THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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HEALTH (and Ministry) UPDATE

Late again. Sorry!

Ill-health has once again overtaken us. Beloved had a lot of tests - x-rays, CT scans, over a number of parts of her body, and got the results today. Doc is away so all we can do is read what we can understand.

Seems like she has many problems with her body (as if we didn't know THAT!) - limbs, shoulders especially, and more. Her body should not be in this state in her 50th year - but it is. And some of what we read explains the almost unbelievable amount of daily pain she gets in different parts of her body at different times.

She doesn't know what to do with herself. Lying down and trying to sleep helps - until she gets up. Then she may sit to watch TV (which drives her crazy!) which isn't very good. So she'll then do things because that doesn't hurt much more than doing nothing. Our good carer Karen is all that keeps us going (just 12 1/2 hrs per week she's here)..

I was supposed to have a number of x-rays of my stomach and bowels today to see what IS the problem - which slowly settles down, then just when we think it's nearly right flares up again. Which is did last night - so no x-ray got done today! I have to eat a slice of toast. Then later toast with some spaghetti on. The some soft tinned corn on toast. And some creamed rice. Not enough to keep a pet alive, certainly not me, but no choice. We'll try for the x-rays again Monday next.

Our plans for the Inner Room are still progressing. It's seems quite ironic that this is being done by two men both with very ill wives. But hey, you can't give up. Gotta keep the pot boiling no matter what! Nick is doing a great job!

I pray now for every spiritual blessing to each of you dear ones!!

- BM and Mrs
I am sorry to hear of your ill health Bondman, been praying off and on today for you and the Mrs.
the trip to my hometown was awesome, but more awesome is I got a call tonite from a gal of our woman's group. she wanted to stop by with another woman who was hurting. I put the coffee pot on got some muffins and they arrived.

We had an awesome evening. I shared many scriptures with her and so did my friend. We shared about what true salvation meant, the way you had just taught me, the correct way.... She talked alot and truly did ask the Lord to be her Lord of her life. We talked alot about repentenace and such.
Tomorrow evening, we are having a guest speaker from the Hannah House, a mission that is similar to what we have started here at my home.
God is good....... I was in a funk earlier today with stomach bug and such, had to leave work early. We are seeing more and more the importance of church in the home.
Have a blessed week!
Wow, that's all amazing, hon! One more into God's Kingdom!! Praise His Holy Name!!!

If I was a Texan I reckon I'd say, "Well done, y'all!!" But because I'm an Aussie, I'll probably say, "Beauty, mate!!" though I think the 'beauty' part is slowly being dropped...

I think it's amazing how we can still do good things even in these difficult days. I'll be interested to hear what your Tues. evening speaker has to say about meeting in a home like you guys are also doing. I know there's a major reason for it in China, but it sure seems to work there. And you're truly doing great with meeting in your home. I remember the things you said about that when you God was telling you to start. And you're still going!! All praises to Him!!!

Praying! And thankyou for your prayers. I truly don't know how log we can keep going like we are. Need that full healing that He's promised me

- BM
Reaching Higher #91


Truth and Error - Part 2

... Concluded from Part 1

When IS the rapture? SUCH CONFUSION in the churches!!! And through my amazing Mentor I've come to see that it's all SO unnecessary! I decided to do a Part 2 of my own investigating - and as a direct result, please allow me to give you the actual HISTORY and background of this needless confusion and ill-advised foolishness.


I remembered that 'rapture before the tribulation' was a RECENT doctrine. That's bad enough, because seldom, if ever, are recent doctrines correct!! But it gets worse - much worse!!! Here's the simple yet so serious HISTORY of this terrible error. We need to go back to March 1830 where a woman in England, apparently in some kind of religious trance, prophesied: a) that Jesus may return at any time, and b) true Believers may at any time be raptured. Obviously the "prophesy" was wrong, as NEITHER happened!!

Her church grouping also ended up in much error, but in any case, a completely new doctrine had just be started!! That's all it takes! It all began with one error-ridden prophesy. I've long been concerned about present day Western prophesy. Sadly I've read so much foolishness on the Net, where either the supposed prophesy is something we all know anyway, and/or is quite irrelevant, or is something that's ultimately proven wrong.


