and encouragement than any other church I've been in. We also let the Holy Spirit guide the order of the service. We have visions quite often and more often than not, tongues and an interpretation.
Am I bragging? Maybe. But our little body of believers is so different from the 'mainstream' churches in my area,we are called a 'cult'. But we don't let what others think affect us at all.
As soon as I get the chance, I'll look up those prayer scriptures again for you, Bondman.
You are so right on here BM. Perhaps I'm somewhat like you in that we've not been able to attend a regular church for sometime because of our work. So when we are able to attend it seems more and more like the people are there for a social gathering. They stop and get their Latte, or maybe bring their own coffee from home. The worship team sings songs to us for 30 minutes and then the pastor preaches for 15. The remainder of the time is taken up with what I call a meet and greet, title etc. 2-3 minutes is prayer time. And you're right. No interaction (well maybe during meet and greet but that's social, not worship). So I do like the concept of small gatherings of people. Gathering for the sole purpose of worshiping our Lord.

I see very little of that passion and anguish (that David Wilkinson spoke of in the audio clip in Part 2) in the church or in Christians in general. I suppose I could be put in that same group because you hit it right on the head when you say we've been brain washed. I look beyond that though and want so much to be back in a setting, a gathering, of people who are their to worship, pray, support each other in our walk with Christ so that I/we can devote/give/live our life Christ-like and in great anticipation of our home going. Further I think that we need that to grow in our own maturity so that we can go out and effectively witness to and help others find Him.

You mentioned the NT church. I don't think that people today have a concept of the New Testament church. But I believe that if they were to experience it and get into it and believe in it that they soon would be ON FIRE for God. It certainly would make a difference in this old world we live in.

Thank you so much for this series of messages. It hits home with me and I fully understand and yearn for such an opportunity to worship. Waiting to see your suggestions. Should be quite exciting.

Hmmm, how do we even get started?
Thanks a lot for your comments, Nick. I'm sure you're right that Western Christians don't know what the New Testament church is to be according to the Scriptures. Like myself for a very great many years I more or less accepted that the way the church was, that I was in, was okay. Hence, not until I was out of it could I start to SEE the wood withthe trees no longer blocking me off.

If persecution of the church was to start, then we'd very soon see the value of house churches, where we could meet secretly to love and build each other up so we are strengthened by the power of the Spirit to handle the persecution without denying Jesus!! Our flesh will say that we do NOT want persecution, but until then we're just 'playing church' in my opinion.

Other than persecution, how could we do this? Well more soon. Meantime it sounds like Fluffy's church is at least showing the way!! WOW!! I hope that Fluf won't mind me saying that I just love that they're branded as a 'cult'. Start doing things RIGHT in OBEDIENCE to God, and that's exactly the sort of things likely to happen. I would be proud to be in a church that threatened their 'churchianity' so much that they had to call us cultists!! Whoo-hoo!!

- BM
you know, this description of a true church is VERY close to what my church body is. Although we meet in a building and have preaching, we are few in number, whole families are involved. Even the children participate. There is more prayer and testimonials and encouragement than any other church I've been in. We also let the Holy Spirit guide the order of the service. We have visions quite often and more often than not, tongues and an interpretation.
Am I bragging? Maybe. But our little body of believers is so different from the 'mainstream' churches in my area,we are called a 'cult'. But we don't let what others think affect us at all.
As soon as I get the chance, I'll look up those prayer scriptures again for you, Bondman.

It was like such a breath of fresh air to read your account of your church!! Now I understand much more why you've always shown an openness and desire for more truth and your commitment to the Lord that I've always seen. Way to GO!!

Thanks for sharing (more comments above in my response to Nick) and for giving us some hope that it's really NOT impossible to be in a true NT church - cos I plumb refuse to believe that it IS!!! Plus I can see some possible ways....

Bless ya heaps, hon!

- BM
Weeeellll, I seem to have lost those scriptures I had found......
so I started a new study, focusing primarily on prayer. Maybe I'll find them again! In the meantime, I am already profiting from my study. I had just finished my last one and was looking for something else to do, so thank you, Bondman! Your a peach!:eek:
I look beyond that though and want so much to be back in a setting, a gathering, of people who are their to worship, pray, support each other in our walk with Christ so that I/we can devote/give/live our life Christ-like and in great anticipation of our home going. Further I think that we need that to grow in our own maturity so that we can go out and effectively witness to and help others find Him.

Love the message Bondman and Nick, I so much see this happening in the Tuesday night Womens group that the Lord hosts in my home. It is awesome.. we let God have his way and it is awesome.

Bondman.. I will not be going to Vegas . big change in plans.. I will write more later.. but will be interesting to see what the Lord is up to through all of it.

Fluffy.. welcome Back!
Have a Blessed Easter everyone! He is Risen! He is risen indeed!

God Bless
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