THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #86


- Part 1

You could choose not to read this. It's not very nice really, and we Westerners tend to strongly protect ourselves from everything 'bad'. But you need to read it! Blood's a quite strong word, isn't it! And we seem to have two basic thoughts about it - one good and one bad. The good we actually don't think a lot about, i.e., the red liquid of life constantly flowing round our body carrying ALL that we need to energise every part of our mortal frame, and bringing back what's unwanted to be got rid of. God made it all that way, and it IS good!!

The bad is what we think more about. An accidental cut with a knife, a serious accident, even a nose bleed. All of these we know are bad, some really BAD!! So blood inside is fine; but blood outside certainly is NOT! And because of outside being bad, we basically do NOT like seeing, touching, even thinking of the red blood of life. But concerning our sin getting forgiven and taken away, we have no choice whatsoever!!! BLOOD was/is a major part of this!!

From the moment He allowed Himself to be arrested, Jesus knew that concerning His Royal blood coursing strongly through his veins, for him it was very soon going to be bad, BAD, BAD, BAD!! He KNEW!! This was a MAJOR part of what His flesh was cringing from in the Garden. HOW could He go through the pain, the agony? Not just the physical, but the Spiritual - God TOTALLY placing upon Him all the filth of every one of our sins!!! We sin so easily and readily, failing to recall that that actual sin was borne by Him to save us.

And He KNEW how much blood He was going to lose. He knew the Scriptures better than any of us ever will. He was a Jew and fully familiar with the Law and ALL of its blood sacrifices. He learnt from a very early age that without blood being shed (flowing and lost) there could be NO remission and forgiveness of sin. And He was about to literally LIVE this out - then DIE from it.

Mostly we're not all that aware of just how much of His blood He really lost. From beginning to end it was a literal blood bath. He kept on leaving some of His blood behind at each major point. The worst of all (prior to the Cross) was: and when he (Pilate) had scourged Him, he delivered Him to be crucified. Matthew Ch 27:26. Jesus lost flesh and lots of blood when his back was ripped to shreds by the horrific scourging. Most didn't survive this to even get to crucifixion. Jesus did.

Then they platted the crown of thorns to put on His head, so more blood spilt. They put a staff in His hand, spat on Him, mocked Him, and hit Him on the head where the crown of thorns was. More blood gone. He was made to carry the crossbar of the Cross. But His shoulders and back were torn to bits by the scourging whip. More blood. Finally at Golgotha, wrist (hands) nailed to the crossbar, it raised onto the upright post, and his feet nailed to it. Every action ensured that blood was spilt, and whilst on the cross the blood loss continued.

I read where someone said Jesus died because he had no blood left. I can't agree, but what a pertinent point! HOW He survived as long as He did from losing all that blood - FOR US!!! - is utterly beyond me!! Hanging on the Cross, about at the end of what He could manage, His Father then placed upon Him ALL of the sin of all people of all time - including YOURS and MINE. It had to be. He had to die, not just from losing all that blood, but from paying the FULL PRICE that was demanded for our sin to be forgiven.

He cried out, "My Father where are You? Why have You gone away?" SIN SEPARATES! And at that moment Jesus was experiencing the FULL HORROR of HELL - in our place, instead of us. The perfect, sinless Son of God in the depths of hell, suffering what you and I should suffer forever after our death. Such love is beyond the bounds of our ability to take in and understand. He didn't HAVE to experience all of his. But His love for you and me and the Father's love for you and me said that it was totally essential!!

Finally a cry of triumph: "It is finished!" He had done it. Shed His blood for the remission of sin, taken our sin upon Himself, atoned for all of our sin we ever commit, and paid the full price so we could go free!! The task that had been waiting to be accomplished since Adam and Eve first sinned was DONE!! And He died!!

But death could NOT hold the Son of Almighty God. The mighty power of the Father raised Him up from the dead the third day, to prove, if you like, that it had all been done AND completed!! Soon He would ascend back to His Father, there to be SEATED in the place of honour and glory at God's right hand.

Jesus' crucifixion was the Day of Blood. Of Shed Blood. And that blood succeeded in redeeming and saving you and me. Pause right now and plead with God to reveal more of this to you than you've ever seen before!!

Continued in Part 2, "Hallelujah!! He is Risen!! ...

- BM, with his Lady

Such a powerful message and strong reminder of the sacrifice our Lord gave for each of us. His spilt blood made it possible for us to have hope and a grand reward of Life Everlasting in Heaven. Don't know that I will think of blood the same again.

