A big hello to you all!
Over here the shops are already peddling the madness of Christmas spending. All that money we spend on ourselves, while those in need in 3rd World or emerging countries are utterly neglected. Out of sight is out of mind... Forgive me please, but that's not even vaguely Christian - but it IS very worldly! What we need is to change our lives to the utter givingness of Jesus' love, and He WILL help you to do this!!
I rejoice and celebrate the babe come from heaven and the God-man on the cross for us all every day. Why would I need special (materialistic) days to remember Him!!! His Presence is constant WITH us, and His work in our heart never stops. Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created [and recreated] in Christ Jesus unto good works.... that we should walk in them.
So each day, no matter how ill we may be, we are in our great God's hands. He always does well. Though our health is deteriorating at an increasing rate, and life appears impossible, He is in control. I firmly believe by faith that we ARE healed, and that we HAVE our ministry funds!! I simply await with great anticipation seeing their appearance!!! In the human realm, our Doc has sent us for even more tests though there are many, many, many things in our bodies that there's no way man can do a single thing about!
Please pray for the Lord to keep all the things that my Beloved struggles with every day at a point above where she can still COPE!! My heart breaks when she has days where life is simply too, too much for her. There is no way I can describe to you how dreadful these times are!
Most days we're still fighting with our computers as they stubbornly resist being fixed. We have made some progress on my PC, tho Beloved's will not connect to my Drive C still. Tomorrow I'm talking to the tech who fixed my network to see if he can suggest what's wrong. After 27 years in computers I can say that they are so dreadful as to software and hardware, that I would NEVER willingly have a computer even near me if this was possible. But it's not, right?!! - so instead I will rejoice in the good things we can do with them!
PREVIOUS QUESTION: Maybe the most major thing for us when we END here and go to be with THE LORD is our reward that He will give us. How much do you know about THAT!! - and how important is it to YOUR personal future?
I suspect most don't even know they'll receive a REWARD from our God. We will be judged concerning our works, whether GOOD or BAD!!! 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive according to the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
What will YOUR works show as before Jesus? IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, people! GOOD works are those things done for others - and thus for the Lord!! BAD works are things (selfishly) done for ourselves. Those who are true Believers in Jesus and have committed their lives to Him - they DO GOOD WORKS!!! That's the way it is! I simply HAVE to love, care, pray, give, support, and so on - I can't help myself!!!
If you FAIL to CONSTANTLY be DOING good works, you may just make it to heaven by the skin of your teeth - but receive NO reward at all!! 1 Corinthians 3:13 Each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work which he has built on, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
Is this SERIOUS? Well it sounds so to me - how does it sound to you? God will give Crowns to some Christians because their lives have been SO righteous and holy, and their deeds and works so GOOD!!! Reward means reward folks, it really DOES!!! Thus others may receive NO reward, or lose a lot of their reward by not caring for and about others. Clearly the Scriptures say that our life HERE is PRECISELY what will determine our LIFE in eternity. Personally I cannot conceive that those who wilfully FAIL with good works and so LOSE their reward will live the SAME in eternity as those with high reward. Could it be that you will "miss out" badly for all eternity just because you didn't bother to live like He says to for a really teensy amount of time down here?
NEXT QUESTION: A very pertinent quote: "The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once. -- J. Oswald Smith, Vital Christianity, June 1979"
What do YOU think?
May His blessed Spirit fill your heart today and always!!
- BM