Other people were reasonably quick to take up this easy-way-out, and therefore VERY attractive to the flesh new doctrine, including some, like Darby, who were very influential in England at that time. However, that wonderful and amazing man of faith, George Muller, strongly opposed it, and later so did the great Charles Spurgeon. It may be shocking to some to read that Schofield (the "Schofield Bible") aligned with Darby - and the doctrine was well on its way.

But much worse was to come, when a book was published about this new doctrine, funded by Believers with money and means, and thus the book was distributed absolutely free to ministers and missionaries around the world!! How utterly astonishing... and the doctrine was now quite unstoppable!!


But here, to me, is an even more telling truth about this 'easy' doctrine. Those who've fully researched it thoroughly state categorically that absolutely nowhere, repeat NOWHERE in the church prior to 1830 was this doctrine ever in existence!!! In fact, not even thought of!! One man even went through the wonderful complete Bible Commentaries of Matthew Henry and Adam Smith (written prior to 1830) and found no, repeat NO evidence of the new doctrine.

And most telling of all, and also a fair way prior to 1830, was a letter written by a saint called Paul to the Church at Thessalonica, which FLAT contradicts this doctrine, actually WARNING AGAINST IT!! 2 Thessalonians Ch 2:1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord [the return of Jesus] has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs AND the man of lawlessness (the antichrist) is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. That is, the coming of Jesus WILL NOT happen prior to the rebellion and the tribulation. How clear can it be!!!


Whether you believe in the rapture before or after the tribulation shouldn't affect your salvation (though I believe it could), but it sure WILL affect your daily living in Christ! If it's soon (and it may be) that we go into the Tribulation, then unless you're: 1) Ready for it, because you're 2) Strong in Christ, then HOW will you be able to reject the demands of the antichrist to take his mark - and thus to endure persecution? The weak will give in to the antichrist, and thus were probably not saved, but believed they were. HOW DREADFUL!!

Aim to be fully His folks, and believe His truth!!

- BM, with his Lady

Reaching Higher #92


Why Don't Christians...?

Oh this is an old and rather hoary one. The question is, 'Why don't Christians read their Bibles?' Yes, I did said Bibles, as many of us have two or more! Yet we still don't read them! Is the FIRST reason for this because life's too easy for us? YES!! Consider Christians who are under persecution. They'll even tear a Bible into pieces to share round the church, then keep swapping the pieces. WHY? So they can READ THE BIBLE. They know their NEED and they WANT to not just read , but truly STUDY IT, so they can learn HOW to live God's way according to what HE has said in the Bible.

Such lengths to go to, wow! They're SERIOUS, right!! You better believe it!! We're (mostly) not! So WHY aren't we? The SECOND reason is that we simply can't be bothered. Man, that shows up our commitment to the Lord - or rather the lack of it, doesn't it?!! So, I say that I'm a Christian - but I've never actually STUDIED the New Testament in my whole life!! Hmmm... Christian or not??

THIRD reason is we're just too, too lazy. Yes, LAZY!!! For example, we'll use this excuse, "But I just can't understand it. It's all too difficult!" Are you kidding me? - people who've graduated High School and graduated University or College saying they can't UNDERSTAND it!! Did you ever have to.... RESEARCH when studying? Like... go to the Library to gain understanding in order to get the subject right?

Okay then, let me help you to demolish that excuse in your life - forever!!! 1. Use the Amplified Bible as your Study (AND reading Bible - I do and have for decades!) It does a lot of amazing explanations, and will help you no end with understanding (you can read the Amp HERE if you can't afford one). This is maybe your EASIEST help.

2. Check out what you can't understand in the best Commentary available today, Matthew Henry's Commentary of the Whole Bible, HERE. Yes, his older and more literary English may occasionally be a tad difficult to understand, but I know someone who left school at Year 10 and can still 'get it' by not giving up, so I guarantee that YOU can also! This is probably the very BEST and most RELIABLE help anywhere in the world. Please beware other Commentaries - some are fine but others most certainly are NOT!