If this message doesn't shed new light on your life then you need to seriously pray about NEW LIFE given only by our Lord.
so I started a new study, focusing primarily on prayer. Maybe I'll find them again! In the meantime, I am already profiting from my study. I had just finished my last one and was looking for something else to do, so thank you, Bondman! Your a peach!:eek:

Don't think anyone here's called me a peach before. But I'll take it!! lol

Bondman.. I will not be going to Vegas . big change in plans.. I will write more later.. but will be interesting to see what the Lord is up to through all of it.

Fluffy.. welcome Back!
Have a Blessed Easter everyone! He is Risen! He is risen indeed!

God Bless

I'll be waiting to hear how your Easter break went too!! Praying for your Tuesday night meet. as always!! Sounds good how you let the Lord do it His way!

Such a powerful message and strong reminder of the sacrifice our Lord gave for each of us. His spilt blood made it possible for us to have hope and a grand reward of Life Everlasting in Heaven. Don't know that I will think of blood the same again.

If this message doesn't shed new light on your life then you need to seriously pray about NEW LIFE given only by our Lord.

Thanks for your post, Nick. I would have to agree with what you said. To me, IT'S TIME. It really is TIME for us to step up to the plate, quit messing round, get deadly serious, and start really LIVING THE LIFE!!!

Jesus has done it all - all that He could do. All that He NEEDED to do. Now it's up to us to get off the fence: either give up 'pretending' to be a Christian OR start living as a TRUE one!!

Love to all three of you special guys!!

- BM

EDIT: Ah well, vBulletin is determined to split both Fluffy's and Faithwoman's quotes into two parts, and nothing I've tried will stop it. So....
Reaching Higher #87


Hallelujah! He is Risen!! - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1, "Blood"

We should still be in our sins, but are NOT!! We've been brought back out of death - for that was our exact position because of our SIN - into the glorious light of life!! Quite undeserved. Even unasked for - we had not the wisdom or perspective to think to do so! There was totally and absolutely nothing that WE could do to save ourselves. The Father could have left us there. The Son could have left us there. They did not!

What was it that brought us back from the very brink of destruction for all of eternity? Jesus' BLOOD!!! Without we be washed clean by His blood which He ALLOWED evil men, operatives of the devil himself, to take OUT of His body as it were, and leave in various parts of Jerusalem and outside, we would be DAMNED with the rest of mankind!!

Jesus not only brought us back from the very brink of everlasting destruction, but BOUGHT us back from the one who owned us body and soul, that evil one, the devil (allowed by God to rule over this world for a period of time) - from whose rule we've been RESCUED and he now has nothing in us whatsoever!! Praise God!!

MASSIVE price it took to purchase your freedom from sin's grim hold over you and all of your life, from the world also, and the devil. Consider carefully, consider well: Jesus blood shed for you. The Father's tears also, as, powerless to intervene, He could only watch the total suffering, then death, of His only-begotten Son - else NONE of us could be bought back.

Jesus' death and blood He lost gave us back our life - even as the Father exercised his mighty power to raise up His son from among the dead, that we may enjoy a new life of love, of joy, of peace, and unspeakable rejoicing - in HIM!!


- BM, with his Lady (myself awakened out of sleep to write this)

UPDATE (sorry for being late!)

A. It Costs!

There's NO complaint here - just the facts, man! There's a heavy cost to be called to minister here every day. To me yes, but I believe moreso to my Beloved, who loses me for most of every day.

Basically living alone as we both are, her pain and illnesses she has to bear mostly without me. I'm in here at the PC, and there's no way to change that with our ill-health in our small home. I can minister to you only by her sacrifice!

Nick has said a number of times that he doesn't know how I keep going with my health problems. Maybe I don't either. The daily struggle to do so is only by His power in me - or I'd have had to give up long since. But I'm driven by His love to serve, whatever the cost may be. (My Lady doesn't especially like our situation - why should she? - but she does understand its high importance.)

B. What We're Doing

What Beloved, Nick and I are preparing for YOU is (too) slowly taking shape! Soon you'll be able to experience something new that most folks have never had the opportunity to (or even seen).

Your part? - you can pray for extra time and extra energy for Beloved, and for Nick and I (both with very ill wives and putting in long hours at what's before us to do) as we work on an amazing new avenue for your life - should you choose to take full advantage of it.

You should also pray for yourself and others that you'll be ready to jump into the water and reap the rewards - not sit on the bank as a passive observer, gaining nothing. The world says that 'he who dares, wins.' That's not really wrong, is it!!

I'll truly try for a Sunday Update again next time (I'm SO sorry!) Till then, we love you all heaps n heaps!!

