THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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oh and PS.. you have two new brothers in the Lord.. amen .. alleullua.. thank you Jesus..

One came to the Lord when I was over in Niagra FAlls doing street ministry to the prostitutes and the homeless and the other one was running from the law and hiding out in an apartment that I took another cocainne addict home to. . oh the bondage people are in.. he has come to set them all free.

Thank you Lord for freeing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley90::smiley90::smiley90:

but the smell of new rubber tires with go right through the house, making my Lady sick, with possibly a threat of serious asthma for me too... Anyone got any "Solutions" that they want to sell? (

how about using some type of air freshners, like the plug in ones or burn some candles that smell good? BETTER YET::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;


Just popped on for a quick minute.. late here.. love ya and piles of hugs to you and the Mrs..

Hi there, sweetie!!

Air fresheners, the 'smoke' from candles, all both as deadly to one or the other or both of us, as rubber tyres!! Our carers who take us out in their cars cannot be smokers, or have air-fresheners in the car. While here in the home they cannot wear perfume of any kind. I cannot have flowers in the house, no matter how much I'd love our native flowers inside in vases, or any other kind for that matter! Count your blessings, folks!!

When the Lord heals us fully, the above will be done away with, just like you prayed!! Thankyou!

oh and PS.. you have two new brothers in the Lord.. amen .. alleullua.. thank you Jesus..

One came to the Lord when I was over in Niagra FAlls doing street ministry to the prostitutes and the homeless and the other one was running from the law and hiding out in an apartment that I took another cocainne addict home to. . oh the bondage people are in.. he has come to set them all free.

Thank you Lord for freeing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley90::smiley90::smiley90:


Wow-ee!! "Thankyou Lord for your salvation, where we can ultimately gain the freedom that you promised us! Bless these two new brothers, please. May they somehow learn so that they can grow in You - towards maturity!!"

Well done, dear one!!!

I need a road trip to Australia!

Umm, a 'road' trip?? Don't you think that may be just a tad difficult!! And you 'need' this...???

Bless you, our lovely friend. May God lead you and guide you to His paths for you!!


- BM
Umm, a 'road' trip?? Don't you think that may be just a tad difficult!! And you 'need' this...???

Bless you, our lovely friend. May God lead you and guide you to His paths for you!!

I would love to take a trip to be able to meet you and the Mrs., two people who have been so instrumental in my walk with the Lord! .. but I know if not here on earth that I meet you (hey it would make a great honeymoon trip!.. got to have the husband!) that I will meet you in heaven! yipee!
Today I will go out on bus, then to a memorial service for one of my friend's mom who passed away last week.

We are all so blessed.. Love ya!
I would love to take a trip to be able to meet you and the Mrs., two people who have been so instrumental in my walk with the Lord! .. but I know if not here on earth that I meet you (hey it would make a great honeymoon trip!.. got to have the husband!) that I will meet you in heaven! yipee!
Today I will go out on bus, then to a memorial service for one of my friend's mom who passed away last week.

We are all so blessed.. Love ya!

That's all so lovely! Thankyou, sweetie!

- BM and Mrs

1. OUR HEALTH - again! Okay, Beloved tells me that I'll hit 72 this coming Monday (I believe her - I never check such things!) No way I should still be here - to have actually reached 72 with my ill-health is utterly astonishing! I mean I've nearly died maybe 4 times in my life as it is (starting at age 2 1/2, with the last one in 2005). Trouble is I had to say to her last night: "I am finally getting old: can't hear well, can't see well, and can't remember even what I had for lunch." *sheds a silent tear...* Strangely I CAN remember Spiritual things! Anything else, I can be, and mostly am, hopeless.

Doc came to see me on Wed. Talking about symptoms and changes in me, once again he explained it's virtually impossible for him to help much at all. He probably sees more Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers than any doctor in Brisbane he says - but has NEVER had anyone as old as me!! Therefore, anything he may say would be close to a 'guess', cos he has no understanding how this rotten syndrome of diseases interacts with someone getting old like moi.

My increasing deterioration makes life beyond hard for us both as I'm sure you can imagine. You already know God has told me our full healing is coming soon. It sure needs to be, or something is gonna give real soon! He knows all that of course, and I TRUST HIM implicitly!! It's making it through till then that we need your prayers for, if you can possibly manage this. Thankyou.