3. Have a problem being sure of a word, like 'saint'. Go to the Greek for the original meaning! Go HERE and find the verse with 'saint' in it. Click on the word and you'll see the meanings from the original language of the New Testament.

4. Sometimes a Bible Dictionary can be a quite invaluable help also. Go HERE for a good one, where you can search for names, meanings of words, all manner of useful, helpful and even fascinating things for your study time. Do well: read and STUDY your Bible - the only place where you can alsabout about the true God!!!!

- BM, with his Lady

Great message Bondman. Great reminder for me to TAKE THE TIME to be still and read.

After all, how can I be effective for the Lord if I do not know what his word says.
Last night we were at the local college. We knock on 95 dorm rooms. We go once a month. We give them one of our flyers, a gospel tract an offer prayer. Well last night the planting of the seed all school year took place. 6 students gave their lives to the Lord!

A friend of mine who just started volunteering was on one team, and I with Paul on another. Usually the night goes quick and we are home by 9 but last night we did not get home close to ten. We met up and she said 3 for his kingdom, as we went into the last building, the last room I visited the lord had prepared the heart of this beatuiful young woman. Then we were on bus getting ready to leave and 4 young women came on to see the bus. A conversation started, they sat down, my friend Terri, a woman from Tuesday night group, shared the message, Paul shared sriputres and 2 of them confessed and gave their life. Awesome night!

Things are busy and crazy here. Keeping you and the Mrs. in prayer.
Have a blessed week-end. Enjoy knowing you and the Mrs. have 6 new children! You climbed alot of stairs at the college last night!

God Bless
Great message Bondman. Great reminder for me to TAKE THE TIME to be still and read.

After all, how can I be effective for the Lord if I do not know what his word says.
Last night we were at the local college. We knock on 95 dorm rooms. We go once a month. We give them one of our flyers, a gospel tract an offer prayer. Well last night the planting of the seed all school year took place. 6 students gave their lives to the Lord!

A friend of mine who just started volunteering was on one team, and I with Paul on another. Usually the night goes quick and we are home by 9 but last night we did not get home close to ten. We met up and she said 3 for his kingdom, as we went into the last building, the last room I visited the lord had prepared the heart of this beatuiful young woman. Then we were on bus getting ready to leave and 4 young women came on to see the bus. A conversation started, they sat down, my friend Terri, a woman from Tuesday night group, shared the message, Paul shared sriputres and 2 of them confessed and gave their life. Awesome night!

Things are busy and crazy here. Keeping you and the Mrs. in prayer.
Have a blessed week-end. Enjoy knowing you and the Mrs. have 6 new children! You climbed alot of stairs at the college last night!

God Bless

Wow-ee!!! SIX new into God's Garden, His Wondrous Kingdom here on earth. That is awesome in the extreme!! I know you recognise how blessed you are to be involved in folks' conversions to Jesus, but do you know that most never have this experience even once in their whole Christian lives!

I am beyond rapt to hear of 6 new children starting the adventure of learning how to walk each day with Jesus, giving up sin, giving up love of the world and ease, learning His truths, reading His Word. I think I said wow-ee, but it's worth another one I reckon:


Piles of love, dear one, and hugs!!!

- BM

UPDATE (Serious and Quite IMPORTANT)

This may be a little longer than usual, but the earthly and heavenly futures (NO exaggeration), of a great lot of you are involved here!!

1) It's time to start finalising our new and very different program we have for you. Nick's done most of it so far (with a very ill wife currently being treated for aggressive cancer), but it's now past time for me to jump in and do my part!

2) I simply cannot do that and keep writing messages and cope with my extra illness of the tummy problems still not diagnosed and taking piles of extra meds and not eating enough... Which would normally be okay, but recently there's been a change in reading habits of Inner Roomies!! - MANY coming to read only when I put up a new message, i.e., come when I put up a new one, but otherwise many staying away!

I find this upsetting. With 354 messages on CFS it seems just a tad strange that folks can't find ones they've not read, or more pertinently may have READ but are still not living out all the truths in them!! So may I very gently suggest checking out the 4 indexes (in sig at bottom) for ones you've missed or need to reread. Because...