- BM & Co.
It is amazing how much blood Jesus lost. And yet, when the soldier pierced His side to make sure He was dead, there was still enough to pour out more! Makes you consider that there is always enough with Jesus. You are never alone, never without a guide, always enough grace and love and patience (that's a good thing, especially when dealing with ME! ha!) and....well, I could go on and on.....
Hey Faithwoman! You beautiful girl, you! Keep strong in the faith like you've been doin, hun! You are amazing!

Looking forward to seeing the new changes. :}

Still praying for you and your lady, Bondman!
It is amazing how much blood Jesus lost. And yet, when the soldier pierced His side to make sure He was dead, there was still enough to pour out more! Makes you consider that there is always enough with Jesus. You are never alone, never without a guide, always enough grace and love and patience (that's a good thing, especially when dealing with ME! ha!) and....well, I could go on and on.....
Hey Faithwoman! You beautiful girl, you! Keep strong in the faith like you've been doin, hun! You are amazing!

Looking forward to seeing the new changes. :}

Still praying for you and your lady, Bondman!

Ah, now I'm seeing even more of why we missed you so much!

I totally agree that with Jesus there is "always enough" of the Spiritual things without which we cannot function properly and effectively as Believers in Him!

I prayed and prayed for patience and self-control from the Fruit of the Spirit (to deal with my anger problem) and in time the anger business has settled right down. Wonderful and amazing!!

Faithwoman has been doing an amazing job of growth. You know how in the early days you're excited and out there, and then He has to calm you down, and then you're off again. Well, she's learning and growing in a way not a lot manage to do. I'm so proud of her!!

Thanks for your prayers. Things here just continue to bit by bit get worse - I never expected our healing to be such a long wait...

Much love, dear Fluf!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #88


Being a Saint of God!

You are a Saint if you truly belong to Jesus (of course you'll remember how we've said it's too easy for someone to kid themselves about this...)

GREAT NEWS!! As a saint you are heir to all the promises of God! You inherit a whole pile of things while HERE, and the remainder in HEAVEN. QUESTION: have you taken possession of all the promises you've already inherited? If not, then this is something like inheriting a million dollars from a rich uncle, but taking only $50,000 and kind of ignoring the remaining $950,000!!

God has named you as one of His heirs (you're already on the books! *smile!*) You may also consider yourself the first-born son who inherits all of his father's estate (as in the Old Testament). I must comment that in the New Testament I believe that these are Spiritual things rather than earthly ones, because there are people who promise you wholly inappropriate and unscriptural earthly things, when God speaks of things heavenly for your inheritance.

Every promise He makes to you for NOW is yours!!You are one of His saints. You know something - we don't refer to one another as a saint anywhere near enough. You're a SAINT. I'm a SAINT. Works for ME! Saint means that you are set apart for Him. You're His. What a great thing to be! God's set-apart one!! A saint of the living God! As such we will more and more take care to live obedient lives of love and devotion to Him and to OTHERS, and serving Him and them.

Finally, saints join together to build each other up in the things of God. A solitary saint is not a reality at all. We must all aim to encourage and uphold every saint, from the 'greatest' to the 'least.'

Being a saint does NOT elevate you to some special place, or above others. Just the opposite!! - you are a servant. Something similar to me choosing to be a bondman to Jesus. As a bond-slave (bondman) I literally have no position at all. As Jesus said to us every last one of us: "So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’" Luke Ch 17:10.

But do take your clear sainthood seriously, won't you: set apart for God's use and His pleasure!!

- BM, with his Lady

The Power of the Lord----
Ok, so my trip was canceled.. last night I had dinner with one of my friends.. I missed 3 phone calls from the same number. when I called the number back it was a young woman I met on the bus a few months back who was pregnant, already had 2 children. ages 3 and 6, that day she stated she was giving this baby up for adoption.. the couple chosen was a lesbian couple! Remember the story? I got the bible out shared scripture prayed with her and such. I was heart broken that day. After she left, I prayed with 2 other women from the church. Well the ending is when I called her back last night, she had called to tell me that she decided to keep the baby! Allelullia.. She said she could not sleep Sat nite and was up all nite, took a couple of showers and such. She was at such unrest. on Easter Sunday morning the decisoin was made.. She called to tell me , but was concerned as she was to have a C section on Thursday to deliver baby, had nothing, no clothes, crib , diapers etc. and was having labor pains that night. I prayed with her and told her I would make a few calls.

I went to call her back and could not reach her. My phone rang at 2 AM.. the new little baby girl had arrived! Whoo hoo.. I called Local All Babies Cherished, pregnancy center, but office closed all week. I called a woman at our church who volunteers there and has key. Long story short, they called back, I went at lunch and picked up bassinet filled with diapers, clothes, etc. baby bath tub and a car seat. I dropped it off at her home and prayed with the boyfriend (mind you they are both saved.. the Jesus in me had a wonderful time sharing the word, getting back on the right path and such.. . After work I stopped by to see mom and baby.. the nurses let me in when I explained I volunteered with a local ministry.