2. OUR COMPUTERS. God has always had a way of doing this to us, and He's done it again! Beloved's PC is not in very good shape at all. But my PC is currently dying. So guess what - DESPITE the above, ASAP I gotta pull it down, and starting from scratch set it ALL back up again!! All important stuff has to be copied to Beloved's PC first, and it will be our only computer while I/we get this dreadful task done (any delay in PMs/emails to anyone, that will be the reason (tho we'll still receive them, and reply as able).

We WILL get this done. And God WILL fulfil His promises of healing. We are in His hands - what better place! But we DO need some prayer support, like you've wonderfully done before!! Thankyou from the bottom of our hearts!!

Love, joy, peace to you from the Lord Jesus Himself!!

- BM and Beloved

I had a sudden idea from the Spirit some days ago. We have a wonderful friendship with a relatively poor, beautiful Christian family in Russia. They read my messages daily. The thought was: we could maybe translate them into Russia! I wrote about this to them, and you'd never guess, but the English speaker in the family had already translated some for their own use AND they'd had the same idea. Isn't that amazing: the Holy Spirit lives in and guides earnest Believers everywhere!! *happy angelic smile!*

I thought further of translations into numbers of languages. And that led me back to thoughts we'd had earlier: I believe that in due course, with some tidying no doubt, the Inner Room messages need to be published as a book. As God supplies our awaited ministry funds as well as our healing, the latter will be possible - both from a money and health standpoint. All of this is rather exciting!! I've given other news in the "Prayer Request" post, so on to:

Previous Question: Jesus made a solemn promise that He'd answer all prayers to Him: If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it. John Ch 14:14 No ifs, no buts there!! SO... if I ask Him for me to be Australian's Prime Minister by tomorrow afternoon, how do you think I'll go with that? Not too good, right!! Okay then, what's the problem here?

Answer: The main problem I see with this is a most serious one. The verse above is a prime example of taking a verse out of context. Most 'out of context' verses people quote have been lifted out of the text surrounding them. Take the GREATEST possible care in doing this!! You can make up a whole new religion, easy as pie via this method: the sects do EXACTLY this - and keep piles of people out of heaven!!

But not only may we not lift verses out of immediate context, we must not do this out of context of a Chapter, or even of a Book, especially in the New Testament. Always keep what you read STRICTLY in the context of what's being related to you by GOD!!! But not only the above - there's even ONE further step: we must not take a verse out of context of the WHOLE of the New Testament!! In the example I did this, and made a pure nonsense prayer request! Whereas, if I consider all of the NT, putting Scripture WITH Scripture, I would then read: You ask and do NOT receive, because you ask amiss [with wrong motives], that you may spend it on your pleasures [selfish desires, lusts]. James Ch 4:3.

Put this one further verse into the mix and Jesus promise gets further important info. added to it. What He said is perfectly true - PROVIDED we take full note of the James verse as well (there are others). This raises a very BIG question: surely I don't need to know the WHOLE of the New Testament BEFORE I quote a verse? The answer, as you can see above, is most certainly YES, you do!! On Christian forums I've read so many post answers, including Scriptures, that look right, but are NOT cos the poster is unaware of other verses NEEDED to get the whole matter CORRECT! So... read your Bible! Read through our sole Guide-Book for today, the New Testament, over and over and over (try different good translations for fresh insight!!)

Oh, final note: I've heard a big name TV preacher quote Jesus' verse, telling his millions of viewers, "See, you should ask for what you want, and God HAS to give you what you ask for. And He WILL!!" No, Pastor Bigname, YOU don't know your Bible! - and God will require this of you at the Judgment.

NEXT QUESTION: Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity. Hebrews Ch 6:1b. The NT is very clear: we MUST all grow towards being mature in Christ! What things do you think we should see in a mature Man of God?

My love to each one of you!!

- BM
Dear Bondman!!! :smiley270:


Dear God's_Child!

Wow, that is soooo beautiful! Thankyou! (love the smiley! lol) I had a really nice birthday with more cards that I expected and some really nice and unusual presents.

I love those who love their brothers and sisters in Christ - and I sure love God for all His abounding love!!!

Bless you heaps!!

- BM

HEALTH: Both still struggling pretty badly with health. My body wants to sleep all the time and we don't know what that is about. (I already have to sleep half the day...) If I could find something challenging to do but which was not too difficult, we suspect this would perk me up.

COMPUTERS: We've copied all program files, data files and computer settings from my PC to Beloved's. Finished that today.