3) If more and more people go away from the IR if I stop writing new messages for the time being (which basically I have no choice about), will there be only a few people left when we're READY to share with all of you the exciting new program we're preparing for you, and will invite you to join in. FACT: hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of folks have read messages here: I want to be able to invite ALL of them to join us in the new venture!!!

4) HEALTH, quickly - for those who PRAY for us. I just HAVE to make it to get the X-rays done this coming Monday (keep missing cos too ill to go!)

We are both finding it SO hard to look after each other, and keep our home going. Our healing must be soon surely or something is going to BREAK badly...

My eyes are badly deteriorating from the cataracts growing. I really need them done now, but such a drama could wipe me out totally, so keep hoping God will soon bring healing! Meantime what to do? It's now quite difficult for me to see the computer screen clearly, adding greatly to the major task I have here every day.

THANKYOU FOR CARING! We really need you to stand with us so that Kingdom work can continue and grow and truly move FORWARD as I'm certain God wants.

Love you!!!

- BM and Mrs

There's a lot written about this pseudo-Science these days. Wow, it's got everyone believing that this is true. But it's the normal atheistic rubbish that's foised upon a gullible public via the media - which is OWNED and CONTROLLED by satan!!! So don't ever expect too much truth to ever be in it!

Have a read here to help you see what this misleading nonsense is about:

Chapter 10: Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? - Answers in Genesis

- BM

EDIT: New Ministry still progressing. Please be patient with Nick and I. Thanks!!

Many Believers have no awareness of being filled with the Spirit (or Baptised in the Spirit). With no awareness, it is rather likely that they aren't!

What can be the holdup is not being serious enough about being committed daily to Jesus, not having made Him Lord of your whole life. Even worse is not having seriously repented of all of your sin against God and thus knowing that you are clean in His sight. Continued wilful sin doesn't help either!

So get those things RIGHT, plus ensure you've been baptised in water as a Believer - and you can be filled. Remember RBBR that we looked at numbers of times.

All you need to do then is ASK GOD, i.e., keep praying and do not stop until you are filled!!

More to come...

- BM

Continued from yesterday.

Similarly to getting filled with the Spirit, most don't have the true Gift of being able to speak in an unknown language or tongue either.

Scripturally this IS the sign of being filled - which, however, is certainly NOT to say that if you don't have the gift of tongues that you're not filled!! There's no Scripture to say that tongues is essential to being filled. It simply is the normal sign for many if not most folks who ARE filled. Hope that's clear.

If you've done - or are doing - all of what I wrote yesterday, and want the Gift of Tongues, then same deal. Pray till you get it!!

WARNING: trying to speak in tongues by speaking gobblygook and various other man-conceived ways to make a person into a tongue-speaker is garbage and terribly wrong in my opinion. The VERY, VERY BEST way is to keep praying and wait for the day that God will suddenly and unexpectedly have you break out in this unknown language!

If you consider you're a tongue-speaker and it doesn't sound like a real language I've heard more than once an "Ulla, dulla, dulla" type of SUPPOSED tongue-speaking. My tongue is very rich, and so should yours be if you truly have the Gift.

Finally, Paul primarily used tongues as I do: privately for personal edification. It's a DIRECT God connection via the Holy Spirit. I'm a man and can do just one thing at once *hee!*, yet I can pray in English in my mind while speaking in my unknown language. Whoo-hoo!!

Love to all!

- BM
SOME INTERESTING BITS ABOUT TONGUES! (Then I'll Stop About Them - Promise!)

Continued from above.

1. I've spoken numbers more than one language, which is quite interesting to say the least!!

2. My 'regular' tongue sounds something like a mixture of Eastern European and Chinese/Japanese.

3. It's not unpleasant to hear, and I can speak quite fast with it.

4. The other ones I've spoken in (Holy Spirit choice!!!) have been utterly fascinating to hear!

5. Only three people have ever heard me speak in tongues, two just once, briefly; the third was a Pastor checking my tongue for truth and reality. A tongue, uninterpreted, is for personal upbuilding, and that's it.