I had stopped by earlier in Am, but she was ill throwing up and such. She looked much better now. Her and boyfriend thanked me, I said don't thank me , THANK JESUS! They still have a tough road ahead of them.. but ISN'T JESUS AWESOME! HE KEPT HER UP ALL NIGHT, STIRRING HER HEART AND MIND.. HE SAVED THIS BABY FROM GOING TO A LIFE OF SIN.. AND A NOT SO GOOD ENVIRONMENT. PRAISES TO YOU LORD! ALL GLORY TO YOU LORD.. so.. when I would have been preparing to go to Vegas. I got a call from a mom and spent the day helpoing Jesus provide for this family!

They still have a tough road ahead of them, but if they truly give of their lives to the Lord how awesome it will be.

Women's group went great tonight.. one of the woman did a lesson on the Tongue and Mouth.. awesome scripture shared and alot of praise reports.. Our single mom with 7 kids is doing much better! if we can just get Faithwoman to slow down even more, there is still things she needs to work on. and yes please keep my daughter Marissa in prayers... lots going on there..

I am telling ya.. just this story alone is like hitting a Jackpot!
God bless you all
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Great ministry there, sweetie! And how marvellous is our God Who organised your life, and spoke to the young lady - and a wonderful ending!! Oh, do make sure you keep track of this couple, and feed them with the truths of His Word that they may get their lives to a place where they are living totally HIS WAY!!

Great to hear about Tuesday night meeting also. I remember you in prayer each week, for a time of loving and upbuliding as He commands us.

It's a while since I've prayed for Marissa, but she's now back on the list again!!

"Bless you, Lord God, for Your great works. May the new bub and Mum and Dad all belong to you for always. I pray for Marissa and all of the things going on there. You know them, and we trust You for ultimate good in every aspect of her young life!"

Much love!!

- BM
Moments of Tears

Ok. grab your cup of coffee before reading this as it may be lengthy, but I need somewhere to share.
Geez, first of all thank you for never giving up on me! I now know how you felt and probably still do with some things in life. Remember our first meeting here on the forum. All the PM's, emails and questions I had for you. You answered every one of them! Maybe not with what I wanted to hear, but you kept sharing, loving me and giving me the truth.

Tonight I had an experience. I had gotten a call from one of the young moms I met last January on the bus. Where she was heartbroken, boyfriend left her, she was pregnant and had lost her job. God brought us together and for the 9 months of pregnancy an awesome friendship was formed, the love of Christ was shared, she would be so despondent like I had been in life. The Jesus in me kept encouraging her. God kept blessing her. she had her own cute little home and her own car. She got food stamps, unemployment and God kept providing for her.
The baby was born was born a few months back and he is a cutie. He was just baptized about a month ago and I was invited. (methodist church(

Fast forward to now.. we don't see each other quite as often. She now has a boyfriend. she is so hungry to be loved. She called and asked me to stop by as she had an Easter present for me. It was beatuiful pictures of her, the baby and I at the baptism. It brought tears to my eyes. She then said she had something to share with me that I would not be happy about.. She has asked the new boyfriend to move in with her! She was so hesitant in telling me. She said you will be mad at me. I said I was not mad but disappointed. She had just got done showing me a vision board moments before this, of things she wanted in her life.. a big home in the country, a picture of wedding rings, her baby now and a picture of a young man all grown up.

I did not just sit there and approve. I straight upright reminded her of Jesus and what he has for her , and what he has done for her. Is she just going to throw it all away? This boyfriend does not even believe in God! She said he does not believe in God, because he sees Ghosts! She has a faith, she continues to go to church but is slowly fading away after meeting this young man who is showing her attention. There was much discussion about so many things. I cannot even begin to say how I feel right now, but I bet you Bondman, felt the same way many times when I struggled getting out of the sinful relationship I was in. I told her did she not think that I had the same struggles wanting to be loved, but I continue to this day, learning how much Jesus loves me and he is my father, maker and husband. Does she not think that I fight the same sexual feelings and thoughts.