Next task is to reformat my PC and install Windows back on to it. Then all the major work starts of resetting it up as a working computer again!! *wants to run away!*

Thankyou for your care and prayers!

Many blessings!

- BM and Mrs

VERY interesting times we're living in!

A. Global weather has changed!! We have hurricanes, earthquakes, terrible floods (as in Pakistan), a volcano or two, no rain or too much, cold temperatures and snow, ice melts at the poles, and so on. Whether man is causing some of this or not, it looks like the earth is entering a new phase.

B. We know that world oil reserves WILL run out. Will we develop enough new technologies to replace oil in time?

C. The world's population is a most SERIOUS problem. Over 7 billion people on the planet now that we have to feed and look after - already too many! But in 59 years we'll have over 14 billion!!! - and it's IMPOSSIBLE for life on this earth to function with that number!

Like I said, interesting times! I don't know about you, but personally I see trusting my Lord as the ONLY way to go forward!!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity. Hebrews Ch 6:1b. The NT is very clear: we MUST all grow towards being mature in Christ! What things do you think we should see in a mature Man of God?

ANSWER: We'll each have a different answer to this, but here are the essentials that I see. First though, in all my 53 years a Christian I've only ever seen one truly Scripturally Mature Christian. Well, two actually - husband and wife. They were head of China Inland Mission for years before Communism closed down all Christian work there. Back in Australia and elderly, God literally shone out of their faces!! Their gentleness, strength and love were amazing.

Things I look for: 1. A life totally committed to Jesus!! - a life utterly given over to Him. A life dedicated to service to Him, and to others, especially our brothers and sisters in Him. A life where love of self and selfishness have gone, and love of the world and worldliness are also gone - all replaced by love of God and others.

2. A steely determination to live in obedience to all of God's commands and admonitions in the New Testament (there are hundreds). Takes many, many years to learn how to live like this!!

3. A life filled with the Spirit - living in the Spirit, praying in the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, loving in the Spirit.

4. A willingness to endure hardship of any and all kinds, including persecution and even martyrdom, accepting this as the normal Christian life.

5. A person of faith, trusting God at all times in all circumstances, never questioning His will for their life.

NOTE:despite all the above, the mature Believer is still NOT free of sin.

NEXT QUESTION: God promises in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that He will never place upon us more than we can handle. But many of us have complained to the Lord at times that He's really pushed us too much or too far.

What's the solution to this common situation?

Love and blessings to all!!

- BM

Sorry so LATE with this. Fixing our computers, some of you will fully understand, has been rather diabolical at times, like 4 hrs work that we estimate should have taken about 3/4 hr. In turn this is knocking us around of course.

We finally have my PC wiped clean and Windows XP Pro reinstalled. Now we start copying back data, then the long task of reinstalling programs. We can't work at this every day - have to take breaks from te stress of it all (to us) fairly frequently. But we are at least making some progress!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: God promises in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that He will never place upon us more than we can handle. But many of us have complained to the Lord at times that He's really pushed us too much or too far.

When I was in bed for 3 yrs after being put out of the workforce at age 40, the bottom sort of dropped out of my world. I was no longer the breadwinner; I was no longer the one to 'head' the family. For a long time I really lost it. Life seemed to get harder and harder. I said to the Lord, "But you PROMISED! I'm right at the edge of the cliff right now; it's all TOO MUCH!"

Later came the worst time and as I described it then, I actually went over the cliff, just managing to grasp a small shrub growing on the side of the cliff close to the top - the only thing that stopped me plunging a thousand feet to the valley floor below! I said this to Him too. I was not a happy man at all. He promised not to put more on me that I could handle...

Many have made the mistake I had made: NOT READING WHAT'S THERE!!! "but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able [to bear], but WITH the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians Ch 10:13b.

Oops!!! How many Christians have failed to look for the way of escape when under temptation, instead, like me, blaming Him for not keeping His promise. Read carefully. Trust God - and His WHOLE Word. DON'T pull some words out of context. DO check verses that others quote to you, including Pastors, to ensure you have the full story from our God! Does it REALLY say what you're told, or what you think?

NEXT QUESTION: When I was baptised in water at about age 23, the Pastor taught me that my baptism was symbolic, a sign of being a Believer. But this teaching was really not good enough, and leaves out an important truth the few even know. Do you know what?

Love in Jesus! Live close to Him every day!!