6. With this lovely gift, you are in control of starting and stopping, slow or fast, whatever. However, these days I speak only when prompted by the Spirit to do so, and that feels good to/for me. (Some people who use tongues a lot I may wonder if they're real, while hoping they are, of course! Cos anyone can speak in what sounds like a tongue, even anti-God people!!)

7. Speaking directly to God, by the Spirit, in an unknown language, kind of barely using my own brain (which - with a little difficulty cos I'm a man no doubt!! *grin! - is why I can pray in English whilst speaking in tongues), I can tell you is really pretty cool! A friend once called it speaking in a heavenly language, and while that's not Scriptural per se, it's a truly lovely thought.

Love ya all!

- BM

EDIT: Nick and I are flat-chat on the 'program' still - why everything has to take so long cos of complications is such a pain! But it's slowly HAPPENING!!
Wow! Great posts, y'all! I especially liked the ones about the Rapture and Tribulation. I have heard alot about pre-trib, but it just didn't jibe with scripture. Bondman nailed it for me, ha!
Speaking of tongues, I have two myself. One of them sounds alot like Native American, not sure yet which tribe.

Still praying for y'all!

Lookin forward to all the changes!

Oh yeah, my bible study on prayer. While I didn't find anything that says to pray specifically, it would seem to be understood. Interesting side note: when Jesus was praying in the garden, He did not use the Lords Prayer Formula some people tout as the 'proper' way to pray. Just something I discovered during my study and found interesting!

Love y'all!
Wow, that's all good stuff, sweetie!

Reading your post these thoughts kind of poured into my mind almost straight on top of each other: "Oh, Jesus, I do love you SO much!" and, "Lord, Your Word and its power is just plumb amazing!" and "I've always been amazed at Fluffy's determination to know the truth of Your word, and her openness to it!" I think I got that pretty straight (they all came so fast!)

Love ya much, Fluf!!

- BM

EDIT: Oh I've forgotten what you (and I) were looking for to do with prayer. Can you remind me please.

Prayertime can be what I call Prayer and Meditation. 'Meditation' meaning thinking about things you're praying about (which can very easily lead to ones you're not praying about: a major bonus!) Thinking meaning considering, thinking round and about the subject, looking at aspects of it, maybe possible solutions, and continuing... then back to the specifics of the thing or person. I hope that made some sense!

Now all of this I do when I'm in my "prayer closet" (that actually means on my bed *lol*), meaning that I am with the Lord FOR A PURPOSE, being specific prayer and interaction with Him. I lie down as that's the easiest on my very low-energy body, and I don't have problems going to sleep just because I'm horizontal! (Not recommended for most folks!)

My 'prayer closet' is my MEETING PLACE with Him. It's been established and continued for some time, and I strongly recommend the regular place for you, as it somehow develops power and an ease of connecting to Him. It's also a discipline I guess, where the Believer who is undisciplined in meeting with the Lord in prayer I wouldn't expect to be very effective in these Spiritual things at all.

Because of this very important and quite specific meeting place and purpose, I can meditate AND allow my thinking to wander off the prayer subject - but I WILL always come back, without problem, after any period of considering. This is a definitely a commitment thing: because I'm there to do business with the Lord.

If you're needing a particular answer from the Lord, sometimes meditation can actually help! That may surprise some people. But it can lead you to other aspects of the prayer matter, and suddenly you're realising that this is what you were looking for, and the Lord then confirms it in your heart and mind. Exciting!

I know the word 'discipline' is not big in this day and age. But if you really want to grow in the Lord and knowledge of Him and His will for your life, then above may at least give you some ideas of how to get your prayertime into better shape!

Much love!!

- BM

My question was: is there scripture verses about praying specifically?
I had a 'discussion' with my husband and he argued that God knows your needs before you do and He takes care of you better than you know. All these are true. However, scripture implies that God desires interaction with you. There are numerous verses on 'ask,seek,knock', 'be persistent', 'pray continually'. Also, He invites us to participate with Him in His works and we do that by prayer. What an honor and a privelege!
I was hoping to find verses to back up my argument in favor of being specific. Did not find any, BUT, I don't think it hurts if you do. Ha!
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