I have to admit, I first sat there and my first thought which was totally not from God was this- Why do I even try? why do I even waste my time, why do I continue to give up so much of myself so others can hear and see the truth and then they just throw it all away? I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face .. why? because the Jesus in me says Never give up, keep going, keep sharing my love, keep sharing my word, no matter how tired you get, no matter how exhausted you get.. there is a whole world of these young women out there that need to hear and know. I can only share just as you did, the person has got to want it. i told her it was all her choice, she was going to have huge consequences to live with, just as I had!
I met you ( I can't even see through the tears to type_.. in January of 2008, the month that I declared my sexual purity back to the Lord. It has not been an easy 2 years.. there has been much pain, there are things I still struggle with and because of my temperment, had lost so much of myself throughout this time , but I had found Jesus and found the truth I so much needed.

I prayed with her before leaving, just as I know how you prayed for me and still do. I am forever grateful for you never giving up on me. Just like I will never give up on her or anyone else Jesus puts in my life. This whole event tonight just encourages me to keep learning the word more, it encourages me to get stronger in the word and of sharing it. It shed the light on me even brighter to a stronger calling of repentance in my own life of those things I may want to hold on to.

I know she may have felt hurt by some things I shared, just as I was with you sharing with me, but your honesty , your truth totally has shaped and molded me to be who I am today. Not only you, but all my Christian brothers and sisters here.. sweets, Fluffy, Housesitter, and so many more.. everyone here. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for listening. I just needed to type..
I love you and the Mrs.. May God bless you and keep you going on sharing of his love, his word and his life for all
Seek first his Kingdom and all his righteousness and all shall be given to thee! .. those were my last words to her tonight.

Amazingly enough when I went to go to bed and picked up my bible, it fell to this scripture: I was like wow.. of course the Lord is my teacher, counselor, but it so rang in my ears of the gift you Bondman are given as a teacher and how when my eyes would turn every morning to the forum to learn of his word. Ok.. off to work I go.. the Lord is so good. May you all have a blessed day!

Isaiah 30

1WOE TO the rebellious children, says the Lord, who take counsel and carry out a plan, but not Mine, and who make a league and pour out a drink offering, but not of My Spirit, thus adding sin to sin;

2Who set out to go down into Egypt, and have not asked Me--to flee to the stronghold of Pharaoh and to strengthen themselves in his strength and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

3Therefore shall the strength and protection of Pharaoh turn to your shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt be to your humiliation and confusion.

4For though [Pharaoh's] officials are at Zoan and his ambassadors arrive at Hanes [in Egypt],

5Yet will all be ashamed because of a people [the Egyptians] who cannot profit them, who are not a help or benefit, but a shame and disgrace.

6A mournful, inspired prediction (a burden to be lifted up) concerning the beasts of the South (the Negeb): Oh, the heavy burden, the load of treasures going to Egypt! Through a land of trouble and anguish, in which are lioness and lion, viper and fiery flying serpent, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of young donkeys, and their treasures upon the humps of camels, to a people that will not and cannot profit them.

7For Egypt's help is worthless and toward no purpose. Therefore I have called her Rahab Who Sits Still.

8Now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be as a witness for the time to come forevermore.

9For this is a rebellious people, faithless and lying sons, children who will not hear the law and instruction of the Lord;

10Who [virtually] say to the seers [by their conduct], See not! and to the prophets, Prophesy not to us what is right! Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceitful illusions.

11Get out of the true way, turn aside out of the path, cease holding up before us the Holy One of Israel.

12Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: Because you despise and spurn this [My] word and trust in cunning and oppression, in crookedness and perverseness, and rely on them,

13Therefore this iniquity and guilt will be to you like a broken section of a high wall, bulging out and ready [at some distant day] to fall, whose crash will [then] come suddenly and swiftly, in an instant.

14And he shall break it as a potter's vessel is broken, breaking it in pieces without sparing so that there cannot be found among its pieces one large enough to carry coals of fire from the hearth or to dip water out of the cistern.

15For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not,

16And you said, No! We will speed [our own course] on horses! Therefore you will speed [in flight from your enemies]! You said, We will ride upon swift steeds [doing our own way]! Therefore will they who pursue you be swift, [so swift that]

17One thousand of you will flee at the threat of one of them; at the threat of five you will flee till you are left like a beacon or a flagpole on the top of a mountain, and like a signal on a hill.

18And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!(A)

19O people who dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you.

20And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself any more, but your eyes will constantly behold your Teacher.

21And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.

22Then you will defile your carved images overlaid with silver and your molten images plated with gold; you will cast them away as a filthy bloodstained cloth, and you will say to them, Be gone!

23Then will He give you rain for the seed with which you sow the soil, and bread grain from the produce of the ground, and it will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will feed in large pastures.

24The oxen likewise and the young donkeys that till the ground will eat savory and salted fodder, which has been winnowed with shovel and with fork.

25And upon every high mountain and upon every high hill there will be brooks and streams of water in the day of the great slaughter [the day of the Lord], when the towers fall [and all His enemies are destroyed].