- Bondman
Really a great answer to your previous question. I've had I don't know how many people use that with me over the past few months and well meaning of course. What I have found is God has made it possible to make it through, not prevent it from happening. I'm much the stronger for it and have set in motion some effort to capitalize on that strength for His good.

Thank you so much for your postings and so wish I could be there to help you get through those dreadful computer issues. Will instead that God will see you through it.

Continuing to pray for you and your Beloved's full healing as well. That never has diminished in my times with the Lord even in my grief. You two have been an example to follow.

Blessings on you both.
Hello my friend!

Thankyou for writing. I particularly loved: "God has made it possible to make it through, not prevent it from happening." Such a powerful and pertinent lesson for us all! "I'm much the stronger for it and have set in motion some effort to capitalize on that strength for His good." God bless you for that - and I have some idea how much He HAS blessed you!! Praise His Beautiful Name!!!

I have to tell you that we'd love for you to be here to help with our computers! The installation of XP left us without any way to connect to the Internet, and we are now just too tired and worn out, and too stressed, to do any more. Nearly a week of about everything that could go wrong going wrong for two sick people is enough!! So we're sending it to our Computer dealers to finish this difficult stuff for us (will cost us $67 all up - then probably another $67 when we do Beloved's).

We still have to put back data and reinstall programs, and do settings, but while that will be time-consuming it should NOT be too bad! *hoping!*

Your faithful prayers are so precious to us! That you continued this praying even in your deepest times of grief is so amazing - and our PRAISES are ALL FOR HIM!!!

With all our love!

- BM and Mrs
Hi Bondman! Just checking in. I have been fighting some health issues myself, but hopefully things will be getting better. Was at a 2 day conference for work and just got home. Been trying to "slow" down some.. and that is hard for me! I just wanted to say hi and give my hugs to you and the Mrs. !
Sorry to hear about your health problems, hon! (I'm about to write about our new one...)

I know slowing down can be hard - but necessary. I doubt that 'busyness' is in God's vocabulary.


- BM

Uh-oh! Life sure can be difficult - AND unexpected!! Latest news -

A. Beloved just had another mini-stroke thingy (TIA) tonight. *neither impressed nor happy!!* Maybe not quite as bad as the first, but lasting many hours. I sat with her and kept her talking to gauge how she was going - speech and words very imperfect for quite some time). Nearly bedtime now, and she still has minor symptoms, but with much prayer, we believe she'll be okay for the night.

B. My energy reserves have dropped further (worked out one way, the figure is below 5% of normal being all I have left!) Using my arms and legs to do a number of essential - but hardly major! - tasks before bed leaves me quite out of breath every time! It always settles within maybe 10 minutes, and doesn't greatly bother me, but it's a strong sign that not too far to go before I'd become bed-ridden. But I expect healing quite soon. Kinda looks like we could both use it hey!!

C. With XP reinstalled on a 'clean' hard-drive we were feeling good. Short-lived: I could not get the network to work or a connection to the Net. We were so zonked by days and days of things going wrong by that time that I simply could not face or manage any more, so we sent it in to our dealer to do ($67 then another $67 when we do Beloveds. Grrrr!)

PREVIOUS QUESTION: When I was baptised in water at about age 23, the Pastor taught me that my baptism was symbolic, a sign of being a Believer. But this teaching was really not good enough, and leaves out an important truth the few even know. Do you know what?

It IS symbolic. But read Romans 6 carefully and you'll soon realise that Paul is talking about reality (not just symbolism). V. 3 says that those who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into His death. V. 4 goes on to say that we ARE buried with Him by baptism unto death. Does that sound just symbolic? No, it is referring to an actual TRANSACTION that took place at your water baptism!! Or we should say TRANSACTIONS with the Lord God, because Ch. 6, speaking of our baptism, uses words like death, crucifixion, life and resurrection, The SAME sort of most SERIOUS realities that were spoken about when you said sorry for (repented of) ALL of your sins against God, then believed in Jesus unto salvation, right?!!

So feel good, no, feel GREAT about your baptism!! It was VERY special, with some real transactions with the Lord God taking place at that time - so that now you really CAN: v. 11 Likewise also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

NEXT QUESTION: John is about to take his family home after visiting relatives. He prays, "Lord, be with us now as we travel home, and give us journeying mercies." What's wrong with this prayer?

Love you guys!!!

- BM
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