26Moreover, the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of seven days [concentrated in one], in the day that the Lord binds up the hurt of His people, and heals their wound [inflicted by Him because of their sins].

27Behold, the [a]Name of the Lord comes from afar, burning with His anger, and in thick, rising smoke. His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue is like a consuming fire.

28And His breath is like an overflowing stream that reaches even to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction; and a bridle that causes them to err will be in the jaws of the people.

29You shall have a song as in the night when a holy feast is kept, and gladness of heart as when one marches in procession with a flute to go to the temple on the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel.

30And the Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard and the descending blow of His arm to be seen, coming down with indignant anger and with the flame of a devouring fire, amid crashing blast and cloudburst, tempest, and hailstones.

31At the voice of the Lord the Assyrians will be stricken with dismay and terror, when He smites them with His rod.

32And every passing stroke of the staff of punishment and doom which the Lord lays upon them shall be to the sound of [Israel's] timbrels and lyres, when in battle He attacks [Assyria] with swinging and menacing arms.

33For Topheth [a place of burning and abomination] has already been laid out and long ago prepared; yes, for the [Assyrian] king and [the god] Molech it has been made ready, its pyre made deep and large, with fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, kindles it.(B)
Reaching Higher #89


There is Just ONE Scriptural Way!

Faithwoman, "Moments of Tears" HERE! You were at exactly the right place to share, sweetie! And w
hat you've written about your friend couldn't be a better illustration of how we do conversions completely wrongly - 'the church way' - then wonder why they don't "hold," ending up in a mess, and if we care about them we then get run off our feet trying to help. Most of this could have been avoided for both parties if we did it right to start with.

Mind you, if a church you're in FAILS to properly and effectively teach about sin, especially spelling out the ones that are perhaps most likely to trip people up today, e.g., "no Christian joining with an unbeliever at any time under any circumstances," being one; and "no living together before marriage (which inevitably will lead to sex outside of marriage)" is another. Which I suppose is interesting in that what I expect will be my next Message, already partially prepared, is about Marriage and the above topics!!

All Believers ought to be able to see how society is fast falling apart insofar as sin to do with sex and marriage is concerned - NO thanks to Hollywood and the TV industry!!! - but apparently cannot see, then it's all the more reason why we must step up to GOD'S position on all of this.

But the major problem with your dear young friend is MOST specifically to do with the whole concept of sin. I take some responsibility for this in that I don't believe I was stressing full repentance two years ago like I should have, and HAVE recently upped my game on this (ha, some of you NOTICED that!! lol). Please reread RH #70, and also RH #27 (which also refers to another excellent Message.)

If we're going to be serious with the Lord, and preach and teach HIS HOLY WORD, then we simply MUST learn how to introduce a person to the Lord Jesus as in the Messages above. Basically the church teaches the WRONG way, and we've learnt it well!! Now we must change ourselves across to the right and SCRIPTURAL way according to the verses I set down in #70 above.

Is your friend actually born again? Possibly, but maybe not. If she says that BELIEVES in Jesus, then you must take her back to the step BEFORE that to CONFESSION and REPENTANCE of sin that she's committed against almighty God. And she has to be able to SEE this before she can ever really believe. It's easy to "believe". But the demons believe, and not a single one of them are gonna be in heaven!! You believe that there is one God; you do well: [but] the demons also believe, and tremble. James Ch 2:19. And well they may, considering they know where they'll end up!!

Once you've clearly seen, acknowledged, confessed and REPENTED of all of your sin, then, but NOT before then are you ready to believe. And what sin you've effectively REPENTED of, you're FAR less likely to re-offend on. Plus when you've looked at ALL of your sin prior to conversion (NOT AND OPTION, BUT AN ESSENTIAL), then you won't be doing powerfully anti-God things like your dear friend is doing, or wants to do.

And you pointed out to her "huge consequences" to live with if she follows her current course, which of course is true. But it's NOT the primary point at all - which is disobedience to God's Word, and His commands in it. "Consequences" are looking at ME. "Disobedience" is looking at GOD!! A world of difference!! May we ALL understand these critical truths!!!

- BM, with his lady

Moments of Tears

Geez, first of all thank you for never giving up on me! I now know how you felt and probably still do with some things in life. Remember our first meeting here on the forum. All the PM's, emails and questions I had for you. You answered every one of them! Maybe not with what I wanted to hear, but you kept sharing, loving me and giving me the truth.

I was never going to give up on you, sweetie. That sure was an experience, and tested you in a number of ways. But you're not the giving up kind, plus you've ALLOWED God to have so much of you, (something many never do) that He's always there to keep you going.

Any things I may feel about your life are only out of concern and love for you. I want the best for you, the best God has for you. If I see you not moving on something you need to, this does hurt me but it's a hurt God allows and enables me to handle.

I know for certain that I will continue to be proud of who you are and how far you've come, and how you are learning and growing.

Bless you, dear, dear Faithwoman!!!

- BM

Great that God gave you some encouraging words from Esaiah!!
Bless you Faithwoman ( 2Thess 3:13 Psa 127:2 )

A true word (post 89) Bondman. I know it's a little off subject about marrage in your post, but it made me think of a teaching I came across today (about us, the bride of Christ) that i thought was intresting how a Jewish wedding in it's ways ties in with God's Word.
(if it isent ok to post this - please forgive me & deleat).

Here Comes The Bride
Revelation 19:6-9
Jon Courson


Thank you for the scriptures Hesed! They were great!

Thank you again. I went back and read the 2 messages and allowed them to sink in. This morming we will go out to the streets. It is cold here and we will take old rescue van as the bus is heading off to a Missions Extravaganza. Tomorrow morning is a road trip for the bus. We are heading back to my home town in Sheffield, PA where the church I grew up in has chosen Care-A-Van Ministries as their outreach for the month of April. We had no idea until my dad read it in the church bulletin. It is a 3 hour drive for us to get there. Who would ever have thought I would be going back to the same church, where i use to go with my little black patent shoes and frilly dresses, and now going back in my favorite jeans, hooded sweatshirt to share of the love of Jesus and what the Lord does for people in his kingdom. It is mind blowing to say the least! How awesome Paul and Bridget are willing to take the bus!

As I sat and had coffee this morning, I thought about being totally sold out for him. I praise the Lord for where I am this morning and know by giving it all to him, things are so much better.

I did a home visit with the mom, baby and family last nite. Come to find out the boyfriend has 9 kids! I asked him to share of his story. His mother drowned when he was 9.. the father was an alchoholic. the 5 children were left to fend for themselves. There was never food in the home. One morning at age of 15 he skipped school to find work for money for food. He asked the garbage man for work. Long story short, the man let him hang out with another worker. At the end of the day, he raced home before his dad got there, and this same man was there, with a cadiallac filled with food. Come to find out the owner of garbage company was a minister. Eventually he went to live with them for a bit, found the Lord and such, but then of course alchohol over took his life.. and a bunch of stuff happened.

Ending to the story, he had gotten married, but then the wife booted him out, only to be married by the same minister.. to his son who had been another foster child.. it was a wild and crazy story! and of course the mom of the baby shared she had been sexually abused by her stepfather for years and when she confronted her mom at age of 19, the mom kicked her out! Good Lord! Heaven help us.. as I continue to meet people and spend time praying with them and allowing the Lord to help them, I get so frustrated when other people judge people.. like they are just using you, they have been on the welfare system for years.. I say to myself .. if you only knew.. instead of talking about them, go visit , set yourself down in their tiny apartments and share the love of Christ, welcome them into your home, help disciple them. Help feed them, clothe them, but most importantly share the love of Christ and his word.

Ok i could ramble all morning, I am in one of those moods, a good one of course.. But all power to Jesus today and thank you again for posting those messages.. it brought it all back to me, to help me go forth and share.

Love you all bunches and bunches!
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- BM, with his Lady
...instead of talking about them, go visit , set yourself down in their tiny apartments and share the love of Christ, welcome them into your home, help disciple them. Help feed them, clothe them, but most importantly share the love of Christ and his word.

Those who are earnest and sincere occupy themselves with works of righteousness, such as are due to faith in Jesus Christ and His help, and which are unto the glory and praise of God. In no way can we glorify God more than by living holy, helpful lives. People look for the Lord to bless them, but Faithwoman, I'm sure you bless the Lord.

Philippians 1:11 Jesus Christ will fill your lives with everything that God's approval produces. Your lives will then bring glory and praise to God.

That righteousness in the heart produces the fruit or results that are seen. Such as honesty, truth, charity, kindness, meekness, goodness (the fruit of the Spirit in us). it's the dew of grace in the heart, implanted there in regeneration, giving way to the rising and bright shining Sun of Righteousness.

2Cor 9:10
Reaching Higher #90


Truth and Error - Part 1

It's so GOOD to read of someone (Faithwoman) seeking to let truth sink in.

Thankyou again. I went back and read the 2 messages and allowed them to sink in.
We all need this. Only by LEARNING truth can we ever get it into our life.You have to KNOW it first. Then ask the Lord by His Spirit to help you APPLY it into your life, so you can start to LIVE it out: for until THAT happens the info. in your brain helps no one, neither you nor anyone else. That's how we GROW in our walk with Him here on earth!! It isn't by accident that that you'll see me stressing that we must LEARN and GROW!! *broad smile!*

So this was the truth part of this message. Now, sadly we come to the opposite, and I want to say that I'm not wishing to knock the minister one bit, just the error he perpetrated. I started listening to a sermon that a brother had written about. The topic was a good one, but before I was even 4 minutes into a long sermon, a MAJOR and SERIOUS ERROR hit me in my brain! At this early point he chose to set about 'proving' from the Scriptures that what we call the Rapture takes place BEFORE what we call the Tribulation.

Such a comfortable doctrine, isn't it. No tribulation for the Christians. Western Christians that is. Many Eastern Christians ALREADY undergo tribulation every day of their lives!! - in numbers of cases including martyrdom, for which they'll receive one of the highest rewards in all of heaven: the Martyrs Crown!!

But we live for comfort and ease, and going through the Tribulation sure does NOT sound like that, does it? So pastors preach that we'll be gone!! Purely as a sad illustration let me show you HOW this minister 'proved' this from Revelation. First he said that Chapters 1 to 3 speak of the church age, but he didn't add that it's just (an important) PICTURE of the church age. Because what John actually wrote down was about the life of 7 real churches in Asia as to how well they'd done (mostly not too good!... sound like any churches you know?)

Next, moving on to the first verse of Chapter 4 he starts his 'proof' with the first two words, "After that." "After what?" he asked. "After the church age has finished," he answered. Third, he then referred to words further on in the verse, which say, "Come up here," claiming that here was proof that the church was called by God to come to heaven immediately at the end of the church age. This proved to him - and tragically to most, if not all of his audience, who would have simply believed this 'proof' that the Rapture IS before the Tribulation, because (a) the church age is finished and (b) Next God says, "Come up here." Sounds pretty convincing, right!

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." Revelation Ch 4:1 But let's read on from "After this", where John first writes about a door, then a voice like a trumpet talking to... WHO? Well, clearly it says to "Me" - that is, to John. Do we ever call the church "me?" I don't think so!!! And thus to John the voice said, "Come up here," i.e, for John to go up to heaven - which is precisely what, in the Spirit, he immediately did: for the next verse refers to "a throne set in heaven!"

So is there ANYWHERE in this verse that the Word says that He, God, said to the church to "Come up here?" Absolutely NOT!! Not a thing!! The minister tried to cobble together the 1st 3 chapters referring to the church with, "Come up here," TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT, which was clearly speaking to John, NO WAY to the church - in order to convince his many hearers and readers that this is saying the Rapture precedes the Tribulation. I have to be honest: I WAS UTTERLY STUNNED how people, in this case a teacher and preacher of the Gospel, can see - yet fail to see.

This sort of hazy thinking or intellectual dishonesty, or maybe both, is how errors start. Much worse, this is how they are perpetuated, continuing to grow and grow and grow. There's a rule I sometimes say concerning a situation like this: ask the Holy Spirit to help you to READ WHAT'S THERE! The difference between truth and error is similar to the difference between heaven and hell. I'm a truth-seeker. Join me in this, for the need today is SO great!!!

Concluded in Part 2 ...

- BM, with his Lady

EDIT: I listened to no more. A man who will make such a blatant error - how could I trust further?

Those who are earnest and sincere occupy themselves with works of righteousness, such as are due to faith in Jesus Christ and His help, and which are unto the glory and praise of God. In no way can we glorify God more than by living holy, helpful lives. People look for the Lord to bless them, but Faithwoman, I'm sure you bless the Lord.

Philippians 1:11 Jesus Christ will fill your lives with everything that God's approval produces. Your lives will then bring glory and praise to God.

That righteousness in the heart produces the fruit or results that are seen. Such as honesty, truth, charity, kindness, meekness, goodness (the fruit of the Spirit in us). it's the dew of grace in the heart, implanted there in regeneration, giving way to the rising and bright shining Sun of Righteousness.

2Cor 9:10

Good one, Hased. I was interested in your 2 Cor. quote which I haven't seen for awhile. I love that God will multiply our sowing AND increase the fruits of our righteousness. Wow!

I noticed you had the Amplified as the first of the (long) list of bibles. In one of my oft-quoted passages, Hebrews 12:5-11 I just love in the Amp what it says about 'righteousness' in v. 11 - AFTER we've shown ourselves willing to experience the earlier verses of course. But a great harvest of righteousness!! - I can handle THAT!!!

Heavenly blessings!

- BM
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